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Share the Wisdom of Sri Sri Ravaishankarji - 3.

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Dear friends and devotees,


Bhakti is external.


Share the wisdom of His holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji




Krishna means the most attractive. He is the divinity, the energy that

attracts everything to it. Krishna is the formless center that is everywhere.

All attractions from anywhere come only from Krishna.


Often people fail to see the spirit behind the attraction, and merely hold

onto the outer shell, you will see Krishna has played a trick; you will be left

with an empty shell in your hands and tears in your eyes.


Do not be tricked by Krishna – Be clever like Radha because her whole world

was filled with Krishna. If you can see that wherever there is an attraction

there is Krishna, then you are Radha, you are in your centre.

The mind moves towards beauty, joy, truth. Krishna tells Arjuna, “I am the

beauty in the beautiful, the strength in the strong, the wisdom in the Wide.” In

this way he arrests the mind from moving away from him.


Attachments cause feverish breath. Feverish breath takes away your peace of

mind. And without peace of mind, you come apart and fall prey to misery.

Unfortunately most people do not notice until it’s too late. Before you get

scattered too much, gather yourself together and rid your breath of feverishness

though surrender and sadhana – spiritual practices.


When you are drowning in the ocean of attachments, surrender is a life jacket.

Without fighting attachments, observe your feverish breath and go to cool place

of silence within. Your first step in this direction is directing your

attachment to knowledge, to the Divine.


Your non-attachment to the mundane is your charm. Your attachment to the

Divine is your beauty.


Craving comes from encouraging thought of pleasure. Yet the actual pleasure

may not be as pleasurable as the memory of it. Whether you encourage a worldly

thought or a Divine thought, they both bring you pleasure. Worldly thoughts lead

to indulgence, which brings disappointment and dejection. Divine thoughts take

you up from pleasure to bliss, intelligence and progress in life. Worldly

thoughts bring pleasure only as memory, while Divine thoughts come as reality.


Question: “What is a Divine thought?”


I am not the body; I am bliss, satchitananda; I am an unbound space; I am

love; I am peace; I am light.


Question: “What is worldly thought?”


Worldly thoughts are about money, sex, food, power, status and self image.


Truth is hidden by the golden veil of the mundane. Pierce through this thin

glittering sheath and know you are the sun.


Continued…. 4.


With love and regards,







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