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Rama Avatar- a Perfect Incarnation – by Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji Part-1

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“Bhagavan, has taken several ‘Avatars’ (incarnations)

in order to uplift the ‘samsariis’ (the worldly

people) and also to establish Dharma (Righteousness).

‘Paritranaya Sadhunam vinashaya chadushkritãm’ (Lord

Krishna in the Gita) means in the effort to establish

dharma it is not enough to just protect the Sadhus but

also remove all the hurdles (‘prathikoolas’) in the

way of the Sadhus who strive to stand in the path of



Hence, ‘vinashaya chadushkritam’, i.e. Bhagavan

incarnates to destroy the wicked (‘dushtas’).

‘Sambavami yuge yuge’ - This does not mean that

Bhagavan takes an avatara in each Yuga, i.e. One in

Kali Yuga, one in Treta Yuga, one in Krita Yuga.

Instead, whenever Dharma faces deep danger (hurled

down by wickedness) then Bhagavan takes ‘avatãr’. This

is seen from History.

Bhagavan is never tired of taking ‘avatars’. Bhagavan

does not feel disheartened when the purpose of His

various ‘avatars’ to lift the people is not fulfilled.

Bhagavan shows untiring endeavor in uplifting the

‘samsariis’, in His desire to remove our ignorance.

Therefore, Bhagavan takes Matsya, Koorma, Varaha,

Nrisimha avatars. But sensing that these ‘avatars’

have not been enough, Bhagavãn takes ‘nara-avatãr’

(human incarnation) and that is Rama-avatãr.


What was the need for Rama-avatar? - A poet (‘kavi’)

says, “There are three things that do not satiate a

person so easily. One desires to see them over and

over again. One does not tire of watching them. What

are these? First is the Ocean, second the Moon and

third the Elephant! We are never tired of watching

these three. Never do we think that the Moon has been

in existence ‘Yuga’ after ‘Yuga’ (since time

immemorial) and what is new in it to be enjoyed. The

Full Moon (‘Poornima’) is so lovely to look at. The

rays of the moon have the power to cool/calm the mind

(‘ranjanam’). The rays of the moon remove the anguish

(‘tabam’) caused by the severe heat of the Sun as also

that caused by the mind. So the rays of the Moon are

cool. Similarly, the amazing trunk of the elephant,

the swaying of its ears never tires one. From a child

to an old man all are amused by the elephant and watch

it with glee. Likewise, the ocean also fascinates

everyone. When we sit on its shore and watch we find

wave after wave hitting the shore. Never does one

feel, “What is so fascinating about this? It is just a

continuous flow of waves and nothing else.” We never

get tired of watching the waves. But when we look at

the ocean we are neither able to measure its size nor

fathom its depth nor count objects contained within.

Likewise, Bhagavãn is unfathomable. The immensity of

Bhagavãn is beyond our grasp (‘azham kanna

mudiyadhavan’). Sukacharya, son of Sage Vyasa, is a

Mahan unparalleled. Vedas, Brahmasutra, Upanishads,

Mahabharata, Bhagavatam have all come from none other

than Sage Vyasa. Sage Vyasa is the cause of all that

are said to be the roots - the very foundation - of

Sanatana Dharma. This Sage Vyasa, through His grace

and Teachings, gave everything to his son Sukacharya.

But that Sukacharya says in the Bhagavatam,

“Yatadhitam Yatamati” -- “Do not think that I have

spoken the entire glory of the Lord. Whatever the Guru

has taught me, whatever I have grasped, whatever is in

my memory, whatever Bhagavãn has blessed me with,

whatever Bhagavãn makes me speak, it is these that

have been spoken by me!” None can find fault with

Sukacharya in having omitted to speak of a particular

‘guna’ (attribute) of the Lord in the Bhagavatam.

Valmiki might have spoken this particular ‘guna’ of

the Lord in Ramayana or it may be found in Vishnu

purana. Each one (Mahãtama) speaks of the various

‘gunas’ of the Lord.




Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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