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Baba's advice regarding our behavior

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Baba's advice regarding our behavior " Unless there is some relationship or

connection, nobody goes anywhere.

If any creature comes to you do not drive it away discourteously. Shri

Hari (God) will be pleased if you give water to the thirsty, bread to

the hungry, clothes to the naked and your abode to the homeless. If

somebody seeks financial help from you and if you do not have money to

give him, you need not give him any money but do not abuse him, if

people abuse you do not retaliate. If you exhibit tolerance you

will certainly be happy. Demolish the wall of difference between

you and Me. Then the road for our union will be open. This sense of

differentiation between the Master and the discipline is

the barrier that keeps the disciple away from his Master. Unless this

barrier is destroyed the state of union cannot be achieved. It is on

account of RINANUBANDHA (previous relationship) that we have come

together. Let us love and serve each other and be happy. He who attains the

supreme goal of life is immortal and happy. Others merely exist. "


Baba's Advice to Dabolkar

" My method is quite unique. Remember this. To get ATMAJNANA, DHYANA is

needed. This ATMA-ANUSHTANA pacifies and carries the mind into SAMADHI.

So give up all desires and dwell in your mind upon GOD in all. If the

mind is thus concentrated the goal is achieved. For DHYANA meditate on

me either as in form or as formless, mere ANANDHA. If such formless

contemplation is hard, then think of my form, just as you see it here.

Think of it night and day. With such meditation, the mind dissolves into unity.


That is, it attains LAYA. The difference between the subject and the

object, (me and you) and the act of contemplation will be lost. The

quest becomes the goal. The guru's glance becomes food and nectar for

the pupil " . Then Baba gave sugar candy prasad to Dabolkar and said: " If you keep

my advice to mind, it will be sweet as sugar candy " . Baba then recommended the

dyana or the Sravana of this episode followed by NANA NIDHI DHYASA, SMARANA and

DHYANA, of which will lead to realisation of ANANDHA NA. That which is seen is

the manifestation of AMMAN through MAYA and will dissolve again 5 BRAHMAN. The

crown of JNANA is the realisation of the one ATMAN from which everything is

issued and into which everything ultimately merges.


Baba's Advice to Nana

Nanabhai Chandorkar found that though he waited for Athithies " (guests) for a

few minutes after daily VAISWADEVA, none ever turned up. He ended to ask Baba if

the Vedic instruction to wait guests before food was worthless and

impracticable. When he went to Baba for this query, Baba, even before Nana would

ask him, spoke thus:

" Nana, the SASTRAS are neither in fault nor are the MANTRAS wrong. But

you have not caught their true import. You get into your head a

worthless interpretation and then stand waiting for guests. They will

not turn up. The term " ATHITHI " does not denote man alone. ATHITHI is

whatever creature is hungry and comes on to you, at that time, whether

human, insect, bird or beast, seeking food. The real ATHITHI that you

get, you do not regard as such. These creatures seek food and come to

you. Nana, give up this wrong interpretation. At " KAKABAU " home take

plenty of boiled rice outside the house and leave it there. Do not shout or call

for any and do not drive any away. Whatever the creature that comes to eat, let

not that disturb your mind. You get thus the merit of feeding lakhs of guests. "

(Source 26th Convention of Sai Devotees Meet)

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