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Sankshiptaparayana (Sundarakanda) Part - 9.

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Dear friends and devotees,


Bhakti is eternal.

(Part -9)




sushThu aadriyathE iti ‘sundaraha’


As it is regarded well, it is beautiful.


The beauty is two types.


1. External beauty.

2. Internal beauty.


The parents feel that their children are beautiful.

The children feel that there parents are beautiful.

The husband and wife feel that one to the other is beautiful.


The loveliness, elegance and beauty which are considered as beauty by one and

all, above the worldly appearance are only the BEAUTIFUL.


sundarE sundarO ramaha, sundarE sundarii kathaa,

sundarE sundarii siitha, sundarE sundaram vanam,

sundarE sundaram kaavyam, sundarE sundarah kapihi,

sundarE sundaram manthram, sundarE kim na sundaram.


Srirama is so beautiful with his mohanaswaroopa and good behavior.

Seethamatha is nothing but “Balathripurasundari” who is so beautiful in all

respects, in the entire universe.

Hanuman is exemplary beautiful with his “Kanchanadri kamaneeya vigraha.

Ashoka vana is so beautiful.

The divya mahamanthras of Srirama and Anjaneya are so beautiful.

The story of these Mahatmas is always beautiful.

This Sundarakanda describes different vybhavas and therefore the episode is

very beautiful.

As such which is NOT beautiful in this Sundarakanda?

Entire episode is beautiful.


Sri Anjaneya is most revered Guru and “Sakalasastra kovida” Through him the

beauty of Srirama in his absence is narrated to Seethamatha and the beauty of

Seetha in her absence is narrated to Srirama. There is no boundary to the

happiness in hearing the elegant story of God and Goddess in the incarnation of

human beings by the revered sadguru like Anjaneya.


In the Sundarakanda, Rama is beautiful.

In the Sundarakanda, Hanuman is beautiful.

In the Sundarakanda, Seetha is beautiful.

What is not beautiful in Sundarakanda?


Many scholars are of the opinion that this chapter has proved beyond doubt

about its power of benefiting the devotees in different ways. And that was the

reason, why this chapter is named as Sundarakanda.


As there are many beautiful incidents and those are beautifully narrated and

so the name has been attached like that - is one school of thought.


“NashTa dravyaasya laabhO ha, sundaraha parikiirthi taha!”


As Seetha was actually located after searching many areas,

it was named as Sundarakanada - is another analysis.


“sundarO VaanarO kapihi”


This sentence informs that the word Sundara is synonym for Vaanara word, and

as the entire chapter is devoted to Sri Hanuman - the epic creator Sri Valmiki

has not crossed or diluted his path of naming the each chapter with relevant

episode incidents - is one analysis.


In this Chapter, only Seetha and Rama were able to come out of the depression

and mental agony which was erupted immediately after Seetha was abducted. And

the entire population of Vaanara - were in doldrums - as she was not found and

time was running out. That was the reason - as this chapter has brought most

beautiful memories and news to all - it was called as Sundara Kanda!


Here is another analysis:


The word Sundara is most auspicious word.

Sri Seetha Devi is none another than most auspicious deity Sri Mahalakshmi

and it was here the writer has dwelled most about Seetha's righteous characters

vividly and beautifully. And that was the reason the chapter was named like



In 35th Sarga (Part) of this chapter, it is said.


raamaha kamala patraakshaha sarvasatvamanOharaha,

ruupa daakshinya sampanna ha prasuutO janakaatmajE.


raamO bhaamini lOkasya caaturvarNyasya rakshitaa,

maryaadanaam ca lOkasya kartaa kaarayitaa ca saha.


Reference to context: These are the slokas No.8 and 11 of the part.

When Anjaneya told Seetha that he had come in search of her on behalf of Rama,

Seetha doubted that Ravana might have come in disguise and to clear her doubt,

she asked Anjaneya to tell about Rama. Anjaneya’s description of Rama is

detailed in these slokas.


Meaning: 1. " O Seetha the daughter of Janaka! Rama has his eyes

resembling the petals of a lotus. He has handsomeness,

attracting the hearts of all living beings. He is endowed

with grace and dexterity, by birth. "


2. " O Seetha! Rama is the protector of the four castes of the

world. He is the doer and also the agent for the people

propriety of conduct. "


Other than this - there will be no other purified explanation on the Beauty.


Contd . . . 10.


With love and regards,










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