Guest guest Posted March 6, 2008 Report Share Posted March 6, 2008 Dear friends and devotees, Bhakti is eternal. (Part – 14) Dhyana Slokas. 1. aapadaa mapahartaaram daataaram sarvasampadaam, lokaabhiraamam shriiraamam bhuuyO bhuuyO namaa myaham. (This Sloka is considered as aapaduddhaaraka sthothra and to be recited with anganyaasa karanyaasas as given in the footnote.) * 2. namo astu raamaaya salaksmaNaaya devyai ca tasyai janakaatmajaayai namo astu rudrEndrayamaanilEbhyO namo astu candraarka marudgaNEbhyaha 3. jayatyatibalO raamO lakshmaNaSca mahaabalaha raajaa jayati sugriivO raaghavE Naabhipaalitaha 4. daaso^aham kosalEndrasya raama syaakliSTakarmaNaha hanumaan Satrusainyaanaam nihantaa maarutaatmajaha 5. na raavaNasahasram me yuddhE pratibalam bhavEt Silaabhistu praharataha paadapaiSca sahasraSaha 6. ardayitvaa puriim laNkaamabhivaadya ca maithiliim samRuddhaartO gamishyaami mishataam sarvarakshasaam Meaning. 1. I bow again and again to Sreerama who removes (all) obstacles and grants all wealth and pleases all. 2. Let there be salutations to Sri Rama together with Lakshmana, also to that daughter of Janaka, who is divine, let there be salutations to Rudra, Indra, Yama and Vaayu, let there be salutations to Chandra, Sun and Marut Ganas. 3. Long live the mighty Rama and the powerful Lakshmana! Long live the king Sugreeva, protected by Rama! 4. I am Hanuman, the destroyer of the army of adversaries and the son of wind-god. I am the servant of Rama, the king of Kosala Kingdom, who is unwearied in action. 5. Even a thousand of Raavanas will not be matching equally with me, who am capable of striking with thousands of rocks and trees in battle. 6 Here, before the eyes of all the demons, I will annihilate the City of Lanka and after offering salutation to Seetha, I will go back after fully completing my task. Elaborated Meaning. 1. This is sthothra gayathri.* 2. namah astu= let there be salutations; raamaaya= to Sri Rama; sa lakshmaNaaya= together with Lakshmana; tasyai janakaatmajaayai ca= also to that daughter of Janaka; devyai= who is divine namah astu= let there be salutations; rudrEndra yamaanilEbhyaha= to Rudra, Indra, Yama and Vaayu; namah astu= let there be salutations; candraarkamarudgaNEbhyaha= to Chandra, Sun and Marut ganas. 3. jayati= long live; raamah= Rama; atibalah= the mighty; mahaabalah= and the powerful; lakshmaNaSca= Lakshmana too jayati= long live; raajaa= the king; sugriivah= Sugreeva; anupaalitah= protected; raaghavENa= by Rama. 4. aham= I; hanumaan= am Hanuman; nihantaa= the killer; Satrusainyaanaam= of army of adversaries; maarutaatmajah= and the son of wind-god; aham= I; daasah= am the servant; raamasya= of Rama; kosalEndrasya= the king of Kosala kingdom; akliSTa karmaNaha= who is unwearied in action. 5. me= to me; praharataha= who is striking; sahasrasaha= with thousands of; Silaabhih= rocks; paadapaiSca= and trees; yuddhE= in battle; raavaNa sahasram= even a thousand of Ravanas; na bhavEt= will not be; pratibalam= matching equally (with me). 6. miSataam= before the eyes of ; sarva rakshasaam= all the demons; ardayitvaa= annihilating; laNkaam purim= the city of Lanka; abhivaadya ca= and offering salutation; maithiliim= Seetha; gamiSyaami= I will go back; samRu iddhaartah= after having accomplished my task. Note: There are about 15 dhyana slokas summerised and preordained for parayana before commencing to read sundarakanda. With a view to succinct the same, I have selected the above few important slokas. Sloka No 1. * This is considered as “Aapaduddharaka sthothram” (The sthothra which terminate the dangers). This is with anganyasa karanyasas and believed as Tharakanama Gayathri. asya Srii aapaduddhaaraka SriiraamcandrastOtra mahaamantrasya vasishTaRushihi, anushTup chandaha, SriiraamacandrO dEvathaa, Sriim biijam, raam Sakti, mam kiilakam, mama Sriiraamacandra prasaada siddhyartthE, aapannivaaraNaartthE japEviniyOgaha. apadaa mapahartaaram - angushThaabhyaam namaha, dataaram sarvasampadaam - tarjaniibhyaam namaha, lOkaabhiraamam - madhyamaabhyaam namaha, Sriiraamam - anaamikaabhyaam namaha, bhuuyO bhuuyaha - kanishTikaabhyaam namaha, namaamyaham - karatala karaprushThaabhyaam namaha. apadaa mapahartaaram - hrudayaaya namaha, dataaram sarvasampadaam - SirasE swaahaa, lokaabhiraamam - Sikhaayai oushaT, Sriiraamam - kavachaaya hum, bhuuyO bhuuyah - nEtratrayaaya oushaT, namaamyaham - astraaya phaT. bhuurbhuvassuvarO miti digbandhaha. Dhyanam. artaanaa maartihantaaram bhiitaanaam bhayanaaSanam, dvishataam kaaladanDam tam raamacandram namaamyaham. Sloka No 2. Hanuman after entering Lanka, searched every nook and corner and could not find Seetha. Since he himself being a yogi, with his commonsense, capitulated to Rama. Immediately, he entered Ashokavana and found Seetha. Hence this is a symbolism to Saranaagathi (surrender to God) Sloka No 3. This is appearing in the Chapter No.42 (Sloka 33), while Hanuman was fighting alone with rakshasas in Lanka. This is again appearing in Chapter No 59 (Sloka 22) while Hanuman was narrating the events to all vanaras, after landing back in Mahendra Mountain. Though it is beyond ones imagination to find out the ambition of Maharshi for such duplication at this stage, (there might be some Scholars who might have found the clue) it is to be concluded that this Sloka is so powerful for parayana purpose. Contd . . . 15. With love and regards, Sastry Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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