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Guru Tattva - An Inner Essence- Part 9 By Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji.

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Dear Members,


In our Religion, all the 33 crore devas have a

separate Mantra. Viswamitra did upadesa of all these

Mantras. Viswamitra had done lakhs of japa of all

these Mantras, performed ‘purascharnam’, relevant

homas, ‘sandarpanai’ and then saw each of these devas

directly. After the performance of thousands of years

of japa, Viswamitra had seen each of these devas. What

is ‘siddhi’ of a Mantra? ‘Siddhi’ means to directly

see the devata of the Mantra.


Viswamitra taught all these mantras to Rama. Before

Rama could utter them even once, the relevant devata

rushed up to his Presence! One by one all devatas

rushed to his side. None desired to leave the presence

of Rama. So, Rama absorbed each one of them in His own

‘sariira’ (body). While chanting the Gayatri we do

‘aavaahana’ (installation) within ourselves. We do

‘aavaahana’ in water or fire. When Ganapaty homa is

performed, the god is installed in the fire lit for

the homa. It is into this that we offer ‘Kozhukattai’

(a sweet dish that is the favourite of Lord Ganesha,

the elephant headed god), sugarcane, etc. When the

‘aavahaana’ is done into water, we pour the holy water

on to our head after the completion of worship. There

is yet another type of ‘aavahana’. This to do

‘aavaahana’ on our self. This is done while doing

‘sandiya vandanam’. Thus, where did all the 33 crore

devas go to? They are verily within Rama’s ‘sariira’.


Thus, one who chants Rama Mantra receives the ‘phala’

of chanting Mantras of all gods and one who worships

Rama receives the ‘phala’ of worshipping all devas.

For whom does the above apply? It is for one who

wishes to know the ‘tattva’ of Rama.

But, if one acquires ‘ruchi’ (taste) for ‘Sri Ram Jaya

Ram Jaya Jaya Ram’, we would not wonder, ‘why should

we chant this? Which god’s Nama is this? What is the

‘phala’ for chanting this?’ This is because mere

chanting the Nama itself gives us joy! Let us say that

a diabetic patient has been advised by the doctor to

give up eating sweets. But, when a plate of ‘badaam

halwa’ is placed before him he just picks it up and

eats it. Does he think of anything else then? Does he

remember the advice of his doctor? Does he stop to

check the ingredients it is made up of? Does he stop

to think of the consequences of eating the sweet? No!

He does not question anything. Why? He is interested

in its taste. So, without questioning he eats it and

enjoys its taste. Likewise, we should develop a taste

for the Nama of Bhagavaan. We should feel sad if

questions arise in us because it goes to show that we

have not developed Bhagavan Nama ruchi. Why question,

“Whose Name is this? How many times should I do this

japa? What is its glory? What is its ‘tattva’

(philosophy)?” All such details are needed only by one

who has no taste for Nama. Bhagavaan will not speak to

one who has no ‘ruchi’; such a person will not attain

‘Nama siddhi’. ‘Ruchi’ should come through Guru krupa

or Deiva krupa (Grace).


!!! Will Continue !!!




Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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