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prof laxmi narain (prof_narain)


Source and courtesy: Sri Ramana Kendram, Hyderabad

This article was published in Sri Ramana Jyothi,

monthly magazine of the Kendram.




The following encomiums about Sri Ramana Maharshi are from Sri

Ramana Kendram, Hyderabad's forthcoming book Face to Face with Sri

Ramana Maharshi – Enchanting and Uplifting Reminiscences of 160



It seems doubtful whether any other person in recorded history ever

got similar adulations in his lifetime. The contributors have

attempted to describe in myriad ways the indescribable Truth, which

Sri Ramana was. A personage like the Maharshi exemplifies

Einstein's famous quote: " Generations to be come will scarcely

believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon

this earth. " No wonder that the Maharshi is envisioned by the

contributors as the highest pinnacle of Truth and Wisdom towards

which humanity will strive to move for generations to come. (The

serial nos. of the contributors to book are after their names.)



1. India's spiritual superman…Had an atmosphere of authentic

greatness palpably around him… One enjoys an ineffable tranquility

merely by sitting for a while in his neighbourhood – Dr. Paul

Brunton, no. 1

2. The Maharshi represents spirituality of the finest type –

Prof. Banning Richardson, no.3

3. He has gone beyond the pair of opposites and looks at events

in the light of the Absolute – Justice K. Sundaram Chettiar, no.4

4. He is the Truth and the Reality…The Supreme is within such

easy reach of so vast a multitude – Grant Duff,no. 7

5. He is Hercules among the yogis…His tapasya has won glory for

India – Sri Aurobindo as quoted by Dilip Kumar Roy, no. 8

6. He belongs not to time but to Eternity – B. Sanjiva Rao, no.9

7. A veritable storehouse of spiritual energy and wisdom…He

radiates shanti…He belongs to a superlative category of his own –

Justice N. Chandrasekhara Aiyar, no.10

8. The purest of India…A chant of the millenniums – Prof. C.G.

Jung as quoted by Eleanor Pauline Noye, no. 11

9. Sri Bhagavan is an ocean of tranquility…He touches you by a

fourth-dimensional touch – K.S. Venkataramani, no. 12




10. He is the living symbol of that knowledge without which the

humanity of today is but a pitiful joke – Ella Maillart, no. 15

11. A living incarnation of the Truth, rendering the Truth

demonstrable – Swami Siddheswarananda, no. 16

12. The whole humanity owes a homage to this great saint – Prof.

B.L.Atreya, no. 21

13. An exceptionally true representative of Hindu spirituality –

Oliver Lacombe, no. 22

14. The true benefactor of the whole human race…Stands supreme in

the realm of spiritual attainment – Prof. Syed M. Hafiz, no. 23

15. A sublime example of what a sage ought to be…Like the rivers

and mountains he is the common property of mankind – A.S.

Panchapagesa Ayyar, no. 24

16. A contemporary witness to the Eternal Truth…An eloquent

commentary on Vedanta – Prof. T.M.P. Mahadevan, no.25

17. He is at least the greatness incarnate…His mere presence

enables one to make the personality drop in the abyss of nothingness…

His grace can plunge a person in the ecstasy of timeless omnipresent

being…He has raised the whole world a little nearer the truth…His

very presence among us is a benediction – Duncan Greenlees, no. 26

18. A silent look or an encouraging word from him does more good

than all the homiletic literature of the world – H.Ghosh, no. 27

19. One cannot know him…remembrance is all – C.S. Bagi, no.28

20. Being with him was being elevated…The Divine Power of his

presence was something remarkable, entirely outstanding – Balarama

Reddy, no. 34

21. In him the Ultimate had revealed itself as the immediate. The

Supreme had become the innermost. The Undreamt had become the actual –

Maurice Frydman, no.36

22. He was Supreme Detachment incarnate…A heaven of peace and a

beacon light in an otherwise impenetrable darkness – S.S. Cohen, no.


23. He was Divine Grace in human form…A jivanmukta, emancipated

while yet in the physical body…For the first time in my life, I began

to understand what the grace and blessings of a guru could mean –

Arthur Osborne, no. 40

24. His face with an expression of serenity and beauty is

impossible to describe, or even believe unless you have seen it

yourself – Major A.W. Chadwick, no. 42

25. He was a perfect Impersonality like unnoticed daylight in an

inner chamber – Prof. K, Swaminathan, no.43

26. The Supreme Lord has assumed a human body as an act of grace –

M. Sivaprakasam Pillai, no. 45

27. He was manifestation of God in human form…The Lord has come

down to earth to relieve and redeem the suffering of mankind – Chalam

(Gudipati Venkatchalam), no. 49

28. Being in his presence was being in heaven…If I am to write

how Bhagavan impressed me, all the vocabulary I can command in all

the three languages I know would not suffice – Souris, no. 50

29. He truly represents in himself the University of Spiritual

Education – Swami Madhavatirtha, no.51


30. Sri Bhagavan was undoubtedly one of those rare mahatmas who

had the power to banish suffering by his presence, merely through

giving darshan – Chhagan Lal V.Yogi, no.55

31. The unique bliss of peace is directly experienced in his

presence – Viswanatha Swami, no. 59

32. An immense love poured from him like a mighty ocean – Krishna

Bhiksu, no. 62

33. He was pure happiness…His smile contained the whole world…His

egoless state is unimaginable, beyond verbal description…His grace

takes you to a realm way beyond the phenomenal – Wolter K. Keers, no.


34. Standing before Maharshi one gets peace that surpasseth all

human understanding…Being near him one feels the presence of God as a

matter of course – no arguments or proofs are necessary – Mouni

Sadhu (M. Sudouski), no. 71

35. The Maharshi is a God-man who has annihilated his mind and is

therefore a perfect stillness and bliss – Kumar, no.72

36. The Maharshi has condensed in himself the immortal, the

eternal…He is a tremendous spiritual dynamo who enters our heart even

without our knowing it – Swami Ranganathananda, no.73

37. For the first time I knew the meaning of Eternity and was

caught into bliss that surpasseth understanding…Maharshi lives in a

sphere beyond the limitations of time and space – Pascaline Mallet,

no. 75

38. Bhagavan's gaze was spellbinding…He conveyed thoughts

silently and so powerfully that the vibrations would sometimes roll

in waves almost hurting many of us sitting there – Ethel Merston, no.



39. In the light of the Maharshi's perfection all imperfections

are revealed…When he smiled I felt suddenly as if all the flowers of

the world had poured their fragrance into our midst – M.A. Piggot,

no. 79

40. In the magic of his presence, the questions began to vanish

with the quietening of the mind – Eliot C Clark, no. 85

41. In him I had discerned the unique sage of the eternal India,

it was as if the very soul of India penetrated to the depth of my own

soul and held mysterious communion with it – Swami Abhishiktananda,

no. 86

42. He was the Divine magician – Ramanadasa Sadananda, no. 87

43. Under that spell-binding gaze I felt every atom of my body

being purified, as if a new body were being created for me – Papaji

(Harivansh Lal Poonja), no. 90

44. His body was the instument of God from which God was

radiating terrifically – F.H. Humphreys, no. 92

45. He was personification of emancipation…the wonder of the

world with the perfume of spiritual peace. He was in himself the

quest and the find – Swami Rajeshwarananda, no. 97

46. A saint of colossal spiritual magnitude. So surcharged with

spirituality was he that his spirituality wafted out to us,

completely enveloping us – Dr. Lt. Col. P.V. Karmchandani, no. 98

47. To write about him is trying to put the infinite into an egg

cup…When Bhagavan smiled at me, it seemed I had never before known

what a smile was – Mercedes de Acosta, no. 114

48. He gave us a tangible demonstration of God's omnipotence,

omniscience and omnipresence – T.K. Sundaresa Iyer, no.115

49. Here was India at its highest and here was the Reality

transcending all mundane factors and bringing peace that surpasses

all understanding…We were in a world totally different from the one

we had left behind – N.O. Mehta, no.120

50. Sri Ramana was pure Advaita-experience…His chief language was

radiant silence – Emmanual Sorensen, no.123

51. Bhagavan was a jivanmukta – he actually demonstrated that

state of being above body-consciousness – Kundalmal A. Mahatani, no.


52. His irrestible and indefinable spiritual power was simply

overwhelming…I was totally and blissfully satisfied just being in his

presence, where speech seemed redundant – Santha Rangachari, no. 138

53. He was Supreme Consciousness – T.R.A. Narayana, no.139

54. Our narrow understanding cannot fully comprehend him…His

greatness is too vast – too immense to be capture within our mental

orbit – Swami Puragra Parampanthi,no. 141

55. His darshan was a singular experience, which words can hardly

describe – M.V. Krishnan, no. 148

56. Nothing seemed more enjoyable in this blessed world than to

sit in silence in the holy presence of the Maharshi – N. Ponniah, no.


57. His smile of love and peace, words could not devalue – Henry

Hartung, no. 151

58. His body seemed a glass case from which a blissful brilliance

streamed out…He transmitted spiritual experiences in the manner in

which material things are handed over – Swami Chidbhavananda, no. 152

59. He was the link to the formless being – Maha Krishna Swami,

no. 154

60. He seemed to know everything – Morarji Desai, no. 160

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