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Glory of Divine Faith

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Glory of Divine Faith

The tree of Life is sagging laden with luscious fruits of faith. The

society survives on faith. The children put their sole faith in the

parental love and protection. The wife takes it for granted that her

husband will shoulder all responsibilities and look after her. Rue

huibiaj in his turn truly believes that his wife will devotedly serve

him all his life. Students rely on their teacher for their education and

the latter fondly helps them. The in charge will come up to his

expectations. In all day-to-day transactions of the mundane world

domestic academic, official and commercial the undercurrent is faith.

None can toil on the barren field of faithlessness. It is contrary to

human nature.


Man's intelligence simply shows the way; but faith, being dynamic,

drives him into action. It inspires invigorates and impels him to dream

great things and make his dreams come true.


Generally, we are so assured of doctor's advice and the medicine, that

we accept it as a gospel truth and act immediately without' question. So

those who believe that the stars are influencing their lives, give

credence to the astrologer's words in sorting out their problems. In all

these cases, there is a chance that our mentors are likely to err and

fail us, man being an imperfect and selfish creature. God, the unseen

seer is alone infallible, generous, trustworthy and a sure shelter in

our hours of trial.


Pages of all religious scriptures are replete with amazing experiences

of devotees, who have totally depended on this unseen power at all

times. Bhaktha Prahlad stood severe ordeals for his deep conviction on

the existence of all pervasive Lord Hari ultimately his beloved Lord

emerged as Narasimha Avatar from the pillar, when it was challengingly

kicked by the devotee's demoniacal father Hiranyakashypu. Another

episode relates to the saintly lad Markandeya, who was doomed to die at

the tender age of sixteen. In utter belief in the Mahamrittunjaya

mantra, Markandeya even conquered death! Such are the adventures and

thrills of divine faith! When we pin our faith in the invisible power,

Dr. W. Layton Gaubert says, ''We are sowing to the spirit, and we begin

to understand what it means to live a life more abundant, the life

everlasting " . Faithfulness and truth are most sacred excellences and

endowments of the human kind.


Were it not for the true articles of faith, Shri Shankaracharya could

not have founded his Muths from Badrinath to .Kanchi, Swami Vivekananda,

the Ramakrishna Mission, Swami Shivananda, the Divine Life Society, Sri

Narasimha Swamiji, Sai Movements all over India and Mother Teresa, her

institutions of charity for the destitute. The list is endless.


Among Sai devotees, who have not heard Baba's assurance: " Why fear,

when I am here? Cast all your burdens on Me, I shall bear them. "

With what bonds of love He must have' uttered these words!

Among the millions of devotees, how many feel light when they leave

their cares on his motherly laps and go' about their duties with

sunshine of joy sparkling on their faces? We must confess that many of

us have not adequately surrendered to Him like the example (cited by

Shri Ramana Maharshi) of a traveler, boarding the train who,

depositing the luggage's on the berth or down his seat, travels

lightly. While traveling who carries the load on his head?


A master of the Theosophical Society writes, " Unless there is perfect

trust, there cannot be the perfect flow of love & power. " In Gita,

Bhagawan says, " Lay down all duties in Me, your refuge; Fear no longer,

for I will save you from sin and blind age. " Such a devotee knows that

all his cares are God's responsibility. Rare indeed are the devotees of

this order! Never do they feel for anything.


But, faith and devotion do not imply that the retributive law of Karma

is annulled. Dr. Rabindranath Tagore wrote: " Faith is a bird that feels

light when the dawn is dark. " Which, as I understand is this: the

devotee in his absolute absorption in his Guru or God does not feel the

onslaught of sorrow? That is God's protection. Although the devotee

outwardly is busy in the work-a-day world, still inwardly he has cast

himself off at the feet of his Master. To attain this unique state, one

has to undergo the trials of life with patience and perseverance in his



Considering the situation of the man, encumbered with various

distractions, he is far from being happy. His mind is swayed by the

injurious influences of the magazines accenting on sex, of social clubs

having cards and gambling sessions and movies elaborating moral

turpitude, etc. His faith in God and in godly things is flung to the

winds and meanders to these momentary excitements. Shri Krishna calls

such a man as " Ashradhadhana Purusha " (the one without fault) and

says they are bound to be reborn in the world of pain and

suffering. However, a time comes in the life of this corrupted one

when his life is overshadowed with black clouds and be loses hiss

balance. Fortunately, by the grace of God, he seeks divine guidance

and protection in complete surrender like a baby snuggling close

to its mother's breasts, when there is sudden thunder and

lightning. To sustain and perpetuate his surrender to the divine

grace, a total overhauling of his emotional machinery is a

necessity. Precisely for this purpose, religious institutions are

set up throughout the world. These associations are

exceptionally suited for the religious temperament and they have

a chastening influence on those, who have gone astray.



(Source Sai Leela Magazine Aug 1980)






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