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the light gradually faded.

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the light gradually faded.


Words of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba taken from this Biography

He is the sub-stratum, the substance; the separate and the sum, the

Sath; the SATHYAM

He is the awareness, the activity, the consciousness, feeling, the

willing and the doing, the chith; the SIVAM

He is the light, the splendour, the harmony, the melody, the Ananda;


" MY MISSION is to grant you Courage and Joy, to drive away Weakness

and Fear. Do not condemn yourselves as sinners; sin is a misnomer for

what are really errors, provided you repent sincerely and resolve not

to follow Evil again. Pray to the Lord to give you the strength to

overcome the habits which had enticed you when you were ignorant. "

" Worry, greed and needless agitation and anxiety, these cause even

bodily disease. Mental weakness is the biggest cause of disease. Dis-

ease is a want of ease; the contented mind is the best drug. "

" Be good, be joyful, be bold, be honest, be temperate, be patient.

These are the rules of good health. "

" I refuse to call anyone an athiest or an unbeliever, for all are the

Creations of the Lord and repositories of the Grace. In everyone's

heart there is a spring of Love, a rock of Truth. That Love is God,

that Truth is God. Divinity is there in the depths of everyone's

Inner Being. "

" The Lord is above and beyond all limits of caste and color, of

wealth and poverty; it is foolish to believe that the Lord asks for

this gift or is angry when it is not offered. "

" I have come to guide and bless those who undergo the discipline and

practice leading to Divine union. I am neither man nor woman, old or

young, I am all these. "

" Do not praise Me. I like you to approach Me without fear, as a

right. You do not extol your father. You ask for something from him,

as a right, is that not so? "

" You may be seeing Me today for the first time, but you are all old

acquaintances for Me. I know you through and through. My task is the

spiritual regeneration of Humanity through Truth and Love. If you

approach one step nearer to Me, I shall advance three steps towards

you. "

" I am happiest when a person carrying a heavy load of misery comes to

Me, for he is most in need of what I have. "

" It is not mentioned anywhere that the Grace of God is available only

for certain classes or races or grades of people. From the smallest

to the biggest all are entitled to it. The Lord is everywhere,

everything. "

" The world can achieve prosperity and peace only through such persons

whose hearts are pure and whose minds are free of prejudice and

passion, lust and greed, anger and envy. "

" I have not started the work for which I have come for I am still in

the stage of preliminary reconnaissance. When I start my campaign the

whole world will know of it and benefit by it. "

" Whensoever there is the fading of the Dharma and the uprising of

unrighteousness, then I loose myself forth into birth. For the

deliverance of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for

the enthroning of the Right, I am born from age to age. " The Gita -

Fourth Chapter. (verses 7 & 8)

These verses in the Bhagavad Gîtâ of Order, sanskrit, word for word

and translation:

yadâ yadâ hi dharmasya

glânir bhavati bhârata

abhyutthânam adharmasya

tadâtmânam srjâmy aham

yadâ yadâ -- whenever and wherever; hi -- certainly; dharmasya -- of

religion; glânih -- discrepancies; bhavati -- become manifested;

bhârata -- O descendant of Bharata; abhyutthânam -- predominance;

adharmasya -- of irreligion; tadâ -- at that time; âtmânam -- self;

srjâmi -- manifest; aham -- I.

Whenever and wherever it is sure that one weakens in righteousness

and a predominance of injustice does manifest, o descendant of

Bharata, at that time I do manifest Myself.

paritrânâya sâdhûnâm

vinâsâya ca duskrtâm


sambhavâmi yuge yuge

paritrânâya -- for the deliverance; sâdhûnâm -- of the devotees;

vinâsâya -- for the annihilation; ca -- and; duskrtâm -- of the

miscreants; dharma -- principles of religion; samsthâpana-arthâya --

to reestablish; sambhavâmi -- I do appear; yuge -- millennium; yuge --

after millennium.

To liberate the seekers of truth, to take the power away from the

wicked ones and to reestablish the way of the human principles I do

appear age after age.



Ram Chugani

Kobe, Japan


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