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Linga haven't nothing with phallic symbol - third part

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Linga haven't nothing with phallic symbol - third part, short about

Three Lingas



Three main Lingas we have.




First is material form which usually call Linga. Shiva, Kriya, and Ishta

is older names for this outside or material form. We have and few parts

of one very holy Linga in Kaaba which have and next two deeper forms)!

Today have many cults which haven't real knowledge about inner form and

way for enter in process bhakti, jnana, dhyana - and have only parts of

this knowledge because usually make only puja.

Inside each regular Kriya/Ishta linga is Shiva linga.

Kriya/Ishta Linga present form of awaking conciousness which is feeling

conciousness (bhakti, pure love, first devotional state, dominant kriya

shakti - any action God is love) and have and deeper level conciousness

inside as willing conciousness (dominant icha shakti, love have exact

real direction, or life, quality, quantity, intention,..).




Next and inner form of linga is Pranalinga.

This is Linga from inner light. Saints from old time teach people about

form Linga because this great souls see " Divine soul in Linga " . Divine

Soul has divine aura which is exact form linga. Position of Soul which

old saint see (in aura) is form Shiva Linga.

Now we have two forms in one. Outside is like sharp ball on the water

(sphere which haven't part in down), and inside is form body in position

watching Linga on the left palm.

Shivalinga is symbolic form: part sphere form is only symbolic form of

head (haven't nothing with phallus), middle form of Shivalinga is

symbolic form of left palm and higher part of body from heart/navel to

neck (haven't nothing with vulva) and on palm is subtle/invisible Linga,

lower part of Shivalinga is symbolic form of lower part of body from

navel to legs.

Pranalinga present form of sleeping conciousness which is cognition

conciousness (third devotional or bhakti state, where is dominant jnana

shakti - any direct knowing is God love) and have and deeper level

conciousness inside as intuition conciousness. This is point reflection

conciousness on the lower states or enter in higher form (execution)

conciousness which is only base reflection of intuition conciousness.





Deepest form Linga is Mahalinga.

This is very high dynamic form, with very high speed rotations and

quietness (of extremely higher forms inner lights and inner sounds which

is incorporate simultaneously), and all this is complete beyond mind.

Very difficult find any reasonable words for intellect. Much deepest and

complexes forms than in illusion when we look car which go in one

direction, but all time wheels go on opposite direction. Here all forms

have source or there is real place for resolve all illusions and then

direct see God (or enter in complete conciousness). This extreme

rotations have outside form Linga (sphere without lower part).

There where all (para, chit, ananda, jnana, icha and kriya) shaktis

deepest with Shiva, became completed in One Conciousness or enter in

reflection as lower conciousness.

This conciousness can abide as one conciousness on lower level as

Pranalinga or as conciousness which reflected as thought in mind and

intellect (or became omitted, or limited conciousness) which present as

all outside forms of pranalinga.

Mahalinga present form of deep sleeping conciousness which is execution

conciousness (fifth devotional or bhakti state) and have and deeper

level conciousness inside as union conciousness (sixth devotional or

bhakti state) when haven't separation in conciousness.


Because each of this three Lingas have two Lingas, exactly we have 6

Lingas*** or 6 levels conciousness or conciousness and five reflections.

Now is open: not any creation all is only reflection, all is one

conciousness, or all is One!

Real teachings is only part of this! This is and real meaning in

doctrines hexagram, pentagram, and six days creation,..



Next facts


Shape of outside Linga is like shape inside Lingas which is from lights.

This Linga's shape is open only through inner experiences.

When real saint call God, or better say make proper invocation to

sanctify shape Linga (which made in one stone), and when properly make

sanctify one small part of conciousness enter in stone, and stone became

sacred. Of course and today many try make Linga, but result is very

different from this what will be necessary.

Linga is from oldest teaching, and connection with this knowledge have

and spread great prophet Mohammed (and today we have only few parts one

from this sacred stone in Kaaba). Have doctrines which want explain God

and His creation like eggs, but haven't this crucial static part or

horizontal base Linga. Haven't any part under base complete invisible

and static on the all levels, and when seeker truth try to find anything

deeper.Shape Linga (and through original Kaaba's sacred stone) on this

way teach us: God is inside all His emanation (energy, creation) as base

which give all.


Original colour Linga is white in Gold / Krita Yuga, but today is black

because in last period is Kali Yuga!

This black colour is originate and with colour pigment in pineal gland,

which exact deep indigo colour (very close black).


Today we have many religion variations and teachings, and very probably

lose many crucial points. Direct prayer to God (five prayers per day

teach us God through Islam) is very simple form, but today people have

many rules and variations. This is bad, through this rules nobody can't

enter deeper then level which produce this rules! This is not God. When

we accept deepest form which higher then any intellectual efforts, and

we for this have all time direct highest God's form or Linga! This way

is only intuitional way or through open heart (consciously way).


Form developed pineal gland is form Linga, now pineal gland is in

rudiment state, through psychic development pineal gland became active

and in bigger form like small linga (sweet cherry size).

Old syntagmas Philosophy Stone, Elixir Immortality is linga of course:

linga outside, pineal gland inside body, or better say linga on all and

deeper levels!


One span in front (where finish magnetic's part of aura) of forehead is

lens pineal gland, for helping in develop this lens we must put in same

place linga which must be full initiate for this praxis.


Pineal gland have and cells very like one type cells in eyes, or better

say we can through pineal gland see one part of vibration. This is sixth

sense or Intuition Eye, Third Eye (have many names in traditions).



Dear seeker truth, thanks for reading and asking, we continue.. I hope,

after this few words you can find better meaning of Linga (or sacred

stones with this shape).






Six Bhaktis through:


Six Lingas---------------Six Angas-------------- Six Bhaktis


Acaralinga ------------- Bhakta ---------------- Srddhabhakti

Gurulinga -------------- Mahesa --------------- Nisthabhakti

Sivalinga --------------- Prasadi --------------- Avadhanabhakti

Jangamalinga --------- Pranalingi ------------ Anubhavabhakti

Prasadalinga ---------- Sharana -------------- Anandabhakti

Mahalinga -------------- Aikya ----------------- Samarasabhakti


This is part of old teaching which we today call Shivayoga as perfect

Bhakti Yoga - Integral Bhakti Yoga - Integral Yoga.


Bhakti is as Divine Key! Bhakti is first and last! Bhakti is all!


Only Bhakti is enough.

Om Namah Shivaya


Warm Regards







Two links for read first two articles










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