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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - issue 11-2008 from Saidarbar

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Sixth Year of Publication


Published as Bi-Weekly


Issue 11/ 2008




--------------------------- & nbsp;


One World One Family


Vasudhaika Kutumbam


& nbsp;



Asatoma Sargamaya, Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya, Mrityorma Amritamgamaya, Om

Shantihi, Shantihi, Shantihi!


(Aum! Lead from wrong path to the right path, from

ignorance to knowledge, from mortality to immortality! Peace be to All)




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Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai

Samadhi Mandir from following Link:


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& nbsp;-----------------------------


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2. & nbsp; & nbsp;SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE


3. & nbsp; & nbsp;SAI IN DREAMS




5. & nbsp; & nbsp;SANATANA DHARMA & amp;SHRI SHIRDI



6. & nbsp; & nbsp;DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES


7. & nbsp; & nbsp;SAI WITH CHILDREN
















& nbsp;


& nbsp;1. & nbsp; . FROM THE





& nbsp;


Compiled by:


Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar - & nbsp;Hyderabad.


& nbsp;


Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji


& nbsp;




& nbsp;


Sai Satcharitra Chapter VI- & nbsp; AmirShakkar



& nbsp;


There was another procession in Shirdi i.e., Chandanostav (Sandal procession)


originated with one Mr. Amir Shakkar

Dalal. This work was managed by Mr. Amir Shakkar for the first three

years, and then afterwards by his wife.


& nbsp;


& nbsp;The

relation of husband and wife was not designed merely for their convenience. It

has a deeper significance than the mere association of two physical bodies in

one house. Husband and wife should take advantage of the intimacies of their

association to help each other in training their minds in the holy teaching..


& nbsp;


An old couple, an ideal couple as they were called,

once came to Saint and said, Lord, we were married after we had been acquainted

in childhood and there has never been a cloud in our happiness. Please tell us

if we can remarry in next life.


& nbsp;


The saint gave them this wise answer: & nbsp;if you

both have exactly same faith, if you both received the teaching in exactly the

same way, if you perform charity in the same way and if you have same wisdom,

then you will have same mind in the next birth..


& nbsp;


To be continued-------






& nbsp;


Chaitra 1878: H.H. Akkalkot Swami left the mortal

coils at Akkalkot in Sholapur Distict.


& nbsp;


Chaitra 1908: Sri Kashiram Shimpi, a blessed devotee

of Baba passed away.


& nbsp;


Chaitra 1922: Hemadripanth (Sri. Anna Saheb Dhabolkar)

commenced writing Sai Satcharitra Marathi Script.


& nbsp;--------------------------------


& nbsp;3.



& nbsp; & nbsp;http://www.ettitudemedia.com




These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our

beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRDI. In Anticipation that this feature will

help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and

presented to SAIBANDHUS.




Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


& nbsp;




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& nbsp;


I prayed Baba to help me in forgetting the bitter past

and also those involved in it. Sai surprised me by appearing in the form of my

child hood friend. In fact I forgot him as it was nearly forty years past and I

felt it as a good omen.


& nbsp;


Sai said- To forget the past, one has to live away

from the place, persons and engage in diverting the mind from the related

events. Time only will heal the wounds of the heart. No point in spoiling the

future because of the past. Friendships from the past are like bees clinging to

the dustbin. One should distance from such friends, lest they might drag others



& nbsp;


Brooding over the past leads nowhere.


& nbsp;




& nbsp;


Yesterday, Sai appeared in the dream and said-


& nbsp;


I had two sons and to each of them, I gave a glass of

milk. One of them straight away prepared Tea and had it. The second one boiled

the milk, prepared curd, churned it and made butter out of it. He went further,

made Ghee out of the butter and enjoyed the essence of the milk. One had the

essence raw where as the second one understood the essence practically and

enjoyed the taste.


& nbsp;


Everything in this universe has a utility to be

exploited rightly.


& nbsp;




& nbsp;


Yesterday, I aspired for someone else’s money. I

realized the mistake and prayed Baba to get me rid of this habit and show me a

way out. Baba appeared in the form of a Gardner and



& nbsp;


To live on one’s own earnings is like plucking the

tamrind fruit after climbing the tree, preserving the produce and consuming it

as and when needed. To aspire for others wealth is like climbing a


(Botanical Name – PITHEPOLOBIUM – DULCE) tree and getting hurt due to the

thorny tree branches, pluck the colorful fruit and invite throat problems. Do

not aspire for others wealth and invite problems to the mind and body also.


& nbsp;


Wealth begotten by wrongful means will prove



& nbsp;


& nbsp;To be







(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)


& nbsp;


" Shashi " : shashi_31


& nbsp;


31. Nama Japa


& nbsp;


Baba says: I will not get satisfied with prasadams you

offer. Your sincerity and devotion are important to Me.


& nbsp;


While doing Nama Sankeertana, keep our mind steady and

we must do it with concentration. We must avoid contact of our mind with

sensory objects like sound, touch, taste and smell. We must deeply immerse in

Nama Sankeertana. Otherwise no useful purpose will be served. By Nama

Sankeertana, we can go from finite to infinite, from untruth to truth, from

death to deathless state. Then only we can attain the benefit of Nama



& nbsp;


To those who are doing Nama Sankeertana with pure

heart, steady devotion and with doubtless mind, and without aspiring for

momentary benefit and do it selflessly, God Himself will take care of such



& nbsp;


Nama Japa purifies the mind for bringing one’s

vagaries under control and purging it of all its evil propensities and

concentrating on God.


& nbsp;


If we chant Baba’s name with devotion, it tears of the

Jiva and Supreme Bliss is immediately realized. Those who chant Baba’s name at

all times, get Divine Samskara. Whoever chants His name at the time of death

will get His Roopam. Those who worship Him throughout their lives with His

image in them will get salvation, irrespective of the way they die. Baba’s Nama

Japa fulfils all our desires. If we chant His name with concentration and

steady mind without aspiring for any fruits, our sorrows will be wiped out.

Baba will be satisfied, if we chant His Name even for a while with pure heart

and sincerity. If we want to attain His state, we have to strive hard to

realize spiritual discipline more vigorously. If we are not contended with our

present austerities, we will never be lead to perfection. If we resort to

Baba’s Nama Japa, we will be able to tread the right path in the right

direction. We will not be puffed up with a sense of-“Am I not a devotee of Sai

Baba?” That sort of egoism will not help us.


& nbsp;


To be continued.






& nbsp;


As long as one has a body, one cannot renounce action

altogether. True renunciation is giving up all desire for personal reward. Those

who are attached to personal reward will reap the consequences of their

actions: some pleasant, some mixed. But those who renounce every desire for

personal reward go beyond the reach of karma.


& nbsp;


-Bhagavad Gita 18:11-12


& nbsp;


& nbsp;If you detach yourself from identification with

the body and remain relaxed in and as Consciousness, you will, this very

moment, be happy, at peace, free from bondage.


& nbsp;


-Ashtavakra Gita






& nbsp;




& nbsp;


NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 7 2008: (HPI

note: This pilgrimage is for the rugged foot route directly from India to

Kailash.) The annual Kailash Mansarovar Yatra will commence as scheduled on

June one, the External Affairs Ministry announced in New

Delhi today. Preparations have begun for the

26-day pilgrimage with the nod from the Chinese government, External Affairs

Ministry spokesman told reporters.


& nbsp;


As many as 960 pilgrims were selected for the annual

pilgrimage through a computerized draw on 25th April. They were chosen through

a gender-balanced random selection process, the pilgrimage, which involves

circumambulation of Mount Kailash and

Mansarovar in the Tibet Autonomous Region, is extremely arduous and involves

trekking under arduous conditions at altitudes up to 19,500 feet.


& nbsp;



Homes for Temple Elephants


Source: http://sify.com/news/fullstory.php?id=14666174


& nbsp;


KERALA, INDIA, May 8, 2008: Garlanded with gold and carrying a Hindu

deity on his back, Babu the elephant, like many others in the country, is the

centre point of religious ceremonies that are conducted across the Indian state

of Kerala. After 45 years of life and hard work, the large animal is fast

approaching retirement and, like many of the 650 working elephants in the

state, there have always been fears for his future. Help is at hand, however,

for India’s first retirement home for elderly

elephants opens next month. Located inside a tranquil forest at Kottur, outside

Trivandrum, the hard working elephants can spend

their twilight years in dignity. The home will consist of 1,000 acres of

woodland where each of the elephants can roam freely, as well as having its own

personal pen.


& nbsp;


Tallapaka to

Become Spiritual, Tourist Center


Source: http://www.hindu.com/2008/05/02/stories/2008050254420300.htm


& nbsp;


KADAPA, INDIA, May 3, 2008: Tallapaka village in Rajampet mandal,

the birthplace of saint-lyricist Annamacharya who scripted 32,000 sankeertanas

in praise of Lord Venkateswara, will be developed into a religious tourist and

spiritual centre.


& nbsp;


An Annamacharya

Aradhana festival will be held with grandeur there starting next year, on the

lines of Thyagaraya Aradhana festival at Tiruvayur. TTD was making all out

efforts to popularize Annamacharya keerthanas, the government

official & nbsp;said.

Stating that William Shakespeare’s native village was developed as a tourist


the world over, Mr. Karunakar Reddy remarked that Annamacharya was a greater

litterateur and said Tallapaka, his native village, would be developed as a

spiritual centre on international standards. His 108-foot statue would be

inaugurated during the Jayanti celebrations.


& nbsp;


Nearly 20,000

cultural artistes and bhajan troupe members would participate in Nagara

Sankeertana rally from Rajampet to Tallapaka on May 19, he said. Forty thousand

devotees are expected on each day.




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Dear Sai Devotees,


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Om Sai Ram,


& nbsp;


I wish to share with each one of my true experience

with Sai .Please patiently go through this and a true testimonial to how Dear

Sai saved me.


& nbsp;


I am 52 years now and hail from a very respectable Gowda

Saraswath Bramhin family. Seven years back things started working against me in

my life without my knowledge but trapped in the net of Ego, Arrogance & amp;

Over confidence. Advice from my elders was of no value to me, since I was

travelling through the path of ruins. All vices invaded me; I lost a very

decent job and became a liability to my aged parents, wife and children. My

addiction to liquor even at this stage made me stoop down to indecent levels

just for a drink and one day out of sheer & nbsp; stupidity and arrogance I

consumed maximum liquor with a over dose of sleeping pills to end my life. My

stars, I was rushed to hospital and admitted in IMCU, the doctors

diagnosed & nbsp; & nbsp; it as ABUSE, but luckily it was not informed to the

police due to the influence of my friend and relatives. My bad luck, even after

this incident, nothing was working in my favour or rather situation grew from

bad to worse, my parents and my family where terribly worried and their was not

a single deity my mother prayed for me. At this juncture my elder son was in

his 2nd year of Engineering and the second in 5th standard. Lack of

income and mounted debts with the credit card and personal loans forced me to

keep shifting my residence, but one day the situation became terribly worse,

that I was forced to dispose all my belongings accept our clothes for a mere Rs.

25000/- and finally me and wife stayed a friend house, my elder son in a hostel

and my younger one with my parents.


& nbsp;


My parents were very depressed and one day my father

wrote a letter to a religious woman in Kerala requesting her to show me a way

...The lady wrote " Ask your son to spend 42 days in Shirdi " ,

but my father was a bit hesitant to tell me and pondering how to convince me

about my staying in Shirdi. It was on this day SAI entered my life. on 15th June

2003 I left

for Shirdi with my mother, younger Son and & nbsp; a group of devotees from

Chennai and I stepped into Shirdi on 17th June 2003.My mother, son and other

devotees departed to Chennai after two days leaving me behind. 42 days of stay

in Shirdi was a will of Shri Sai and I am extremely delighted, honoured,

blessed that as stated by our beloved SAI in " Sai Satcharitra " I as a

sinner was called to Shirdi. None can visit Shirdi without his will and even if

one is called, he cannot overstay without the will our beloved " Sai

maa " .


& nbsp;


Dear devotees, my 42 days stay in Shirdi was a divine

one witnessing miracles around me. During my stay " SAI " blessed me to

daily visit the famous Neemtree,Gurusthan, Dwarakamayi, Samadhi Mandhir, Sree

Hanuman temple, Radhakrishna mai's house, Kandoba temple and above all the


Noon, evening, Night Aartis and the Thursday Phalaki procession. Can anyone be

more Blessed and luckier than me?


& nbsp;


After my return from Shirdi, my life has changed and

today " Dearest Sai " is everything to me. Sai is with me and I am one

with " Sai " . & nbsp; Have True faith on our " Sai " and

experience by yourself the experiences you would not have experienced. Today,

we are a happy family, my son is a software Engineer with a leading MNC, my

younger san is in the 11th Std and my beloved parents are leading a very

peaceful life. All this would not have happened, but for the grace showered by

my " Beloved Sai " .


& nbsp;


My Koti Pranams to Shri Sai.


& nbsp;


Ranjeeth Kumar. S.








& nbsp;


Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use

to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children

visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell

the stories what heard in my child hood.


& nbsp; & nbsp;


The story of the foolish lion and the clever rabbit


& nbsp;


Once upon a time there lived a ferocious lion in the

forest. It was a greedy lion and started killing animals in the forest

indiscriminately. Seeing this, the animals gathered and decided to approach the

lion with the offer of one animal of each species volunteering itself to be

eaten by the lion everyday. So every day it was the turn of one of the animals

and in the end came the rabbits' turn. The rabbits chose an old rabbit among

them. The rabbit was wise and old. It took its own sweet time to go to the

Lion. The Lion was getting impatient on not seeing any animal come by and swore

to kill all animals the next day.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;





The rabbit then strode along to the Lion by sunset.

The Lion was angry at him. But the wise rabbit was calm and slowly told the

Lion that it was not his fault. He told the Lion that a group of rabbits were

coming to him for the day when on the way, an angry Lion attacked them all and

ate all rabbits but himself. Somehow he escaped to reach safely, the rabbit

said. He said that the other Lion was challenging the supremacy of his Lordship

the Lion. The Lion was naturally very enraged and asked to be taken to the

location of the other Lion.




The wise rabbit agreed and led the Lion towards a deep

well filled with water. Then he showed the Lion his reflection in the water of

the well. The Lion was furious and started growling and naturally its image in

the water, the other Lion, was also equally angry. Then the Lion jumped into

the water at the other Lion to attack it, and so lost its life in the well.

Thus the wise rabbit saved the forest and its inhabitants from the proud Lion.


& nbsp;


MORAL: Wit is

superior to brute force.


& nbsp;






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Fri, May 2, 2008 at 10:33 AM


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Shri Sai Satcharitra


Chapter XXVIII


Sparrows Drawn To Shirdi


& nbsp;


& nbsp;


Sai Ram. We have enjoyed the spiritual nectar by

reading about one sparrow drawn to Shirdi. Let us now continue with the other

sparrows drawn to Shirdi.


& nbsp;


Burhanpore Lady


& nbsp;


Now let us turn to another sparrow (Baba's word

meaning devotee). One lady in Burhanpore saw in her dream Sai Baba coming to

her door and begging khichdi (rice cooked with dal and salt) for His meals. On

awakening she saw no body at her door. However, she was pleased with the vision

and told it to all including her husband. He was employed in the Postal

Department and when he was transferred to Akola, both

husband and wife, who were devout, decided to go to Shirdi. Then on a suitable

day they left for Shirdi and after visiting Gomati Tirth on the way, reached

Shirdi and stayed there for two months. Every day they went to the Dwarakamayi,

performed Baba's worship and passed their time happily. The couple came to

Shirdi to offer Khichdi as naivedya but for the first 14 days, somehow or

other, it could not be offered. The lady did not like this delay.


& nbsp;


SSG: Sai Ram. That she felt restless was also due to

the grace of Sai. HE made her restless and made her to act. Read further to

know what happened. Sai Ram.


& nbsp;


SSS: Then on the 15th day she came at noon to the

Dwarakamayi with her khichdi. There she found that Baba and others were already

sitting for meals, and that the curtain was down. Nobody dared enter in when

the curtain was let down, but the lady could not wait. She threw up the curtain

with her hand and entered. Strange to say that Baba seemed that day, hungry for

khichdi and wanted that thing first and when the lady came in with the dish,

Baba was delighted, and began to eat morsel after morsel of khichdi. On seeing

the earnestness of Baba in this respect, everybody was wonderstruck and those,

who heard the story of khichdi, were convinced about His extraordinary love for

His devotees.


& nbsp;


& nbsp;


SSG: Sai Ram. Yes, that is the love which drew His

children, His devotees, His disciples etc. from far and wide. Distances and

time are not a barrier for Divine Love. Sai Ram.


& nbsp;




Author, Editor and Book Reviewer




& nbsp;


To be continued...








Thu, Apr

17, 2008 at 9:27



& nbsp;


I would like to bring to the notice of all Sai

devotees a concept that has become very popular now in the Western countries

called " The Law of Attraction " . & nbsp; Basic principle of the Law is

one that is preached by Hinduism and more importantly things that Baba Himself

has always said:


& nbsp;


1. The LOA says that the " power is within

you " . Now most of us would have read the Sai Satcharita. & nbsp; In the 15th

chapter Baba says, " Love me who is residing within u and in all the things

in the world " . & nbsp; Science has proven that we are all made of energy;

the only thing that differentiates us from things around us is the combination

in which we are made. & nbsp; When we describe energy we say " it cannot be

created, it cannot be destroyed, it exists " and this is how we describe

God. & nbsp; So the energy within and external is nothing but the parts of that

God; which means that we are all connected. So if our basic composition is from

the source that is God, then don't' we have that God within us? If we have that

God within us, then why do we have to look outside for fulfilment of our



& nbsp;


& nbsp;2. LOA states that if we connect to the God

within us then all our desires can be manifested as everything that happens to

us are things that we have manifested ourselves. We are the creator of our own

destiny. & nbsp; When I say We, I am not referring to it in an egotistical

manner. Here we mean the God that is within each one of us. In other words,

just what we say-God is the creator of our destiny and if God is within us,

then aren’t we the creators of our own destiny?


& nbsp;


& nbsp;3. The Law of Attraction (LOA) states that

" like attracts like " hence if we keep our thoughts and feelings on

negative things, we are attracting more of that into our lives. & nbsp; Always

think, act and feel only good and positive. Never talk, think or do anything

negative to others and more importantly to Self. & nbsp; Most of us might not

think of doing bad to others but when it comes to self, we tend to say things

like " I don’t like the way I look " or " I am so Dark " or

" I am not intelligent " or " I am not Rich " " I am too

Fat " , " I am too thin " etc.,. & nbsp; When we analyze ourselves,

most of the time we think of only the negatives in our lives.


& nbsp;


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; The LOA gives us whatever we put

out there. So the more you put out sadness, dissatisfaction, lack of things,

the more it comes to you.


& nbsp;


4. LOA states that God has created everything to be in

Abundance. & nbsp; He has not created anything to be in scarcity. & nbsp; This is

evident in nature. & nbsp; The Universe has been created in Abundance, the basic

human nature and instinct is to live and feel happy and have abundance in

everything. & nbsp; This is why we all look for that happiness in everything we

do. & nbsp; When this is the basic human nature, why are we not happy all the

time, it’s because of our own negativity.


& nbsp;


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; These are the basic principles of

the LOA. & nbsp; So all those reading this might say, if I am the creator of my

destiny, how do I get the job I want, the husband/wife I want, the children I

want, the car I want etc. & nbsp; This is where the most important lesson of BABA

comes into play. & nbsp; The two words that are basis for all his teaching,

Sradha & amp; Saburi.


& nbsp;


As per the principles-


& nbsp;


First- Be grateful for all that you have in your life

today. & nbsp; Thank God from the bottom of your heart for all that you have and

feel the gratitude. Words are not enough. & nbsp; You should feel the gratitude

from deep within you.


& nbsp;


Second- Ask for what you want. & nbsp; This is where our

prayers work. Be specific and ask for what you want knowing that God knows of

it even before you ask. & nbsp; Reference to this is also there in the Bible

" ask and you shall receive "


& nbsp;


Third- Believe that what you ask for is already yours. & nbsp;

Believe that Baba has already granted your desire. & nbsp; Believe that BABA

knows the time and place to deliver it to you. & nbsp; Don't think of HOW it will

come. Leave that to the higher power. Just believe that what has been asked for

is already yours.


& nbsp;


Fourth-Receive your desires as soon as you ask. & nbsp;

Thank Baba for the fulfilment of your desires. & nbsp; Feel the happiness of

having your desires fulfilled. Example for this would be, when you place an

order for a furniture through a catalogue, the minute you place the order, you

know that its' coming your way. From that moment, you start making arrangements

in your house to accommodate that piece of furniture, you visualize how it will

look in your house, you get excited thinking about it, you feel happy knowing

for sure that it is yours. & nbsp; What is missing doubt? You have no doubt that

the furniture is yours the minute you place the order. & nbsp; The LOA asks you

to do that same. When you make a prayer to GOD asking for something, it is like

placing an order from the catalogue. & nbsp; Know without a doubt its coming your

way. Have Sraddha, Saburi, Faith and patience.


& nbsp;


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; The LOA has been popularized

through a book called " The Secret " by Ronda Byres. & nbsp; There is

also a DVD available with the same name. & nbsp; You can also visit the website


& nbsp;to get more information on this wonderful concept. & nbsp; I personally

relate to this as it is something that is in line with the teachings of my guru

and life source Sai Baba and also when I reflected on my life I realized that

what the book says is true.


& nbsp;


Sai Bhaktas, why do we need to look outside for

validation when Baba is within each one of us.


& nbsp;






Saibanisaji feels--------


& nbsp;


Devotion must not be like the flood of the rainy

season in which all get washed away. Devotion should be like the river that

retains water even in the hottest season.


Saint Kabir (1440-1518)


& nbsp;


View the Video of Shri Saibanisa Gopala Rao Ravada

ji's discourses in English from the below link


& nbsp;


& nbsp;http://www.debu7366.blogspot.com/


& nbsp;


& nbsp;Please view the VIDEO -Sai in Ramayan

(Saidarbar presentation) from the below link


& nbsp;




& nbsp;






& nbsp;




Tue, 20/5/08


& nbsp;


Shirdi Sai Satsang Info in Vienna, VA for

Saidarbar 15th Chapter


& nbsp;


Sri Samardha

Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai !!!


& nbsp;


We cordially

invite all saibandhus to the 15th Saidarbar Chapter in the DC tristate area..


& nbsp;


Our next Shirdi Sai

Satsang will be held at Sharmila and Murali's residence on Saturday 05/24/08

6:00PM in Vienna, VA


& nbsp;


Venue: 2007 Gunnell Farms Dr, Vienna, VA 22181


& nbsp;


Contact: & nbsp; Sharmila Cell: 443.527.5156 & nbsp;


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & n\

bsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbs\

p; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Home:



& nbsp;


The Satang Agenda is as follows:


& nbsp;


1. Read one

chapter from Sai Satcharithra.


2. Kids

participate in reciting slokas and songs.


3. Shirdi Sai



4. Shej Arathi


5. Dinner and

sharing ideas to do good things to the society.






Fri, May 2, 2008 at 4:51 AM




& nbsp;I like to get this The Glory of Shirdi Sai

e-magazine weekly on Thursday.


Thank you in advance.


Sai bless everyone








Fri, May 2, 2008 at 8:05 AM




& nbsp;I love this website http://www.saidarbar.org

& nbsp;very much. We can get more spiritual and religious information from this

kind of sites. I am happy that I am able to see this site with Baba’s grace.


Baba Bless all over the world.


Loves you Baba


Sai Daughter,


Shikha kohli




Response for The Glory of Shirdi Sai E- Magazine in

the 3d page turning New FORMAT


& nbsp;






Sai Ram,


Very impressive, informative and technically advanced.

Baba blesses your efforts.








On 5/15/08


Om SaiRam


Please accept my request to send me this

Magazine. & nbsp; Jai Sainamo Namaha


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Vinod vashi ka sairam to all



& nbsp;Vinod Vashi.






Thu, May 1,

2008 at 4:05 AM


Sai Ram, A wonderful exercise. I felt truly blessed by

Baba as well as all the devotees of Baba just by going through the pages which

are so real. Keep it up. My only humble suggestion is to increase the number of

multi-media features.


Praveen Devatha.






Thu, Apr

24, 2008 at 1:02 AM


Dear Sai bandhus,


Sai Ram, A wonderful effort for spreading the message

of spirituality and faith. Please keep it up.


Manoj Pathak.






Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:14 AM


& nbsp;


Sai Ram,


It is very nice. You people are doing a very good job.


God Bless you.


Uma Santhoshi.






& nbsp;Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:43 AM


Sai Ram,


As I have not read the matter completely but as it is

related to Shri Sai Baba & amp; I am a devotee of Shri Sai Baba so it become

some thing very important & amp; compulsory to avail this opportunity to write

something in praise of Shri Sai Baba. Not only once or twice I am having this

kind of experiences many a times that whenever I was in a state of depression

or in a very sad mood the moment I visited Shri Sai Baba's temple in search of

peace & amp; mental stability & amp; strength or in other words any kind of

positive thing I was always blessed by Shri Sai Baba.


Sunil Dutt Sharma




& nbsp;You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page

turning NEW FORMAT in web page


& nbsp;




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Please visit:




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Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio:




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Please contact: saidarbar






& nbsp;


Title: & nbsp;God Who Walked On Earth


Author: Rangaswami Parthasarathy & nbsp;


Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, L-10 Green Park Extn, New

Delhi - 110 016


Email: ghai




Title: Apostle of love: Saint Saipadananda

& nbsp; & nbsp;


Author: Rangaswami Parthasarathy


Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd, L-10 Green Park Extn, New

Delhi - 110 016


Email: ghai




Title: Life of Sai Baba


All India Sai

Samaj, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004




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& nbsp;


Things impressed me from this magazine:


& nbsp;


Nama Japa purifies the mind for bringing one’s

vagaries under control and purging it of all its evil propensities and

concentrating on God. & nbsp;


& nbsp;


Those who renounce every desire for personal reward go

beyond the reach of karma.


& nbsp;


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their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi

Sai " they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:


saidarbar & nbsp; & nbsp;




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the Bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to

publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine





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