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GOAL IN LIFE By Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

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Dear All,


" It is very difficult to obtain 'human birth' (Nara janma). This birth as a

human being is only to get back to God and not for any other purpose. It is only

for attaining Bhagavan. God incarnates Himself and comes down to this world in

human form to help and guide us to attain this end. Faith is the only religion.

We should have strong faith in God/Guru. Mahans know not the way to run worldly

work. As Mahãns are ever immersed in deep 'Bliss' it is very difficult for them

to mingle with people.


From the life history of Shirdi Mahatma it is seen that he helped people more in

their worldly affairs though he was a great Jnani. 'Periya' Periyava (Sri

Chandrasekhara Saraswati Swamigal of Kamkoti Peetam), though the highest Jnãni

and an Advaita 'pracharak' (preacher of Advaita philosophy), executed all

religious activities zealously and meticulously for the sake of people. He

followed a strict schedule. With much work to do viz. giving darshan to one and

all, giving a patient hearing to the devotees and advising them in their family

issues/problems, allotting time for the different classes of visitors - Vedic

scholars, Bhãgavathãs, Vedãntins, etc., he also attended to the Mutt

administration. In spite of all these, 'Periya' Periyava had time for dhyãna

every morning and evening at the scheduled time. He never once failed to do it

at the specified time for the specified duration. It was so throughout his life

time, wherever he was.


Sri Rãmakrishna Paramahamsa spoke of Vedãnta and yet at other times of Bhakti

mãrga. Nãmasankeertan was conducted, day in and day out, in this holy company.

He propagated all these as per the recipient's taste. We should have staunch

faith in the particular 'mãrga' that has been advocated to us by our Guru and

follow it as the best and the highest.

In Vivekachoodãmani, 'Bhagavadpãdãl' (Sri Sankara) says, 'to be born as a

human being is in itself a big blessing and one gets to hear of even the mere

word 'Ãtmã' only due to the 'punya' accrued by him in his innumerable

/countless births. The deep desire for Liberation ('mumukshutva') is born only

if one has earned thousands and thousands of merits.


In the case of Sri Ramana Maharshi if one went to him as a 'mumukshu' (one

seeking Moksha) he got what he sought. And, if one went to him seeking material

benefits one attained that to the extent of his faith in Bhagavãn. "


His Holiness said in a soft tone, " What do I ask (of you all)? Whatever is your

way - japa, dhyãna, vichãra - do it properly. Hold steadfastly to the japa

given to you and concentrate only on that. You must do crores of japa

'ãvartana'. As you keep doing the japa, 'ajapa' would occur. Devas will be

visible. Other (spiritual) experiences would come about. Everyone can undergo

such experiences. It is not a big secret; nor is it exclusive to some only.

Bhakti does not come of its own. Only Bhagavãn or Guru can bestow it. But, even

if we begin to do the japa mechanically it will lead to this. Through Guru's

grace ('katãksha') even the worst sinner can get ashore - in a moment, just as

a room which was dark for thousands of years is immediately lit up by taking a

lamp into it. The room is not lit up gradually just because it had remained dark

for thousands of years. As soon the lamp is taken in, the room is lit up in one

stroke. It is the same with

Guru's blessings. Our ignorance is removed in one stroke.

Deepavali means 'deepam' - light - 'Ãtma jyoti' - It is not just bursting of

crackers. 'Narakãsura vadam' (destruction of Narakãsura) only means killing

our mind which is the root cause of all our ignorance. One should be

affectionate to all. Talk less. Avoid company of any sort. Sit in a closed room

and do japa. Everyone can feel the rising of the 'sushumna' nerve. Getting

married, begetting children are work done by all and sundry. Even a donkey or a

buffalo can do what our forefathers had done. But, we should be different. Only

due to thousands and thousands of 'punya' accrued that such 'mumukshutva' (deep

desire to be liberated) is born.


There are different kinds of Gurus. We should be careful as to who we approach.

There are some people who go to everybody, as they feel all saints are to be

worshipped while there are others who believe in none. Both are wrong. One

should go to the right Guru and once the right Guru has been reached, stick to

him. Life may look smooth now but it does not mean it will continue to be so -

just like a snake which was in the room had not bitten a person (who had entered

the room) does not mean that the snake was not present. It was very much present

but had not bitten the person who had entered it. That's all. So it is with our

lives. Just because we have had it smooth till now it does not mean that it

shall be so always. We should be prepared to face adversities in life - hence,

the need to turn to God/Guru.


It is difficult for a Jnãni to be here in this world and take part in its

various activities, as he is in a high state of 'ãnanda' (joy), which is

indescribable. Just like a son does things for the sake of his parents even if

he does not like it, a Jnãni is here amidst people because of God's desire.

Work like building hospitals, schools, etc. can be done by anybody whereas to

control the mind and to destroy it is very difficult. We should strive for that.

Control of mind is difficult and we should do that. While doing japa we should

try to hold the 'saguna' (form - of God) in our mind - as one wearing 'Tulasi

mãla'. We should bring this form in our mind.


I do not ask you all to give up anything. 'Hold Krishna' is what I say. 'Hold

Krishna's Feet' is what I say. Do only this. It is very easy! "




Let’s Chant


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare



If you have any questions or doubts concerning Spirituality, Mental peace or

problems in life or about dharma, please write to us by clicking here:




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suggests prayers.


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