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Sant Tukkaram- Part-3 by Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji

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Radhe Krishna to All,



Chatrapati Shivaji was once resting on the banks of a river on his way back from

a victorious war. He found peepul leaves with kirtans on them floating down the

river. He read them and realized that the kirtans must have flowed out of a

great Mahatma. Just by mere reading one can realize if a kirtan or a sloka has

flowed out of a great Mahatma through Bhagavan’s grace or has been composed by

a man. Shivaji followed the leaves that were floating down the river and reached

Sanjanghat where Samarta Ramdas lived. The Mahatma welcomed Shivaji, " Come! " as

if he were awaiting him. Offering a seat to Shivaji, the Mahatma said, “You

must have your food here.†The king said that he was not alone as he was

returning from a war. He had stopped his huge army some distance away. Samarta

Ramdas assured him, " I am very much aware that a King would be accompanied by

his army. Food will be offered to all including the elephants and the horses. "

The Mahatma then

instructed his 'sishya' (disciple) to remove the huge boulder covering the cave

nearby and the sight within astounded Shivaji. The cave contained huge amount of

various kinds of dishes including the food needed for the elephants and horses.

The King and his huge army were sumptuously fed within no time. Though one

should never question a Guru, the astounded King asked the Mahatma, humbly,

" Master! A great King that I am, it is not possible even for me to prepare this

amount of food for a large number of people in such a short notice. How has this

been possible for you? "


Samarta Ramdas told him, " At Dehu Road lives a Mahatma by name Tukkaram. Go and

place your question before him. He will give you the explanation. "

On returning to his Kingdom, Shivaji forgot all about meeting Tukkaram, as he

had to attend to numerous works concerning his Kingdom. After some years while

moving with his army he found a signboard bearing the name 'Dehu Road'. He

remembered his meeting with Samarta Ramdas and his words about Tukkaram. He

immediately went to Dehu Road and enquired about the place of stay of Tukkaram.

The people there said, " Tukkaram is a great Mahatma who keeps singing the

praises of Lord Hari always. You will find him sitting on the mud pyol of a

small hut that is his home. "


Stopping his army at a distance, Shivaji walked all alone to the home of

Tukkaram. He found Tukkaram in humble circumstances. Sitting on the pyol of his

hut and playing the 'tamboora', he was singing the glory of the Lord. Shivaji

bowed down to him and introduced himself. Tukkaram said, " Oh! You are the great

Chatrapati Shivaji. I am glad to meet you. Please be seated. You must please

have your food here. "

Shivaji, at once said, " Master! I am not alone. I have left my huge army some

distance away. " Tukkaram said, " I know that a King does not come alone. There is

enough for all! "


Shivaji was wonderstruck. What he saw there was a small hut made of mud walls.

There were some little children whom he guessed to be Tukkaram’s children,

wearing torn trousers. There were just a few mud pots inside the hut. The sun's

rays were streaming inside the hut from the innumerable holes in the roof.

Tukkaram brought a small measure that contained wheat flour. He gave a pinch of

it to Shivaji and everyone of his huge army, including the elephants and the

horses. Immediately, every one of them felt satiated that it seemed as if they

would not need any food for another ten days!


Shivaji thought to himself, 'Samarta Ramdas is a single person. He provided us

all with a real sumptuous meal. But, Tukkaram is a householder living in utter

poverty. He gives just a pinch of wheat flour and it fills us all as if

providing nourishment for ten days. What is this miracle?' He then hesitatingly

and humbly asked Tukkaram, " Master! How has this been possible for you? "

Tukkaram at once said, " There is a great Mahatma by name Samarta Ramdas. Go to

him, for, he has the explanation for this! "


What does this mean? It means that only a Mahatma can understand another



!!! Will continue !!!




Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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