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Edited with commentaries by Swami Tantrasangha



This yoga shastra is not well known and deserves more attention. It

is by Gorakhnath (Gorakshanath), of the Kanphata or Nath yogis of

Nepal over half half a millennium ago. They carried the secret

Tantric teachings, which first appear in the Rig Veda as the Soma

Pavamana (Moon Pure Mother Water) - same as the Biblical " Manna from

Heaven " , eaten by the " Chosen People " , to survive a famine.


Gorakhnath is the patron saint of Nepal, and the Indian city of

Gorakhpur is named after him. He was the guru of Svatmarama, who

later wrote the more widely published Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which

remains the basic text of most schools of Hatha (Sun-Moon, physical)

Yoga. Soma Pavamana is Genetic Efflux for Genetic Rejuvenation,

which activates Kundalini Shakti or Holy Spirit.


The Goraksha Sataka helps to understand the Tantric roots in the

secret meanings in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, commentaries of which

can be found in The Tantrayudha of Salvation Science. Om is the

Genetic Union of male and female, whereby they become as Jesus

said: " Born Again of water and Spirit " - the prime directive of all

true religions.


This is " the yoga of the three psychic nerves " , mentioned by

Padmasambhava over half a millennium before. Those three are the

same as the Hindu Triveni and the Christian Trinity - male, female,

and the child, which is a mixture of both, symbolized as three nadis

or rivers. Yin-Yang Union Rejuvenates and activates siddhis.


Blessings to all who " bathe in the Triveni " to attain " Prana in

Shushumna Nadi " . Om is the mixing and merging of this " sun and

moon " . Soma Pavamana means " moon pure mother water " . As the Puranas

say: " It is best to die at the confluence of two rivers " . " Don't die

outside Varanasi. " Attain Inner Sight and Sound before death.


We Mahayanis believe that Siddhartha the Buddha was a Tantric.

Swamiji's personal revelation is that the Buddha's " Middle Path " is

allegorically the same as the Judeo-Christian Biblical " crossing of

the Red Sea between two walls of water " or the " Passover blood

between the two doorposts " - all symbols for Rasa Tantra Sadhana.

Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha



From Chapter 14 of " Gorakhnath and the Kanphata Yogis "

by George Weston Briggs, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1973


7. Postures, control of breath (recycling of Apana or outflow),

withdrawal of the senses from their external objects, fixing the mind

upon a single object, abstract meditation, and identification of the

self with the object of meditation (Tat Vam Asi): These, they say,

are the six stages of Yoga (Yoke, Union. Like Jesus said: " My yoke is

easy, and my burden is Light " .)


19. In the midst of the yoni (female sex organ)...there stands the

great linga (phallus. This is the image of the Hindu Siva Lingam -

the only icon permitted by knowledgeable yogis, since it is a visual

reminder of the abstract Dharma of the Union of male and female, by

joining their waters.): Whoever knows the disk of Light...is an

adept. (Inner Light and Sound is the result of this Genetic Union of

the two sexes.)


21. Having seen that, the Supreme Light unending, shining in all

directions, in Samadhi (Blissful or Ecstatic Meditation, Nirvana,

Jhana), the adept does not experience (any more) transient existence.

(Ending the otherwise eternal round of reincarnations, known as

Samsara or " the wheel " , is the Ultimate Goal of all religions. The

better religions base this upon health and longevity of the physical

body. In other words, physical immortality is a means to accomplish

this end, although purely meditative approaches seek to accomplish

this through meditation alone, in contrast to the physical

purifications of the Hermetic religions. Theravada and Zen are the

only purely meditative of the major religions. All other religions,

except Islam, are based upon the " Alchemical " approach of

Regenerating the degenerating body. This somehow opens the mind to

Inner Sight and Sound, not unlike psychoactive drugs, which also play

a valuable part in several native American religions throughout the

Western Hemisphere. These Entheogen Religions mostly use psychedelic

Peyote, mushrooms, or Ayahuasca.)


(Three Spiritual Objectives come to mind: 1. Familiarize one's self

with Soul Travel, so as not to experience hellish fear of the OOBE

State upon one's death. 2. Clear the mind of desires for the objects

of this world, and 3. Try to make the final exit from the body while

the while Prana is in Shushumna, so that Kundalini Shakti is in the

chakras of the Third Eye or at the God Chakra at the top of the head,

whereby the soul leaves the body with the Energy acquired by former

physical purification, in other words, by the Holy Spirit, or, as

Hindu shastra states: " Don't die outside of Varanasi " , the place

where two rivers join. This is what Jesus meant when he taught: " Put

your treasure where moth and rust doth not corrupt " . One's own good

karma and the Holy Spirit are all that one can take with them from

this world to the next. The Spiritual Objective is to achieve

physical immortality, or at least to overcome fear of OOBE's by

familiarizing one's self to such experience before dying, so as not

to be terrorized by what would otherwise be a case of hellish fear of

the unknown. Also, material desires are to be avoided. The Spiritual

Objective is to attain permanence, preferably in the Immortal Body,

Resurrected from death or degeneration unto life or Regeneration.

Otherwise, permanence can only be attained in the spirit worlds, thus

avoiding reincarnation into a suffering, degenerating body in a

painful world gone insane.)


32. Ida, Pingala and Susumna in the path of Prana, are connected.

(They are) always the conductors of the prana. (Their) presiding

deities are the moon (female), the sun (male), and (Kundalini or Holy

Spirit) fire (when they are joined).


39. Because the soul is under the control of prana (inflow) and apana

(outflow), it moves up and down through the left and right paths (Ida

or female and Pingala or male). Because of restlessness, it is not

perceived. (The distracted and confused cannot comprehend the simple

logic of Tantra.)


40. As a hawk tied with a string, even though it flies (away and) is

drawn back; so the Jiva (Soul, Atman), bound by the gunas (emotional

changes from excitement to lethargy), is controlled by prana and



41. Apana pulls prana, and prana pulls apana: an adept in Yoga causes

the Union of these two, the lower and upper (airs, by recycling

Genetic Efflux).


42. With the sound of " ha " , jiva (soul) goes out (as apana or

outflow). With the sound, " sa " , it enters (the body) again (as prana,

or inflow). The jiva repeats continually that mantra, " Hamsa, Hamsa " .

(Herein is perhaps the most heated debate in Hatha Yoga. Conservative

traditionalists claim this to be the literal inhalation and

exhalation of actual breaths of air. But, in order for this to be in

agreement with all other shastra of all religions, this prana must be

the Waters of Life, originally known as Soma. In Ganeshpuri, Baba

Muktananda personally told me that " So-Hum " , thought to be the

breath, is, in fact, Soma, which is the beverage of the Five

Sacraments, which are urine, semen, menstruum, milk, and

saliva. " Hamsa " is " So-Hum " , pronounced backwards. " Hamsa " literally

means goose, and is found in the first name of Paramhamsa Yogananda.

This " So-Hum " , when practiced as a mantra, coincides with the in-

breath and out-breath, which becomes one's point of concentration.

This practice of concentrating or meditating on one's breathing

appears as early as Theravada texts of the Pali Tipitaka. But if you

refer to the earlier Atharvaveda, which is the fourth oldest

scripture from India, there is no doubt that " breath " was one of the

many symbols, derived from the overactive imagination of the author

of the Atharva Veda, which contains a greater variety of symbols for

Soma than found in any other scripture.)


48. (Jiva), free from disease, should go to...Brahma (God).


49. By the mind aroused through the Union of fire (Kundalini Shakti,

Holy Spirit) and Prana (the Five Sacraments, or the bioplasma from

which they are derived), is drawn upward (to the chakras of Inner

Sight and Sound) through Susumna (Androgyny, Union of male and



50. Through the susumna, (Kundalini), aroused through Union with fire

(Agni), goes upward (to the head chakras), like a serpent. (The Holy

Spirit does not pertain to a snake. The serpent symbol originated in

ancient Egypt, since the serpent, " nak " , was spelled the same as On,

written as Ankh, in their cryptic code-writing of consonants only,

leaving the the reader to insert the proper vowels. Hieroglyphs, like

Sanskrit or " saint script " , means " sacred writing " . The

Egyptian " Nak " became the Sanskrit " Naga " , a symbol for Kundalini,

found on most Siva Lingums.)


51. As one might open a door by force with a key, so the Yogi may

break open the door of release by means of Kundalini. (If he wants to

ride in the Krishna Car, his guru must first give him the keys.)


53. Let him drink milk and abstain from bitter, acid, and salty food.


54. He should be chaste (not losing his Genetic Efflux), one who eats

little, an abstainer from worldly pleasures, a practicer of Yoga

(the " yoke " or Union of man and woman). After a year he will have

perfected this skill. One must have no doubt concerning this.


56. Kundalini Shakti (the Holy Spirit)...is said to be the giver of

Release (from suffering) to Yogis and of bondage to the uninitiated.

(Evil people or those bound by ignorance or fear of the psychedelic

experience of the disembodied state, are unsuitable, since their

reaction to such spirituality will be negative.)


57. That yogi is ready for Release who knows Mahamudra (the Great

Action, which is Tantra Sadhana), ...(which is) Mulabandha

(the " Groin Seal " , the recycling of Genetic Efflux. As the Holy Bible

states: " Gird up your loins with great strength " .)


58. The Kriya (Purification) of the Nadis (literally " rivers " , the

Three Psychic Nerves or Bioplasmas: male, female, and the Sacred

Union of the Two.)


62. His diseases: consumption, leprosy, constipation, enlargement of

the spleen, and decrepitude, (all) go to destruction for the one who

practices Mahamudra. (I have often wondered at the similarity

between " mutra " , meaning urine, and " mudra " .)


63. This Mahamudra has been described, which secures all kinds of

success for men. It should be kept secret. It is not to be revealed

to all sorts of people. (They did such a good job of obscuring the

Truth that it became Universally Unknown in this Kali Yuga or dark,

empty period of this fallen world. This is vindication for all

incarnations of Christ, whose saving purpose was to reveal this no

longer secret, but actually forgotten knowledge. Like Jesus

said: " Don't hide your candle in a closet. Freely ye have received:

Freely give! " This secrecy is part and parcel of the antichrist, so

Christ's Mission was and is the Revelation of this Gnosis, of which

you were entirely ignorant. You no longer must worry as to if people

are ready for this Tantra Vidya or Gnosis of the Marriage Supper, for

they will decide that for themselves. That Way, you don't have to

condescend to judge their readiness from " lofty heights of self-

righteous vanity " . This widespread dissemination of Gnosis fits with

this brief opportunity to publish, electronically. The masses are

indeed not ready, but that is not for you to worry about. Relax.



64. By turning the tongue over backwards into the hollow above the

throat, and by fixing the (inner) sight between the eyebrows (i.e.

the Third Eye), the Khechari Mudra (Heavenly Mudra) is performed. (We

have theorized that this is commonly misunderstood, and is, in fact,

a symbolic description of placing the man's tongue into the vagina,

to stimulate the flow of female semen. Nevertheless, in the the

altered Resurrected Body or Nirvanakaya, this may be a literal

practice. Personally, I have never met anyone who had any successful

results from this practice of " fishing for post-nasal drip " , which

appears only in the Yoga Shastra of the Nath lineage of Gorakhnath,

and is found in no other scriptures.)


65. Neither disease nor death nor sleep nor hunger nor fainting is

there for him who knows the Khechari Mudra. (This proves that

Khechari Mudra is actually Vajroli or Rasa Tantra.)


66. He is not troubled by affliction; he is not besmeared by the

fruits of deeds (i.e. Blood At-One-ment for the forgiveness of sins);

he is not troubled by death who knows the khecharimudra.


67.The citta (mind) wanders in space (khe)...because of



69. (In Khechari Mudra)...his bindu, even if he is embraced by a

woman, does not fall. (This is another clue about the true Khechari



70. While the bindu (seed) remains in the body, there is no fear of

death...as long as the bindu does not escape. (Like the Holy Bible

states: " I have not sinned, for my seed remaineth in me " ; and Jesus

in the Nag Hammadi Gospels: " Of all the Father hath given me, I let

none escape " .)


71. Even if the bindu (seed) has reached the fire, it straightway

returns (goes up), arrested by Sakti (Kundalini, also a name for the

wife of Siva), by the yonimudra. (Although one might think that Yoni

Mudra must pertain to oral sex, in the Hatha Yoga Pradipka, it is

described as the technique for meditating on Inner Sight and Sound.

And Jesus asked: " What will you say when you see the Son of Man

ascend up where he was before? " This also could mean either the

process of recycling or the Transmutation of the Body to what is

considered its original form - the " Ascension " . Although these

ancient scriptures are poorly written and intentionally meant to

obscure the Truth, we herein use them as necessary proof of our

assertions about Hermetic Science, so as to instigate

experimentation, after the passing of those who now block such

rational enquiry.)


72.Further, the bindu is of two kinds - pale-white and blood-red. The

white is semen virile, and the red is menstrual fluid.


73. Rajas (menstrual fluid), secreted in the place of the sun...and

the bindu secreted in the place of the moon - the MINGLING OF THESE

TWO (SEEDS) is very difficult to accomplish. (The difficulties of

this practice does much to explain why the world is sunk in many

false religions, made more pleasant with lies about " salvation

without sacrifice " , for example, by proxy, involving the murder of

the Tantric master, such as Jesus, i.e. " By his shed blood we are

saved " ! Only the rational soul can see that no one is

presently " saved " , when applying the criteria of the Eight

Sufferings. Once you abandon foolish notions about

falsified " salvation " , can we then begin the Great Work of

accomplishing Real and Lasting Salvation from Suffering.)


74. Bindu (actually Sukra) is Siva (male), and rajas is Sakti

(female): Bindu (sukra)is the moon (actually the sun or male), and

rajas isthe sun (actually the moon or female). FROM THE MINGLING OF



75. Then, by moving Sakti, by vayu (air, breath), the rajas

(menstruum) is impelled and UNITED with bindu (male sukra). THEN THE

BODY BECOMES DIVINE, wonderful in appearance.


76. Sukra (male semen) is joined with the moon (female, Soma), and

rajas (menstruum) is joined with the sun. One who understands the

UNITING OF THE TWO is an adept.


79. Because the Jalandharabandha (also called Khecharimudra) closes

the network of channels and stops the water from flowing down from

the head: therefore it destroys the host of disorders of the throat.

(Herein is this enigmatic practice, mentioned only in Nath shastra,

which is a complete departure from Tantra or Vajroli, calling this

post-nasal drip " the moon " , which we already know is a female symbol

for the Five Sacraments, of which post-nasal drip is not one. This

unnatural use of the tongue often impels the student to cut the

phrenum under the tongue, in order to make the almost

impossible " mudra " of placing the tongue into the nasal passage at

the back of the throat. We include this unique idea, not to confuse

you, but so that it might be reconsidered by those who attain

Nirvanakaya - the Resurrected Body, at the Transmutation of the

physical to the Divine, as was our Paramguruji, Jesus Christ. It is a

pity and a shame that the so-called " christian " missionaries did not

give you this Vidya or Gnosis, which would have reconciled many

disparate theologies.)


81. ...Draw the apana (outflow) upward. Thus is the Mulabandha (groin

seal) performed.


82. From the Union of prana (inflow) and apana (outflow), (by

recycling) and from the decrease of urine and faeces, EVEN AN OLD MAN

BECOMES YOUNG by much practice of the mulabandha (the " root seal " or

Hermetic Sealing up of the Genetic Efflux, which flows from the

mulachakra or groin).


86. In which...the threefold sakti (Soma, Surya, and Shushumna - the

Gnostic Trinity of male, female and Androgyny), is contained, that OM

is the Supreme Light.


87. That OM...which has the bindu (seed) as its mark, is the Supreme

Light. (In Sanskrit, OM is written, as the Siva Lingam is portrayed,

as a conjoined phallus and vagina, along side the images of sun and

moon. Ritual water is poured over the Siva Lingum, as an icon of

instruction in how to join the two.)


91. As long as prana (the Five Sacraments) remain in the body, life

(jiva) does not depart. Its departure is death. Therefore, one should

become proficient in restraining the prana.


92. As long as prana is held in the body, the consciousness (and

body) will be free from disease. What cause is there for fear of

death, so long as the (inner) sight remains fixed between the

eyebrows? (One should familiarize one's self with the disembodied

experience of Inner Sight and Sound, without the need for physical

eyes and ears. Otherwise, death may result in a hellish fear of the

unknown. Like the apostle Paul wrote: " I die daily " . And, as Jesus

said: " When thine eye is single, thy whole body will be filled with

Light " . And, elsewhere in the Holy Bible: " When I am out of the body,

I am with God " . This is the basic teaching behind the " Eckankar "

Movement, founded by " soul traveller " , Paul Twitchell. Interestingly,

Ek-Ankh-kar is the same as the Sikh mantra: Ek-Ong-Car Sat Nam,

meaning: " One Om Body is the True Name of God " . One can argue about

names, but there is agreement that this is the only known physical

practice, whereby one can attain what the apostle Paul called: " The

Great Mystery, which is CHRIST WITHIN US " . Perhaps you would prefer

to fake being " Born Again " , since your Christ is outside you, in

the " doghouse " as it were, where you put him!)


93. Therefore, from the fear of death, Brahma (God) is intent on

pranayama, as are also yogis and sages. Therefore, one should

restrain the breath (recycle the Genetic Efflux). (Those with no fear

of death will have no desire for physical immortality. Fear of death,

although ridiculed by the foolhardy, is the best motive I know of for

the practice of that Yoga whereby one is Saved from degeneration by

Regeneration. Indeed, those who do not despise this fear of harm, are

usually less likely to inflict it on others, and are kinder to their

neighbors. There are no suicide-murderers among us.)


95. As the yogi becomes more capable in restraining the prana, then

the whole group of nadis (literally " rivers " , bioplasma), full of

secretions (the " breath " , which is restrained), is purified.


96. ...The yogi should fill in the prana through the left (female)

nostril (nadi)...and should expell it through the right (male)

nostril (nadi).


97. Having meditated on the circular image of the moon (soma), nectar

as white as curds and cow's milk...one practicing pranayama

(recycling of Genetic Efflux) should find peace.


98. Having filled in the breath (Genetic Efflux) through the right

(male) nostril (nadi), one should fill the abdomen (with the Five

Sacraments) slowly. ...(Then), he should expel it through the left

(female) nostril (nadi).


100. Meditating on...moon (female) and sun (male)...draw in the

breath through the left nostril: He should expel it again through the

other... Then having drawn in the breath (Genetic Efflux) through the

right nostril, he should expel it through the left. After three

months, the group of nadis of the practicer becomes pure. (This

explains the exchange of Genetic Efflux between man and woman, known

as Vajroli, Rasa Tantra, or the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God.)


101. By restraining (recycling) the breath (Genetic Efflux), the

nadis (bioplasmas) are cleansed (purified), the digestive fire is

kindled (from the increase of bile, which gives urine its yellow

color), Inner Sound (the Anahat Nad) is heard, and one becomes free

of diseases.



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