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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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Let Us Not Stray Away from Our Dharma


There is an article by Pujya Sethji " God Realization through

Renunciation, " - in that article, the first thing that one is to

renounce is " Nishid Karma " (forbidden actions) - such as lies,

fraud, forgery, dishonesty and prohibited foods, etc. These

forbidden conduct mentioned in the book, should never be done either

with body or mind. They are a blemish in the spiritual path.


Are you not able to give up even blemishes? Renounce them from the

heart? Having a sentiment of renunciation from within is key, but

inspite of that if at some time some mistake is made, then there

will be burning sensation within, which is an indication of

distress. There will be lack of peace. In that burning distress,

there comes the strength, that in the future I will not sin again.

Have a firm determination, a strong will, that it will not happen

again. He Naath (Father) ! Give me such strength, such energy,

that I do not do anything that is against your will. Then Bhagwaan

(God) will help, Dharma (righteousness) will come to your aid. One

who walks the path of Paramatma (God) with a true heart, the entire

world graces him and comes to his aid. All come to help and assist

in this effort.


There was a saint who was blind. He became deeply detached

(vairaagya) and was living in the forest. When the weather turned

cold, then a devotee came and gave him a high quality blanket. That

blanket was the only thing that he had that was good. Late night

some men came next to him and he could hear their muttering. He

asked them who they were? They confessed that they were going to

steal something. They said that their intentions were not to rob,

but the taxes were so high that it is difficult to survive with such

high taxation. Man on becoming greedy, do so many wrongful things,

including stealing, causing distress to others, taking away other's

wealth etc. All this is so sinful and unjust.


It is an extraordinary thing, if in spite of being without any

possessions, and though being in immense difficulty, one still does

not commit any sinful acts, nor does injustice, even though

undergoing extensive suffering.


" Sibi dadheech harichand naresaa; sahe dharam hit koti kalesaa "

(Manasa 2:94:2)


On account of Dharma (Righteousness) millions of difficulties were

endured, but at no time did he stray away from his Dharma (that

which is sanctioned by the scriptures).




That Which is Received is for Serving Others


Paramatma (Supreme Consciousness, God) without any reason, simply

out of his love, naturally is the kind that graces us. That

Paramatma out of his immense grace, gives this jeev (embodied soul)

a human body for his benefit - " Kabahunk kari karunaa nar dehi;

det is binu hetu sanehi. " (Manasa, Utter. 44:3). How is this jeev

(embodied soul) to attain liberation?


Just like a man that has fallen in the water, vigorously pushes away

the water with both his hands and feet, and by doing so he is able

to stay afloat and save himself. But instead of doing that, if he

tries to grab hold of the water with his hands, then certainly he

will drown. This very same point is applicable to the jeev

(embodied soul) that has fallen in this ocean of life. If he begins

to push away (let go) the worldly life, then he will swim across,

and he will be benefited. But if he begins to grab hold and take

from the world, then he will start to drown.


He who desires his upliftment, he must definitely accept that

whatever he has received, the abilities, the strength, is all only

received for serving others, because that which has been received is

not ours. If we look at it from the perspective of cause (kaaran),

then it belongs to the world and if we look at it from the

perspective of the Master, then it belongs to Bhagwaan (God). It is

not ours - that is the truth. That which we have received, is for

our betterment, for attaining liberation. The benefit will be when

we do not consider those things that we have received (or met) as

ours, and we do not seek happiness from them. The point is, that

which we have received, has been received only for giving it up,

rather it is received only to be used for serving others.

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