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Satya Sai Baba

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Shun your vices. Give up your bad habits. Develop virtues and

cultivate good habits. Take to the right path and enjoy an ideal life.

If you have both health and happiness, you need not acquire anything

else. Money can always be earned, but what is really important is

earning of virtues. Money without virtues is of no use, for, it is

virtues that gives happiness in life and not money. Do lead a sacred

life on the sacred path with good behaviour. Pure thoughts and

feelings will always keep us cheerful. Live cheerfully!



The fact that in every being there is the Supreme is an inescapable

reality. God will not be released if denied or enter if invited. He is

there, in the very 'Being' of every being. This is the truth and if

you want to know it and experience it, develop the vision of the Jnani

(wise person). Just as the telescope enables you to see things that

are far away, the 'Jnanascope' is essential to see Brahman (divinity)

immanent in everything.



The impure impulses bind you to the wheel of Samsara (worldly existence) and tie

you down to this earth. The giant tree called mind has two seeds: Vasana

(impulses) and Prana (life breath). The seed grows in to the tree, the tree

yields the seed. The Prana moves because of the Vasanas. The Vasanas operate

because of the Prana. But if beneficent Vasanas are encouraged, they will not

bind the mind. They are like seeds that are fried, which will not sprout. These

Vasanas are characterised by such activities as the association with holy

persons, reverence for the guru, charity, fortitude, love, patience, truth,

courage, sense control, etc.



Prarabdha Karma is the one which we are presently undergoing. and experiencing.

Sanchita means the past Karma. Agami refers to Karma that will follow in the

future. Prarabdha is in between the Sanchita and Agami. We are experiencing the

Prarabdha on account of the previous Sanchita karma. We should not try to

worship God, only for the sake of overcoming the consequences of all our

actions. If you worship Him to get His Grace, Prarabdha, Sanchita and all other

Karma will become ineffective by themselves.



When a river reaches the ocean, it becomes one with the ocean and the river

ceases to exist. Before it joins the ocean, the river is bound by its banks and

it has a distinct form. But when it merges in the ocean, it loses its form, name

and taste. Likewise, when " man " merges in the Infinite " I " only the Infinite " I "

remains and the limited human entity disappears.



Although the sweets which we prepare and eat have many different forms and

names, the fact is, that all of them contain one common thing, that is..sugar.

Just as we must realize this truth, we must also realize that, in this world,

while there are so many individuals with different forms and names, the one

common thing that is present in all of them is the Vishnu Thathwa or the

Omnipresent Atma. This realization will enable you to develop love for the

entire humanity.

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