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Success in Life

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Dear Youngsters and Devotees alike in TBP,


Love and Love alone....


I am starting a new series of quotes from the book " Success in Life: A

Young Person's Guide " by Sri Swami Chadananda, the Head of Divine Life

Society. This book consists of the teachings of Sri Swami Chidananda

for all Devotees, in general, and Youth, in particular. Enjoy!!!


Love and Love alone...


P. Gopi Krishna


First A Letter from Swamiji:


My Dear Child,


You are a teenager now. Remember, you are a Divine Child of God no

matter what age or stage you are in. Therefore, at all times be Divine

in your thoughts, words, and actions. Be Strong. Be Fearless in Truth.

Have firm Courage to be yourself. Do not be weak and wish to imitate

others but be spiritually strong and bold and do not be afraid to

differ from the crowd if you think that is the right thing to do.


To flow with the stream is easy but to swim against the current needs

guts. That's what being Divine means, namely, having the guts to

remain what you are without being dragged into being what every AB...Z

is nowadays. Independent and original! That's what this Swami wants to

find in you at all times, in all conditions, under all circumstances,

in all crowds. Head and shoulders high above the rest. But with no

snobbery or superiority. Just simply, with humility; but with strength.


You will get respect. You will help others that way because you will

show a new way, a way out of the mess which teenagers are in since the

past 25 years. God bless you and may you shine as a Light.


Be an excellent student. Be an understanding son or daughter. An Ideal

Human Individual be. Also a true Love of all that is GOOD, VIRTUOUS



Live simply but think nobly. Feel Divinity and act Ideally. Be perfect

in small things and little acts day by day. Try to make each single

day full of Truth, Selflessness, Nobility, and Purity. Life will be

grand and glorious then because your life is made up of single days

one after another. Take thought of your day!


Swami Chidananda

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