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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - issue 17-2008 - from Saidarbar.

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Sixth Year of Publication


Published as Bi-Weekly


Issue 17/ 2008






One World One Family.


Vasudhaika Kutumbam



Asatoma Sargamaya, Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya, Mrityorma Amritamgamaya, Om

Shantihi, Shantihi, Shantihi!




(Aum! Lead from wrong path to the right path, from ignorance to knowledge, from

mortality to immortality! Peace be to All)






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1.    FROM THE



2.    SAI'S




































Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji








To attain perfect mind control is a most difficult thing.

Those who seek Enlightenment must first rid themselves of the fire of all

desires. Desire is a raging fire, and one seeking Enlightenment must avoid the

fire of desire as a man carrying a load of hay avoids sparks.




But it would be foolish for a man to put out his eyes for

fear of being tempted by beautiful forms. The mind is master and if the mind is

under control, the weaker desires will disappear.




It is difficult to follow the way to Enlightenment, but it

is more difficult if people have no mind to seek such a way. Without

Enlightenment, there is endless suffering in this world of life and death.




When a man seeks the way to Enlightenment it is like an ox

carrying a heavy load through a filed of mud. If the ox tries to do its best

without paying attention to other things, it can overcome the mud and take a

rest. Just so, if the mind is controlled and kept on the right path, there will

be no mud of greed to hinder it and all its sufferings will disappear.




Those who seek the path to Enlightenment must first remove

all egoistic pride and be humbly willing to accept the light of Sai’s

teachings. All the treasures of the world, all its gold and silver and honors,

are not to be compared with wisdom and virtue.




To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s

family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s

own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to

Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.




Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue

appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To

walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and

the guidance of virtue.




The Sai’s teaching, which tells people how to eliminate

greed, anger and foolishness, it is a good teaching and those who follow it

attain the happiness of a good life.





Sai Sevak

Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.




To be









August 1918: BABA offered Hemadri Pant a glass of

buttermilk and said, “Drink it all, you won't get such opportunity again.




August 1929: Composer of " SAGUNOPASANA " Arati

Book, Shri K.A.Bhishma passed away at Mohra in Nagpur District.




August 1982: Swami SaiSharananandaji (WamanRao Patel)

passed away at Ahmedabad (Aged 93 years).




August 1984: Administration of SHIRDI SAMSTHAN handed over

to the Board of Trustees by the court and Executive officer appointed for day

to day administration.

















These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our

beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRDI. In Anticipation that this feature will

help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and

presented to SAIBANDHUS.




Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN













Yesterday, Sai appeared in the form of priest and passed

on advice and suggestions for the House warming and inaugural ceremony of

Saidarbar slated to take place on 26-01-1996.




1. To begin with, worship Lord Ganesha made out of





2. Have respect age-old traditions.




3. Saidarbar should be the mixture of old and new.




4. Sanctify with water from the river Ganga.




5. Store water for me to drink in a container.




6. Throughout the night, light a kerosene lamp




7. After conducting the first Saidarbar, serve food to all

the laborers engaged for construction of Saidarbar.




8. After retirement from service, cleanse yourself from

all the Accumulated dirt in your life and opt for leading a pious Life.




There should be a sea change in the outlook having opted

for conducting Saidarbar.








Yesterday, Sai appeared in the form of an old lady and





You have formally inaugurated Saidarbar on 26-01-1996; better remember the

duties to be

performed from now onwards.




1. For those seeking mental rest, speak a few good words

of solace.




2. Show a good path for those gone astray.




3. Advocate Saibandhus to get rid off the vengeances.




4. Welcome all visitors without ego.




5. Do not discriminate people entering darbar.




6. Educate visitors on their duties and what is ultimate.




7. Always wear a white dress.




Simple living and high thinking should get reflected in

every sphere of life.










My mind was pre-occupied with thoughts about love for the

kith and kin and excessive attachment towards wife and children. Sai appeared

in the form of an unknown person and said-




Let TIME be the only binding factor. Fulfill all your

moral and social responsibilities well in time unmindful of all other factors.

But do not get entangled with more and more people in that process.




Time is precious and priceless.




To be










(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)




‘Shashi’: shashi_31




32. Significance of Meditation





of colors seen in Meditation.





White, Black, Blue and finally Saffron colours will be seen in meditation.

These colors represent the nature of the body.





Color: The stage of red aura in meditation is the gross body. As the red stage

progresses, the body gradually becomes thinner and thinner. Fat will be

reduced. Sometimes Prana would flow very quickly along with the nerves of the

lower part of our back. Sometimes neck moves so vigorously making loud sound.

This is Hatha Yoga process, affected by the Goddess Kundalini, in order to go

up thru the spinal cord into the Sahasra. Sometimes when our neck rotates, our

chin would get in the jugular notch below the throat. This is called ‘Jalandara

Bandha’. When this takes place, the anus would be automatically drawn in and

then released. ‘Rakteswari’ is the Goddess of Red-Aura.





Color:  It is extremely beautiful. When we see this light, we get an unusual

kind of sleep in meditation. ‘Shivatiswari’ is the Goddess of white flame. It

is of thumb size. The subtle body which shaped like a thumb is the means by

which the individual soul experiences the dream state and enjoys some rest. It

supports the gross or the physical body. It represents the letter ‘U’, the

second letter of ‘AUM’. The individual soul in this body is called ‘Tai Jasa’.

Its seat is in the throat and white flame may be seen there in the vision.






To be












 Reshape yourself

through the power of your will; never let yourself be degraded by self-will..

The will is the only friend of the Self, and the will is the only enemy of the






Gita 6:5




Perennial joy or passing

pleasure? This is the choice one is to make always.


The wise recognize these

two, but not the ignorant. The first welcome what leads to abiding joy, though

painful at the time. The latter run, goaded by their senses, after what seems

immediate pleasure.













Chilkur Balaji Temple Devotees

Worship for Visas



http://www.newindpress.com/sunday/sundayitems.asp?id=SEG20080726070825 & eTitle=Sp\

otlight & rLink=0






HYDERABAD, INDIA, July 28, 2008:

The official residence of the “Visa God”, Chilkur Balaji, is in the little

village of Chilkur — tucked

away in the southwest corner of Hyderabad

and flanked by Osmansagar and a national forest, Mrugavani. “You need to

complete 11 pradakshinas with folded hands and nothing but the Lord in your

heart. At the end, close your eyes and make the wish to Kaliyuga Devam (Lord of

Kaliyuga), Balaji, and rest assured your wish will be granted,” explains an

Archaka to a first-timer. But the visa comes with a rider. “Once your wish is

granted, you should come back to the temple and this time 108 Pradakshinas

should be completed as a mark of your gratitude,” adds the Archaka.




Prayers for visas began in

the early 1990’s when engineering students from nearby colleges came to the

temple seeking divine help to receive their visas to study abroad. The chief

priest of the temple, C. S. Gopalakrishna, suggested this practice of

Pradakshinas, which has become standard practice for visa-aspiring devotees..









Now all the works of

Saibanisaji (translated into English Language by Sai Sevak Sri RaghuRaman

Satulury) are available in one place in the web blog:








Saidevotees may kindly

visit the above blog, read the articles and give your valuable comments in the

“Guest Book”.











Thu, July 24, 2008 11:49 am




Sai Devotees,


SaiRam, I am happy to share following Experiences of Sai

with you all.




Experience 1:




Needless to say I am a staunch devotee of Baba. In fact

though I believed in Baba, my faith grew stronger only recently. I speak my

heart out only to him and I started feeling that he is with me and is listening

to my prayers.




Initially I just felt that how can such thing happen to a

normal person like me. But he kept proving it to me that it is only through his

grace that things were accomplished. Any small desire of mine was taken care of

him. Whenever I went to Baba’s temple, I always had a colour in my mind and

always tested him saying he should wear that colour if he is omniscient. And to

my joy, always found him in what I wanted. It could be as simple as me wanting

to get a particular prasad and when my turn comes they start distributing the

Prasad which I wanted. I kept thinking it might be just mere co-incidence until

some point. But later, I gave up and starting believing that Baba can show

miracles to me too and to a common person like me. He is with me now. I talk to

him, fight with him, cry and shout at him too at times. I slowly started

devoting most of my time to Sai. Then, I involved myself in Satcharita. I can’t

explain how much peace I got reading his Leelas.




I used to feel as if I was in some other world altogether.

I gave up eating non-veg and started reading. I did two saptaahs and one normal

reading. At the end of one Saptaah, the last one in fact, I wished that Sai

should come home. It was at the same time where I was reading the other leelas

through the Saidarbar devotees page. I read couple of miracles in which Sai

came home to see the devotee and accept the prasad. I also had a desire to see

him. I had not planned up anything as such but my friend, who is also a Sai

devotee got me pooran polis, which is Baba’s one of the favorite food. She got

it for my parents but my inner soul said I should keep it for Baba for his





I did so the next morning. After I finished reading the

last chapter, I kept the pooran polis in front of Baba and also lit the ghee

deepa. I informed at home that if some old or disabled person comes home, he

should be given this to eat. I am still new to all this and I am learning how

to offer prayers too. So, I did not open the cover and kept it without opening

it. Then, my mom came and told me to take it out and offer it. When she was

taking it out, it seemed as if two pooran polis were attached, as if Baba

wanted two instead of one. So, mom kept it in front of him. I had decided not to

partake anything until I get Sai’s darshan. I waited very eagerly. I live in a

place where you can hardly find any one coming to your door and asking for

food. My mom asked me to give up and asked me to carry it and give it near

temple as we were going to one. But I was stubborn enough to agree upon that. I

said he has to come home to see me and bless us; I will not go searching for

him. I wanted him to come to our doorstep and bless our home too. I waited and

kept waiting. I kept looking at the photo talking to him.




 I went out looking for him. Then, desire arose in my

mind that when I am going to temple, if I find an old person, let me give him

money first and also tell him to come home and accept the naivedya. Thinking

that I took out the money from my wallet and me and mom stepped out of the

house. Baba knew how stubborn I was, for he made up his mind to visit me. As

soon as I stepped out of the house, I saw a disabled man holding a stick with

an elderly woman. I had never seen them before nor they looked to be begging

for anything. They just approached 2 people on the footpath and looked at them

as if to see if they could help. Felt may be they did this to show me that they

were the ones I was waiting for.




The moment I saw them, I felt that Sai had come in this

form. I remembered reading that Sai loves to feed the disabled people. I ran

out of joy to get the naivedya and also the money in my hand. I offered both to

two of them who were at my doorstep. That person kept looking at me and I could

feel that glow on his face and knew for sure that it’s my Sai. He smiled at me

which I still can’t forget. Then he lifted his left hand and bowed at me as if

thanking me for the offering since his right hand was handicapped. I was filled

with tears. It was all so quick. We had to go to the temple and mom was

hurrying me up but I kept staring at that person thinking is this my Sai, would

he come all the way to meet this simple devotee. It was unbelievable.




After this, I didn’t see them going to any houses to beg

but just saw them going to the next lane. I was wonderstruck. I still did not

know what was happening. All I remember was as soon as I gave the food to Sai,

it was as if my burden was taken away and I was relieved from all the tensions.

I had headache and body pains before this but just at this moment, I felt it

was all taken away by Sai. I am sorry if it is too lengthy but I can’t stop

writing His leelas.




We will continue with these

wonderful Experiences of Sai in the Next issue. Sai Ram.






To be continued...






7. SAI







Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children

and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be

entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my

child hood.




The story of the bird with the two necks




Once upon a time there lived a special kind of bird which

had two necks and shared a common stomach.




One day, one of the heads found a jar of nectar and on

seeing this other head also wanted to taste the nectar but the first neck

refused to let it have it. Enraged, the other neck soon found a jar of poison

and it consumed it. The poison reached the common stomach and both the necks





MORAL: Sharing of a good thing with others is always good.








Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 9:32 AM




Sai Ram. Let us continue with the wonderful story of the

spiritual awakening of the Madrasi Ramadasi. Sai Ram.




    SSS: After awakening he began to think

seriously about the dream-vision. His mental attitude was completely changed

and he realized the greatness of Baba. After this, his grabbing and doubting

tendencies disappeared and true devotion to Baba's Feet sprang in his mind. The

vision was a mere dream, but the questions and answers therein were most

significant and interesting. Next morning when all the persons assembled in the

Dwarakamayi for the Arati, Baba gave him as prasad two rupees' worth sweetmeats

and also two rupees from His pocket and blessed him. He made him stay there for

a few more days and gave him His blessing, saying, " God will give you

plenty and He will do you all good " . He did not get more money there, but

he got far better things viz. Baba's blessing which stood him in good stead all

along. The party got plenty of money afterwards and their pilgrimage was

successful as they had not to suffer any trouble or inconvenience during their

journey. They all returned home safe and sound, thinking of Baba's words and

blessings and the Anand (Bliss) they experienced by His grace.




    This story illustrates one of the

methods, which Baba followed (and is following even now) in some cases to

improve and reform His devotees.




    SSG: Sai Ram. Not only was the man

spiritually awakened, but his getting the blessings of Sadguru Sai helped him

lead a comfortable worldly life. Thus, it is clear that the blessings of

Sadguru will help a Sadhaka in all planes, material as well as spiritual. Even

though one approaches God / Guru with materialistic desires initially, the

contact with the Divine benefits the Sadhaka in all respects. Baba used to tell

some of His devotees, who were objecting to others coming to Sai with

materialistic desires, that no one can come to Him unless He wills it, and that

He is pulling them with a promise of fulfilling their materialistic desires so

that He can also awaken them spiritually and lead them to the Nishkama stage,

where they are free of desires. Sai Ram. this wonderful story is one of the

many examples of Baba's grace working such transformational wonders on the

minds of those, who are drawn to Him. Sai Ram.






His Servant,




Author, Editor and Book Reviewer






To be continued...









 Kalemama's meeting with Sadguru Sai Baba - By

Niket Kale




Kalemama or Ramchandra Bapuji Kale was born in

Kolhapur, a city of Maratha Rulers. His father Bapuji

Kale was a Minister in the personal court of Maharaja of Kolhapur. Kalemama,

born in

such an influential family, of links with the Royal families of Kolhapur, was

ought to receive

the best during his childhood and youth and he was sent to Bombay to graduate in


faculty of Civil Engineering.




It was during the British rule in India,

holding a graduation degree in Engineering was a promising career, and alike

the expectations Kalemama later served as Chief Executive Officer of the

Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, also as Secretary of Dhule Municipal

Corporation, State Engineer at Akkalkot Sansthan and many a few other places

until he met Meher Baba and came to Meherabad for a final stay, which lasted


the 16th of September 1954, when he rested in peace.




Kalemama met Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi,

which changed the course of his life. After Sai Baba dropped His physical body

in 1918, Kalemama met Meher Baba at Ahmednagar in 1926 and his solitary life

ended at Meher Baba's feet as his wife Mrs. Janki, or more often referred as

Mrs. Kalemama had already passed away in 1932, at Meherabad. Meher Baba had

included her name in the list of 120 dear departed souls whom He paid a homage,

as a token of love and gratitude. It was a gesture of love for their surrender

and unquestionably holding faith in Meher Baba, during the hilly walks of life.

It was on the 16th

 of September 1954 that Kalemama passed away at Meherabad,

Kalemama's son Murli was staying at Jabalpur, to practice

Homeopathy, as permitted by Meher Baba.




Kalemama had a well settled family. One of the

Kalemama's daughter's was married to Dr. Bhadbhade of Indore and another was

married to Rao Saheb Pandit, an Eminent Educationist and founder of the

" Sanjeevan Vidhyalaya " at Panchgani, an institution that has now

gained paramount importance in the field of imparting education in various

faculties. Murli's elder brother Shreedhar or more frequently called Babu was

also at Panchgani and Babu's wife Nirmala was Matron of Central Jail Jabalpur.

Kalemama was one of those very rare and fortunate persons who had the

opportunity to meet Shri Sadguru Sai Baba, Shri Sadguru Narayan Maharaj and

Shri Sadguru Upasni Maharaj. It was during the years 1908 to 1909, Kalemama was

supervising the construction work of Burhanpur Tapti Mill at Burhanpur.




The site was close to the Railway station and

one day one of his friends informed Kalemama that Shri Sadguru Narayan Maharaj

was going to Khandwa that day and would be boarding the train from the

Burhanpur Railway station. Kalemama with his friends went to the Station and

had Sadguru Narayan Maharaj's darshan. Later from April 1910 to May 1911

Kalemama was appointed Secretary of Pandharpur Municipal Corporation. And during

this time, the glory of Sai Baba, had spread throughout Maharastra and many a

Govt. officers and learned persons were devoted to Him.




At Pandharpur Mr. Rale and Mr. Patwardhan were

disciples of Shri Sadguru Sai Baba. They requested Kalemama to come to Shirdi

for Sai Baba's darshan. The above three along with Justice Hatyangadi of

Pandharpur made their way to Shirdi and met Sai Baba and attended the two days

function during last week of December 1910. At Shirdi some Govt. Officers and

some of the prominent solicitors of Bombay had also come to

attend the gathering, as during the winter vacations it was convenient to make

a pleasure trip, for the families. Until Sai Baba's darshan Kalemama had never

heard of Shirdi and he felt very happy to attend the function at the place.





be continued...











On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:53 PM





Your E-magazine is excellent. While reading it, I   enjoyed




lord Sai bless you and your team.







for “The Glory of Shirdi Sai E- Magazine” in the 3d page turning New FORMAT






On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:28 AM







good website http://www.saidarbar.org

and E-magazine “The Glory of Shirdi Sai”.










On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 6:23 PM







is wonderful. God blesses us.








On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 8:11 AM




 Jai Sainath,



Excellent made 3d page turning E-magazine “The Glory of Shirdi Sai”.


Vijay Khandekar






On Fri,

Jul 18, 2008 at 12:00 PM





good website and E-magazine, keep it up.


Vijay khanna






You can also read this E-

Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page











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Please contact: saidarbar




12. SAI'S





Title:  Life of Sai Baba - Vol III


Author: Pujyasri



All India Sai

Samaj, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004.




Title: Life of Sai Baba - Vol III


Author: Pujyasri



All India Sai

Samaj, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004.




Title: Life of Sai Baba - Vol IV


Author: Pujyasri



All India Sai

Samaj, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004.




Please Note:


Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word

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contact: saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books

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Things impressed me from

this magazine:




To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs

the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.




Even though one approaches

God / Guru with materialistic desires initially, the contact with the Divine

benefits Sadhaka in all respects.




Sai devotee Shivalin’s

experience once again proves that unshaken faith and patience are rewarded

suitably towards the end.




Sai devotees may write

about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai

to ‘The Glory of Shirdi Sai’ they may be address their contributions to E-mail







We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shirdi Sai-

the Bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to

publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine




SAI for a friend /relative by submitting E-mail ID in the main page

of     http://www.saidarbar.org




Also read the old issues from:  http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm




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Submitted by:








          Saidarbar – Hyderabad - India.












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