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Let Nirvana Encircle Your Being by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


Man is not born to remain bound, to be tormented and fearful, but to

overcome these botherations and float in spiritual redemption and

ecstasy. Do not construe the blessing of human life as a curse. Human

birth bestows superiority. Your thoughts are to be positive in every

situation. Freedom of thought should not act as a disadvantage. Every

one should harness it as a distinct quality, shedding timely luster.


The world is plentiful. True, it assails you constantly with a number

of attractions and repulsions. But it can do so only when you give

your mind to be conquered by it. Attraction or repulsion is not in the

object of the world; it arises in your mind, when the object registers

its impulse thereon. This truth must enable you to work your way for

success and salvation.


The world cannot be your master; it only helps to learn. The learning

is done by your own buddhi. Do not make yourself a slave to kaama and

krodha. Remember, senses in your body are superior to the objects

around you. More powerful than senses is the mind. Greater still is

your buddhi. And the Soul in you is the greatest! Remember this order

of ascendancy.


The powers in their own order of ascendancy being within you, seek

refuge under your intelligence whenever the mind is attracted or

repelled. Viveka is the most reliable help. Culture it by your

intelligence. When adequately imbued with viveka, your own

intelligence will be able to strengthen the mind, withstand

attractions and repulsions.


A Sadhaka is one, who tries for this kind of mental relaxation,

emotional equipoise, psychological freedom and harmony. Meditation

comes to him as an aid. In meditation, his mind gets closer to the

Self, to the great Presence and Power that makes and rules everyone's

body. Now and then reflect upon your own superiority over the world

objects; the superior-most nature of the Soul in you. The endless

world is but insentient. But you, the individual, are sentient. Can

you not transcend the world's influences on you then? It is a shame to

plead weak, deluded or lethargic. With the creator right in your

heart, what excuse can you claim?


In Jnaana-sadhana wisdom works all the ends †" purity, sublimation and

illumination. Knowledge, buddhi's wealth, acts directly on the mind

below. Mind responds only to the zealous treatment of buddhi. Tutor

the mind about the secret of enlightenment and ecstasy.


When you remember God, you feel peace, but how? All-pervasive God does

not come in to deliver peace. In remembering God, world stands apart;

thereby kaama-krodha subsides. Mind becomes serene and peace surges

forth easily. Mind's is the magic.


Yatis, sanyasins, by ridding mind of kaama and krodha, preserve an

inner sublimity, which generates nirvana. Their mind preserves the

treasure always. What a great truth! Actualize it by diligent effort.

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