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LUST Conquest -

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LUST Conquest


Two Moslem ladies wearing veils came to take darshan of Baba at the

mosque and NGC (Nanasaheb Chandorkar) was sitting by him. NGC tried to

get up and go away.

Baba: You had better remain. If they wish to take darshan, let them


The ladies came. The older removed her veil and took darshan. Next, as

the younger removed her veil, took darshan and resumed her veil, Nana,

smitten with her beauty, thought to himself " Shall I have one more

opportunity to see that angelic face? " , but he said nothing. baba struck

him on the thigh. Then the ladies left.

Baba: Nana, do you know why I struck you?

Nana: How can I hide anything from the omniscience of my guru? But I do

not understand how such low thoughts should sway my mind, when I am in

your immediate presence.

Baba: You are a man after all. Are you not? The body is full of desires,

which spring up as soon as a sense object approaches, but are temples

with lovely and well coloured exterior scarce in the world? When we go

there, is it to admire the exterior or see the God within? When you are

seeing the God in the shrine, do you care for the outside beauty of the

building or for that of the image or Paramatama within? Does God remain

only in temples? Is he not found in every object in the world as in

temples? We are not to bother ourselves about the beauty or ugliness of

the exterior, but to concentrate solely on the form taken by and

revealing God.

Of course there is nothing in looking at the exterior, but as one looks

at it, he must think how clever and powerful is the God that produced

such a beautiful abode, how he resides therein and how nicely ornamented

he is. Nana, if you had directed your thoughts to this way, you would

not have had the desire to get one more look at the Moslem beauty's

face. Keep this always in mind.

(Source Sai Baba Charters and Sayings)






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