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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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Defects Have No Existence; We Have Given Existence to Them


Defects have no existence and flawlessness (perfection) never ceases

to be. Deficiencies are not permanent, they come and go and the

substantial element which conceives their coming and going, stays

permanently. Knowledge of defects occurs only to a perfect person,

through purity and flawlessness. Each one perceives the coming and

going of defects, but no one perceives their own self coming and

going, because the defects are unreal, and our own pure self is real.

To presume that we possess defects is an invitation to defects and

establishes defects in one's own self. If defects were inherent in

us, then there would be no end to these defects in us, then we would

have been defective in toto, for ever. But no person is found

defective in complete, forever.


We have given existence to defects, therefore the coming and going of

defects are seen by us. If we do not give existence to defects, then

there are no defects in reality. " nasato vidhyate bhavah " " The

unreal has no existence " (Gita 2:16).


Just like a pitch dark night cannot exist in the Sun, similarly, in

eternal existence, the temporary defects cannot arise. Just as God is

defectless and equanimous; " nirdosham hi samam brahma " (Gita 5:19),

so is the soul, part of Paramatma (Supreme Consciousness) . The Soul

(Self) is free from blemish (Gita 2:25).


It is spoken of as immutable i.e. free from defects.

" Ishvar ansh, jeev avinaashi; chetan amal sahaj sukha raasi " (Manasa,

Uttar. 117:1)


" The Jivaatmaa (embodied soul), is a part of Paramaatmaa (Supreme

Soul) and it is immortal. It is consciousness, immutable and a

fountain of natural bliss. " Therefore to presume defects in one's own

self and in others - both views are mistaken and erroneous.


We have established defects in us by ourselves. We have strengthened

them by giving them existence. Therefore not giving existence to

defects, and establishing ourselves and other persons to be free of

defects, is our duty. The feeling of purity in one's ownself and in

other persons is Self-Realization, it is liberation.

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