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Mantras - 9

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9.Santi Mantras - 2




Harihi Om!

sarvESaam swastir bhavatu,

sarvESaam Santir bhavatu.

sarvESaam poornam bhavatu,

sarvESaam mangalam bhavatu.

sarvE bhavantu sukhinaha,

sarvE santu niraamayaaha.

sarvE bhadraani pashyantu,

maakascit duhkha bhaag bhavet.




Auspiciousness (swasti) be unto all; peace (shanti) be unto all;

fullness (poornam) be unto all; prosperity (mangalam) be unto all.


May all be happy! (sukhinah)

May all be free from disabilities! (niraamayaah)

May all look (pashyantu) to the good of others!

May none suffer from sorrow! (duhkha)


Harihi Om!

namastE satE te jagat kaaraNaaya,

namastE chitE sarva lOkaaSrayaaya,

namO dvaita tattwaaya mukti pradaaya,

namO brahmaNE vyaapinE Saasvataaya.




Salutations to that Being, the cause of the universe! Salutations to that

Consciousness, the support of all the worlds! Salutations to that One Truth

without a second, which gives liberation! Salutations to that pure, eternal

Brahman who pervades all regions!



Harihi Om!

yascandasaamrishabho viSwaroopaha,

chandObhyO dhyamritaat sambabhoova.

sa mendro mEdhayaa sprinOtu,

amritasya dEvadhaaranO bhuuyaasam.

Sariiram me vicarshanam,

jihwaa me madhumattamaa,

karnaabhyaam bhuuri vishruvam,

braahmanaha koshousi mEdhayaapihitaha,

Srutam me gOpaaya,

Om Santihi, Santihi, Santihi!




May He, the Lord of all, pre-eminent among the Vedas and superior to the nectar

contained in them, bless me with wisdom! May I be adorned with the knowledge of

Brahman that leads to immortality! May my body become strong and vigorous (to

practise meditation)! May my tongue always utter delightful words! May I hear

much with my ears! Thou art the scabbard of Brahman hidden by worldly taints

(not revealed by impure, puny intellects). May I never forget all that I have

learnt! Om peace, peace, peace!


Harihi Om!

aham vrikshasya rerivaa,

Kiirtihi prishthaam girEriva,

uurdhwapavitrO vaajiniiva swamritamasmi,

draviNam savarcasam sumEdhaa amritOkshitaha,

iti trishankOr vEdaanu vacanam,

Om Santihi, Santihi, Santihi!




I am the destroyer of the tree (of samsara; worldly life). My reputation is as

high as the top of the hill. I am in essence as pure as the sun. I am the

highest treasure. I am all-wise, immortal and indestructible. This is

Trishanku¢s realization. Om peace, peace, peace!


Harihi Om!

yo brahmaanam vidadhaati puurvam,

yo vai vEdaanaSca prahinOti tasmai,

tam ha dEvmaatma buddhi prakaaSam,

mumukshurvai Saranamaham prapadye,

Om Santihi, Santihi, Santihi!




He who creates this entire universe in the beginning, and He about whom the

Vedas gloriously praise and sing, in Him I take refuge with the firm faith and

belief that my intellect may shine with Self-knowledge. Om peace, peace, peace!


Harihi Om!

viSwaani dEva savitar duritaani paraasuva,

yad bhadram tanma aasuva.




O all pervading, Supreme Lord, the effulgent Creator, we place our faith and

trust entirely in Thee. Keep away from us all that is evil and bestow upon us

all that is good.


Harihi Om!

agne naya supathaa raaye asmaan

vishwaani deva vayunaani vidvaan;

yuyOdhyas majjuhu raanmenO

Bhooyishthaam tE nama-uktim vidhEma.




O Supreme Lord, who art light and wisdom, Thou knowest all our thoughts and

deeds. Lead us by the right path to the fulfillment of life, and keep us away

from all sin and evil. We offer unto Thee, O Lord, our praise and salutation.


Harihi Om!

tvamEkam SaraNyam tvamEkam varENyam,

tvamEkam jagatpaalakam svaprakaaSam,

tvamEkam jagatkartu paatruprahartru,

tvamEkam param niScalam nirvikalpam.




O Thou my only refuge, O Thou my one desire, O Thou the one protector of the

world, the radiant One. O Thou the creator, sustainer and dissolver of the whole

world, O Thou the one great motionless Being, free from change and modification.


Harihi Om!

vayam tvaam smaraamo vayam tvaam bhajaamo,

vayam tvaam jagat saakshiroopam namaamaha,

sadEkam nidaanam niraalambamiiSam,

bhavaambhOdhi pOtam SaraNyam vrajaamaha.




O Thou eternal all-pervading witness of the whole universe, we meditate on the

one Truth. We silently adore Thee and offer Thee our salutation. We take

complete refuge in that one Almighty Being, the basis of everything,

self-supporting and supreme, and a vessel in the stormy sea of life.


Harihi Om!

dyauh Saantihi antariksham Saantihi,

prithivii Saantihi aapah Saantihi,

Oshadhayah Saantihi vanaspatayah Saantihi,

viSvEdEvaah Saantihi brahma Saantihi,

sarvam Saantihi SaantirEva Saantihi,

Saamaa SaantirEdhihi,

Om Santihi, Santihi, Santihi!


Meaning: (two interpretations)


1.By Swami Shivananda, Rishikesh

O Supreme Lord, Thy celestial regions are full of peace and harmony; peace

reigns on Thy earth and Thy waters. Thy herbs and trees are full of peace. All

Thy forces of nature are full of peace and harmony. There is peace and

perfection in Thy eternal knowledge; everything in the universe is peaceful, and

peace pervades everywhere. O Lord, may that peace come to me!

2. By Swami Abhedananda, Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, India.

May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space

everywhere. May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs,

trees and creepers. May peace flow over the whole universe. May peace be in the

Supreme Being Brahman. And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone.









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