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Dive into the Divine Bliss with Telugu Pravachanams

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My dear friends,


Long time we are enjoying Sri Chaganti gari pravachanams and others on the

net.  We also came to hear about another great soul, " Sribhasyam Appalacharya " . 

Now we can listen him and other great souls pravachanams on the net. (whom I

never know until I come across Sateesh).   Thanks to Satish and Narasimha Murthi

(http://www.pravachanam.com).  They did an excellent collection and put them on

the web in compressed form so that we can download fewer files only.


If you have any details about the artists or any other tracks available, please

send e-mail to Sateesh.  He can host them so that everyone can benefit.


Dive into the bliss.  I am enclosing their e-mail here.




Nagaraj Tanguturu

Build a Life You can be Proud Of & Live your dream


Dear Bandhu,


Wish you all wonderful Dasara Day celebration.

On this Auspicious day, we took an opportunity to LAUNCH website






This is site with Wealth of discourses rendered by great scholars,Acharyas and


while they were travelling around the world.

The discourses are related to our great epics like  Mahabharat, Ramayan,

Bhagavatham, vedas,

Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and many More.

These discourses are in Telugu, Hindi and English.

We will be keep adding more and more discourses as we receive.


Please take time and visit the Website and DOWNLOAD whatever you would like to


These are already tagged for you to download and put it in your ipod or listen

in CAR.


I hope you all take this great opportunity to listen to most knoweldgeful


and enlighted ourselves.


If you have any discourses, which you would like to share with please send your


PLEASE PLEASE .. Pass on the information to your friends and families.




With all your best wishes

Pravachanam Team (Sateesh Burgadda - Narsimha Murthy Chilukamarri)




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