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Quality Education - Quality Life.

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In the contemporary world, people have lost knowledge in information

and the higher divine wisdom is lost in knowledge. This resulted in

everlasting fear of life,alround suffering and suspicion towards


beings attracting the concern of the whole world towards quality

education.The Indian philosophy of life and Education can be

summerised as :





That is action which does not conduce to bondage: that is Education

which conduces liberation of spiritual emancipation. All other

actions would cause mere exertion; other education implies mere skills in craft.


The importance of quality education has now been widely acknowledged

in all parts of the globe.In Hindu culture, the very term

Education 'Vidya' relates only to quality education. In 1990,the

World Declaration on Education for All noted that the generally poor

quality of education needed to be improved and recommended that the education be

made both universally available and more relavent. It could be judged

unfortunate that the quantitative aspects of education have become the main

focus of attention in recent years for policy makers throughout the world.


The quality education should help the student to discover himself or

herself and extract from within, the traits of self

confidence,independ ence and the desire to face challenges of life

with the knowledge weapon.


The Oxford Dictionary meant education as development of character or

mental powers. The 'Educate' emphasises in giving intellectual, moral

and social instruction.


Swamy Vivekananda explains about quality education:


" The ideal of all education, all training should be man making.

Education is not the amount of information that is put into your

brain and runs roit there, undigested all your life. We must have life building,

man making, character making assimilation of ideas " .


The wise and noble words of Winston Churchill are worthy to be

remembered forever by all the stake holders in the field of education:


" The first duty of a University is to teach wisdom,not trade;

character, not technicalities " .


The Education should cater to Family, Financial, Physical, Mental,

Social and Spiritual dimensions of life. ------------ -


You are requested to listen 'Quality Education - Quality Life' at:


http://www.archive. org/search. php?query= dr.anjaneyulu% 20Goli%


20collection% 3Aopensource_ audio


http://www.archive. org/search. php?query= dr.Goli%20AND%


3Aopensource_ audio%20AND% 20collection% 3Aopensource_ audio



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