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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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There is No Bondage At All, It is Only Our Perception


People have simply accepted the belief that bondage is for ever, and

release from it, is the attainment of liberation. In essence, this is

where the mistake lies. In reality, there is no bondage at all. If

there was bondage, then there would not be any liberation for anyone;

because there is no non-existence of the Real - " Naabhaavo vidhyate

Satah " (Gita 2:16). If bondage were real, then it's non-existence

would not be there at all. Therefore there is no bondage, we only

perceive it as being there.


In the mirror we see our reflection, then why do you not grab hold of

it!!! But since it does not exist at all, then what is there to grab?

In the same way, in these worldly matters, there appears to be

mine-ness, this wealth, this body, the family members, possessions,

glories etc. it appears as if they are mine ! but were they ours

hundred years back? and will they remain ours after another hundred

years? This " mine-ness " was not there in the beginning, and will not

be there in the end, and in the middle too, it is daily getting wiped

out, then how is it real? In the mirror, first too there was not a

face, in the end too there will not be a face, then at present what is

seen, it appears to be so, but it is not there.


That which is every moment, moving towards " not-existence " , how can

it be " existing " ? That which is not there - " IS NOT " you have believed

it to be there - " IS " . If you leave the belief that, that

which is not there (non-existent) , is there (existing) then you will

be naturally liberated. Before there was no mine-ness, and there was

freedom, later there will be no mine-ness, therefore only freedom will

remain, and in the middle too this mineness is leaving constantly,

therefore we are moving towards freedom. Therefore bondage is only

something we have accepted, whereas freedom is innate and natural. Now

where is the delay in this? Tell me!


If you have accepted that this bondage will not break off, then this

bondage will definitely not break away ! even though you are a part of

Paramatma. If you firmly believe in the bondage, then it will

definitely not leave you. You have accepted that bondage is there at

present, and freedom is there somewhere in the distance, and will

happen later on. Now, how can that bondage leave you? In reality,

there was no bondage even in the beginning, and there will not be even

later on, and it is not there right now. That liberation was always

there in the beginning, will remain so in the end, and is there in the



See! every person has immense love for his mother. Now is that love

there even today? This love too is like a sample of worldly love. When

you are trading in goods, you first look at the sample and make a

decision. From the sample you get to know the total product. The wife

is mine, the son is mine, the wealth is mine, the house is mine -

these all appear to be sweet, then in your childhood, was your mother

any less sweet? You were unable to stay without your mother, you would

cry, and on climbing into her lap, you would become happy, feeling I

have found my mother! But is that same loving feeling with the mother,

today? Like that there are many fortunate ones, whose mother is

present today, but the attraction / fondness that was there for the

mother, is not there now. With this sample, the entire world's lesson

is learned, that, that for which we have attraction today, that too

will not remain.

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