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 The man who lives in the belief that self is body dies a slave to the body. The

man, who lives believing that self resides in the body, dies a prisoner shackled

to the body. But the one who realises that body is given as an implement for the

use of the will self lead a life of spiritual quest and will, at the end of life

attain immortality. There is no death for such a man. He just sheds the physical

body. When man realises his true identity to be enlightened consciousness, he

will perceive body, mind, and sense organs etc., as rays or fragments of that

consciousness. He begins to see self as the source of light and his body as an

emanation. Physical bodies are recognised by him as differentia­tions from that

light. Death is understood by him as the merging of differentiations into their

source. The person who has knowledge of this secret is no longer bound by bodily

attachments of illusions. The experience of the light in him will help him to


others as embodiments of the same light. He realises that all men are

manifestations of light from the same cosmic FIRE. When it is realised that all

are " Limbs " of the same cosmic Body the welfare of that Body acquires a special

significance. Then an understanding grows in him that the nation is more

important than the individual. Similarly the true meaning of nationalism also

will become clear only then. A limb cannot have an existence away from or apart

from the body. By the same token an individual, a limb of the nation, cannot be

well unless the nation is well set. Thinking about this will make it easier to

give greater prominence to nationality than to indi­viduality. Such an outlook

will tremendously improve the prosperity of the nation and with it the wealth

and well being of the individuals who belong to it. When a nation is inhabited

by people who put their self-interest above the interests of that nation then it

can only end' in disaster to

itself and to its people. People will prosper only when they work for the

Prosperity of their nation. Thus, 'dharma' is that which, being protected by us,

protects us.













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