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Hindu week days 1a.

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Dear friends and devotees,


Bhakti is eternal.


Hindu week days


While discussing about Hinduism, we have discussed some details

connected to Hindu calendar (Panchanga). There I have highlighted the

week days and their importance.


Most of the Hindus are observing fast, on one day or other in a week and

worshiping the particular deity of the day. I am giving those details

which are prevalent in our Country in general, though not have any hard

and fast rules. Each day is connected to a small story, which is meant

for reading as moral story and to enjoy only.


1a. Sunday


People keep fast on Sundays in the name of Surya Narayana or the Sun

God. They take food only once a day, generally fruit, before sun-set.

Saltish and fried items are avoided. It is believed that a fast on a

Sunday saves one from skin diseases like leprosy, ringworm, and eye

sores. Sun God is worshipped with red sandalwood and red flowers. This

story is related with Surya Narayana the Sun God.


Once Surya Narayana (Sun God) ruled this world. He looked after both the

world and his family. He fed one and all from the same spoon. He gave

half a spoon to all the creatures on the earth and the other half to his

family. The members of Surya Narayana's family did not work hard and

washed away his blessings. Once Surya Narayana's wife said to her

mother-in-law, (Your son does not give enough food to us. You go and

tell him that he should give us more food " . Surya Narayana's

mother went to her son and said, " Your wife says that the food given by

you is not enough for us. Increase the supply " .


Surya Narayana smiled and said, " Dear mother, I give half a spoon of

food to all the creatures and the remaining half to your family. I have

no more food to give " . The mother came back and said, " He is

helpless in increasing the supply. Better you go yourself and convince

him " . Surya Narayana's wife made for her husbands court. The

courtiers welcomed her. Surya Narayana made her sit by his side and

listened to her difficulties. Surya Narayana's wife insisted on

larger supply for her family. Surya Narayana smiled and said, " Your

family members do not work hard. They do not even clean the house

properly. Take these five dices and play with your neighbours. You will

find surplus food for your family " . Surya Narayana's wife

returned home with the dices. She was happy that she would show the

dices to her neighbours and play with them.


It was Sunday morning. She took the dices to her neighbours, but found

to her great surprise that they were busy at work right from the

sunrise. Some of them were cleaning or dusting their houses. Others were

milking their cows or doing petty household work. None talked with her.

She took courage and entered one of the houses and requested the people

there to play with her. The lady of the house said, " I am on Sunday

fast. I am to clean my house and prepare food for worship " .


Surya Narayana's wife said, " How does this fast help you? "

The lady said, " Because of it, I have developed a habit for early

rising, keeping the house clean, behaving well with every body and

remembering God " . Surya Narayana's wife said, " What is the

way for keeping this fast? " The lady told her that it was simple.

She advised her to take rice before the sun-set and avoid salty and

fried dishes.


Surya Narayana's wife decided to keep fast on all Sundays. In a

short period, she became prosperous.


One day Surya Narayana decided to test his wife's integrity. He

disguised himself as an old Pundit and visited his house. He asked for

some food. His wife said " I am on fast. You will have to wait till

evening " . The Pundit agreed. By evening, the food was ready. The

Pundit said, " I shall take my meals in the same dish in which Surya

Narayana used to take " . Surya Narayana's mother became angry.

But his wife agreed to serve him in the same dish. It was night. The old

man said, " I shall sleep on the same bed which Surya Narayana uses.

Surya Narayana's wife will press my feet also.


Although Surya Narayana's mother became angry, his wife agreed to

press his feet. As the night advanced, the old man asked her to share

bed with him. She sensed the reality and shared the bed with him. From

that day onwards, the Pundit visited her house every Sunday. The lady

became pregnant. Everybody talked ill of her. She gave birth to a child.

It was too much for her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law said, " This

is lechery. This is impious and immoral. Your husband will not forgive

you " .


The lady said, " The old man who visits me at night is no one else

but Surya Narayana himself " . The mother-in-law said, " You will

have to undergo a test. Are you ready for it? " The lady agreed. The

mother-in-law brought a big rope and she tied its one end to a tree and

hung the other end in a deep dingy well. She asked Surya Narayana's

wife to go to the brink of the well. Surya Narayana's wife caught

hold of the thread and put her legs inside the well. It was too much for

the onlookers.


All of a sudden, Surya Narayana appeared on the scene. He caught hold of

her hand and narrated the whole story to his mother. The onlookers were

pleased. Surya Narayana led a happy and prosperous life with his family



Contd. . . . (Hindu Week Days 1b)


With love and regards,











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