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Bhagavan Satya Sai Baba's birthday on 23.11.2008 - 4.

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1.The Lord of Thousand Moons


Sahasra Poornachandra Darshanam


Learning Sri Rudram in Rudra's Presence!


23rd Nov... Why is it so special?


Every day is My Birthday


Happy Birthday - Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1978.


Avatars of God are spectacular occurrence at any given time in history.

But, the triple Avatars of Sri Shirdi Sai, Sri Sathya Sai and Sri Prema

Sai are in themselves unique in the history of the known Universe. And

now we are living here as contemporaries of the Sri Sathya Sai Avatar,

the second in line of three avatars spanning over three hundred years.

When Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai is crossing the physical milestone of 83

human years of His glorious earthly sojourn, within all this wonderment,

we are about to experience a most auspicious event, commemorating the

epoch making occasion, Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshana Mahotsavam.


Going by the Hindu scripture, a human being crossing 83 years in his

physical frame is a remarkably significant occasion. This occasion comes

with a greater import when he is supposedly sighting the moon the 1000th

time during his physical sojourn. For the mortals it entails a greater

significance. But, how does it signify, when it comes to The One who is

credited with the onus of entire creation? An answer to this would come

when Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Lord walking on two feet is

crossing this humanly attributed mile stone, as His physical frame is

touching the 83rd year of His glorious sojourn on planet earth.


Commemorating this once in life-time happening, a Sahasra Poorna Chandra

Darshana Mahotsavam is being organised in Prasanthi Nilayam from 15th to

17th in the immediate Divine Presence. The mysterious significance

attached owing to the Divine stature of this festivity does make the

event a rarity that goes much beyond human perceptions when it comes to

the spiritual import of the occasion.


Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Avatar of the age, will gaze upon His

one thousandth full moon in His earthly lifetime, an occurrence that is

significant from human perspective. This is perhaps for the first time

ever in the history that an Avatar grants Poorna Chandra Darshanam! It

is time for the humans, lucky being contemporaries, to thank their stars

that we are here enjoying this auspicious time with Him.


Marking the symbolic significance of the ultra special occasion,

Bhagawan is expected to mount the golden chariot, once again at the Hill

View stadium for full public view that would be lead by a cavalcade of

glittering combine.


How blessed are we that our Lord would be here among us to bless us with

His Darshan on such a cosmically significant moment in history!







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