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True Nature of Worship by == Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya .... Part - 2

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Renowned natural therapeutic Dr. Henry Lindlahr in his book '*The Practice

of Natural Therapeutics*' has accepted the fact that by connecting the human

mental feelings with those of the Omnipresent, Eternal Consciousness Force (

*Brahma*), some divine presence, invisible Angel, supernatural talents, or

great *satguru, *or at the more earthly level even of some beloved ones, the

sublime vibrations, divine messages or the thoughts and feelings may be

grasped without any physical medium or process. Not only that, he also

agrees that in such a situation the physical atomic and bodily experiences

of one who is meditated upon also get attracted in an mazing manner.

If water of river Ganga is taken to another place by constructing a canal,

all the attributes of its waters would go with it as far as the canal goes.

In the same way our body, mind and feelings develop speedily. Remembrance of

gurus, worship of deities and two incidents supporting this fact are now put

forth in the form of evidence and witnesses. In the book '*An Introduction

to the Psychology of Religion*' the author [2.3] Prof. Thouless has provided

a truthful description of St. Catherine. At the time when Jesus Christ was

crucified with nails on the cross, St. Catherine experienced the same pain

at 18 various places on her body as is inflicted when nails arehammered into

the body. A doctor had to take care of her in that state. Diagnosis by

doctors found that Catherine's experience of pain was genuine.


This is a result of harmonious mental linkage and deep union and between the

worshipper and the worshipped. Not just particles of consciousness but

inanimate bodies and that too beyond the limits of time and universe can be

linked by deep bonding and in this way seemingly impossible information

about incidents in the past and the future can be collected as well.

Scientists have also attempted to measure the power of the mind. According

to them mind is the conscious force of physical body. According to

Einstein's principle of relativity, a small amount of matter has a power

equivalent to the square of the speed of light (1,86,000 miles per second).

The amount of power that is generated by burning 14 lakh tons of coal is the

same power that is contained in one pound of matter. If it were possible to

completely convert matter into energy then the 'nuclear' energy generated by

converting just one pound of coal would be sufficient to meet America's

energy requirement for one full month.


Dr. Venetern calls mind as 'a great electrical force'. The Vedas describe

the mind as *Jyoti̳® Jyoti¡ *(Light of all lights). Mind is the electrical

power of body's matter. The more the mind gets concentrated, the stronger

its power would be. If it were possible to convert the entire physical body

into energy then te electrical energy of a body of 100 pounds (which would get

converted as capability of the mind) would be so much that it can provide

electricity to the United States of America continuously for 10 years. Using

this tremendous potential the Indian *Rishis *(yogis, seer-sages) used to

cause explosions in void skies and without preaching anyone, just with their

force of resoluteness could direct solutions to the human problems of the



[2.4] Professor Elisha Gray in his book '*Miracles of Nature**' *has

supported the aforementioned great potential of the mind and has described

it as most powerful amongst all the known forces. According to Dr. Louis

Crown thermal electricity can influence the physical matter only to a limit

but 'thought electricity' can comprehensively influence the entire

[2.5] environment.

Prof. Upton Sinclair has written in his book titled '*Mental Radio*' that

each person's brain is a powerful wireless set. Without any physical means a

person can transmit his thoughts to another easily. At the same time he can

develop his own self by keeping his brain, his mind open to superior

thought-flows and divine messages. He can connect his self to the infinite,

immeasurable source of happiness and joy.


In view of the above, we can now fathom the immense possibilities the

engrossment of mind in *upasan *offers. However, we don't see such outcomes

for every devotee. So, a natural question arises - why and when *upasan *is

not fruitful? A straight answer is - when it is done superficially or

without interest.


.............. To be Continued ....


Source : The Meaning, Purpose & Benefits of Worship

www.awgp.org www.dsvv.org


Author : Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya





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