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bharathi bharathi <bharathi_2u69

telugu bhakti

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 5:23:54 PM




Visvam visnurvasatkaro



bhutatma bhutabhavanah


Explanation :-


1.      The universe should be meditated upon as the lord.This is the first step

of spiritual practice in any path.Without this step, any path becomes black

magic or sorcery.Before one gets the first spiritual awakening,he understands

the universe as something objective of himself and also as something filled with

things animate and inanimate.Such an understanding is due to the state of

ignorance which precedes the state of awakening. The ignorance will be

repeatedly attacked  by this first step of meditation.   



2.      The second step is the meditation of the lord as presence in all things

..While the first step is to meditate everything as the Lord,the second step is

to meditate everything.This makes us find a place for everything in the body of

the Lord as the the ultimate fitness of things.This importance of names. Shapes

 and peculiarties of everything will be lost into the fitness without losing any

aspect of it.This gives us the place of individual existence in the womb of

cosmic existence.



3.      There is the first call of everythijng into existence from the

background of the Lord.The background is relatively understood as

non-existence.The call is always from within the background.It is called the

first stir or awakening.This call is called Vashat,the call for vas or

existence. The ritualist repeats this before he meditates.This is by way of

imitating the work of the  Lord By this he gets into the awakening of the Lord.


4.      Past,present and future exist on a background which is the eternal

presence of the Lord .Even to us also they exist to the mind and they do not

exist to the consciousness ,Time and states of matter are only the projections

of the outer layer of existence The inner layers from the body of  Lord who is

etetnal .Hence the Lord is to be meditated upon the as the three headed one in

this aspect,What we call past is only our impression of the past,same thing with

the other two,Meditating these things as the Lord will remove our impression and

lead us to His existence.


5.      The second stage of creation is the process of objectifying a part of

Himself,as an object to create.At this stage the Lord descends as the creator.On

his own background He works as the Creator of His own creation.The creator who

desends from Him is called the son [ Brahma, the four headed ].The object of

creation is called the word after the commencement of the utterance [ Sarawathi

].This Brahma is the maker of beings.


6.      Then the Lord also descends as the maintenance of the created

beings.This is the form of food to every living being.The Lord is attracted as

food and is eaten by everyone as His own food. In fact, He is not  eaten.but He 

eats every living beings into His fold of extience by the power of metabolism.


7.      Existence is a miracle,Til now none of the beings can know how he

exists,yet he knows that he exists,This miracle  is to be meditated upon as one

of the wonders of the Lord¢s existence.


8.      Everyone exists as his own identification with himself.This

identification is the cause of his own separate existence .Still  he exists only

on the background of His identity towards which he  begines to take his journey

of existence through the  various rungs of evoulation.This goal within himself

is called the soul which exists as the background of his body,senses,mind ansd

the whole psychological mechanism.Gradually the individual begins to understand

that he has a soul.After some time he properly understand that he has the

soul.By the time he succeeds in merging in the soul consciousness  which wick be

know as the spirit,Thus the Lord     exists as the spirit of everything and

every one


9.      In  the Lord state there are no beings ,yet the Lord has beings within

him.This is because the Lord conceives the beings without having an intension to

conceive. Intention is only to the conceived beings inclusive of the creator.

Apoet gazing into the ocean of eternity conceives some fine ideas of the waves

of the ocean.He does this with out an intension.After some time,he finds that he

has conceived these thoughts.Then he finds the thoughts wonderful.he rejoices in

them and beings to embellish them unto perfection .This process is first taking

place in the mind of the Lord.Meditate upon this phase of the Lord .You will be

a creator on the background of the Creator.



courtesy-Master E.K









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