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sri vishnu sahasranamam- 2nd stanza

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Stanza   :  2


         Putatma paramatma ca

         Muktanam  parama gatih

         Avyayah purusah saks

         Ksetrajno ksara eva ca



Word meaning  :


Putatma     ----           purified soul

Paramatma                 soul,the supreme

Cha                            and also

Muktanam                  to be libreted ones

Parama                        the highest

Gatih                          path and goal

Avyayah                     the unspendable [glory]

Purushah                     the spiritual person

Sakshi                          onlooker and the witness [of all]

Kshetrajnah                  one who knows the fields of action,thought and


Aksharah                      the one beyond dissolution and disintegration

Eva cha                         verily also


Meaning :


He is the purified soul ; He is the Supreme soul ;He is the Highest path and

also the goal of the liberated ones. The Lord is the unspendable glory [ that

fills the universe] . He is the spiritual man, the onlooker and the witness [ of

all the incidents of this creation ] .Also He is verily the knower of the fields

of action, thoughts and realization . He is the one who stands beyond

dissolution and disintegration .


Explanation :


    1 .    The Lord is to be meditated upon as the purified soul . In fact , the

soul is pure in itself and requires no purification . At the same time, the

grosser aspects of our creation which includes matter , mind , senses , thoughts

, impression , memories , beliefs etc ., form the vehicle of creation which

requires constant purification [ samskaara ] , regulation and rectification

[yama and niyama ] .Even then this part also is included in the effulgence of

the rays of soul and is no foreign  things that exists . Nothing other than

Himself exists in creation .’’Anything non –existing can never come into

existence . Anything existing never ceases to exist. Those who see through can

solve the riddle ‘’ says Bhagavadgita [2-16].This part of the soul which

requires purification , rectification and regulation will be elevated into the

degree of incandecense of the soul . All this process is carried out by the

grace of the same Lord

.Hence, He is called the purified soul .

2 .      Soul, the Supreme means the Lord’s presence in each living being .This

presence is the spirit that exist, to whom the soul forms the pure ray .


3 .    The Lord  is the highest path and goal of the liberated ones .Liberation

includes the process of resolving the riddles of the matter, mind and senses

which form the changing nature of a living being . At first , this starts with

the first recollection of the Lord by the individual . The approach is made

possible in four alternatives.


  A,  The afflicted being struggle to get off his affliction. During the

struggle, he begins to hit at the Lord by way of prayer and worship


  B   The one with curiosity peeps into the nature of many things .Gradually he

hits at the lord as the cause of all causes .


  C .  The one who is crazy after getting his things done runs after everyone to

achieve his selfish ends . He seeks and seeks in various persons and

incidentally feels the Lord in all .


  D   The man of knowledge knows Him directly . This  is the path prescribed   

by the Lord and made availaaable for the living beings struggling in the bondage

of self –conditioning , Liberation is the results


            Hence the path and the goal are also forming a projection of the

Lord ‘s reflecting presence in the individuals .


4 .    The Lord is unspendable.What is the difference between space and the

contents of the space ? The contents undergo change and we suffer from the

existence and non – existence of things and persons in space .Space is beyond

these two phases ans exists permanently relative to the things in space .Thus we

can know it is unspendable .Similarly the Lord is unspendable  to space and

beyond also .


5 .   The word  Purushah means person .In the purusha sukta, the Loed is

described as the Spiritual person  in all and everything In us, He exists as the

LORD  of the individual [ishwara ] from whom all the vehicles of mind , matter ,

senses and discrimination blossom and into whom they dwindle . So too which atom

of the universe and its counterparts


6 . The on looker and the witness ,Since the spirit in everyone and in

everrthing does not interfere with and involve in the riddles of matter , mind

and senses, He is only the onlooker , He neither punishes nor favours but

observes . Everyone punishes or favours himself   by hid own thoughts and

actions. In the meanwhile the Lord waits, but observes as the awareness waiting

to respond to the knock of the lower man


7        .  He is the knower of the fiels of action,thought and realization. He

is also the Lord , ‘’ The body is the fiels . One who wants to know it is the

knower’’ says Bhagavadgita [13-2]  .Just as the wise agriculturist works out the

fruition of his food in the field, the spiritualist works out the fruition of

his good deeds,eliminates bad deeds and leads the lower man into the land of



8        ..  The Lord is beyond dissolution and dis integration.Dissolution is

the merging of parts in the whole .The Lord is the whole into which everything

dissolves, Disintegration is of atoms, cells and bodies and also of thoughts,

religious and philosophies.The Lord is the one who receives of them into Himself

and stands as the back ground



Courtesy-MASTER E.K












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