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THE INTEGRATED SCIENCE OF YAGNA Part 3 by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

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Dear ALL,





2.2. Products of Combustion:



At the outset, it can be said that the interpretation of process of

combustion in a Yagna in a physical scientific terms is rather difficult due

to the following reasons:


(i) The properties of substances which are used are vastly varying;


(ii) The conditions under which combustion takes place remain unspecified.

The products of combustion depend on the following factors like --- (a) The

nature of substances used and their proportions; (b) Temperature attained;

© Controlled supply of air and (d) Interaction amongst the various

products formed.


2.2.1. Vapourization of wood:


Besides complete combustion of cellulose material of wood, it is also

subjected to vaporization. This happens due to the way *Samidhas *are

arranged in the *Agnikunda, *the conditions of temperature and air supply

which prevail in it.


2.2.2. Steam Volatilization of Odorous Substances:


The temperature attained in the *Kunda *varies between 250°C and 600°C,

while in actual flames it can go as high as 1200°C to 1300°C. The boiling

points of volatile constituents get diffused over in the surrounding

atmosphere. Also when cellulose and other carbohydrates undergo combustion,

steam is formed in copious quantities by the combination of hydrogen of

organic substances with the oxygen. This is how the substances like thymol,

eugenol, pinene, terpinol etc., are carried over in the surroundings and

the aroma of a *Yagna *can be smelt even at a considerable distance.


In addition to steam, smoke is also given out in copious quantities and

solid particles existing in a highly divided state offer sufficient surface

for mechanical diffusion. Thus smoke also functions as colloidal particles

for diffusion of volatile aromatic substances depending on temperature and

direction of the wind.


2.2.3. Combustion of Fatty Substances:


The fatty substances used in *Yagna *are mainly *ghee *and other fatty

substances of vegetable origin. Ghee helps in rapid combustion of cellulose

of wood and keeps the fire alight. All fatty substances used are

combinations of fatty acids, which volatilize easily. The combustion of

glycerol portion gives acetone bodies, pyruvic aldehyde and glyoxal etc.


The hydrocarbons produced in the reactions again undergo slow combustion and

as a result methyl and ethyl alcohols, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, formic

acid and acetic acids are formed.


2.2.4. Photo-Chemical process


When all the volatile substances are diffused in the surrounding atmosphere,

these are further subjected to photochemical reactions in the sunlight. This

may be the reason why it has been recommended that *Yagna *should be

performed in the presence of strong sunlight. These changes occur in the

ultra-violet and other short wavelength regions. The products of fumigation

thus go photochemical decomposition, oxidation and reduction. To some extent

even CO2 is also reduced to formaldehyde as follows:


CO2 + H2O + 112,000 cal. = HCHO = O2


From environmental angle, reduction of CO2 produced in *Yagna *as above and

liberation of oxygen cannot be overemphasized.



.... To be continued ...

Source : www.awgp.org www.awgpsouth.org

Author : Pt Shriram Sharma Acharya




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