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THE INTEGRATED SCIENCE OF YAGNA Part 10 by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

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Dear ALL,



Manifestation of psychosomatic diseases except in extreme and advanced cases

are not so apparent, and that may explain why enough attention has not been

paid to them. The stress and strain of modern life, degradation of *social

behaviour and fall in moral values all around are contributing to an

alarming increase in psychosomatic diseases. Yagna might offer a solution to

this serious problem as well.


The technique of Yagna for the treatment of physical and mental diseases

does not comprise mere vaporisation of the constituents or herbs to be

employed, but various Samidhas are offered into the sacrificial fire of Yagna

to create the desired effects. Research on all these aspects of Yagna is

being conducted in the laboratory of Brahmvarchas. It might well lead to the

development of a scientifically established in yagnopathy, which may find

not only an honoured but a leading place in other therapies of the world

like Allopathy, Homeopathy, Chromopathy, Naturopathy, etc. Looking to the

high intellectual calibre and attainments of those who are engaged in

research, Yagnopathy may come into being sooner than expected, and it may

rank an unique achievement of the modern age.


4.1. Results of Research in Scientific laboratories:


In his study, Dr. Selvamurthy has observed neurophysiological effects of the

Mantras of a special kind of Agnihotra (described in the next section) which

is performed at the time of sunset. In this experimental study, 8 healthy

men were chosen as subjects. They use to report at 4 p.m. on two consecutive

days. First day for control recording when rituals of Agnihotra were

performed but instead of the prescribed Mantras, some irrelevant syllables

were uttered at specific time periods. Next day evening the Agnihotra used

to be performed with proper Mantras. Recording of physiological parameters

viz. Heart rate, ECG, EEG, GSR, blood pressure were made on both days.



..... To be continued ...

Source : www.awgp.org www.awgpsouth.org

Author : Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya




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