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THE INTEGRATED SCIENCE OF YAGNA Part 12 by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

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Dear ALL,


4.3. The Yagnopathy lab at Brahmavarchas:


The Brahmavarchas research centre was established by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

in 1979. It is situated at Saptsarovar road about 6 kilometers away from the

Hardwar station towards Rishikesh in India. This centre is actively working for

the integration of the modern and ancient sciences. Innovative scientific

research is being carried out in the science of spirituality. A part from the

dedicated team of scientists, doctors and engineers, other scholars of high

caliber and well equipped laboratories for relevant research in different

scientific disciplines including neurology, biochemistry, haematology,

phytochemistry and sound therapy etc. are present. Other features of attraction

over here are the botanical garden of about 450 herbs which include some rare

species of Himalayan herbs and

Yagnopathy lab.


The Yagnopathy laboratory has a *Havan Kunda *placed in a gas chamber. A gas

analysis wing for the collection and analysis of the fumes and vapors of *Yagna*

is at work. The efficacy of various ingredients of the *Havishya* and the

*Samidhas* are assessed in the phytochemistry lab, which is well equipped for

analytical purposes with gas liquid chromatograph [6,7]. Blood samples are kept

in the glass chamber, when it is full of fumes and vapors of the daily

*Yagna*(*Havan*) and the changes in the blood biochemistry and

haematological characters are assesed for these samples.


A large number of experiments are carried out on healthy and diseased

persons, living on the campus for specific periods. The subjects include the

*Sadhakas,* as sell as non *Sadhakas *of all age groups, men and women from all

walks of life irrespective of their social or religious background. During such

experiments, the subject to sits in the glass chamber and inhales the fumes of

*Yagna *for specific period. A thorough analysis of their body and mind is made

before and after performing this experiment.


Haematological parameters like Hb, TRBC, Platelets, RBC fragility etc.,

biochemical changes like those in the levels of blood urea, sugar, cholesterol,

certinine, SGOT, SGPT etc; are estimated. The immunological changes like the

antibody levels and innate immunity towards various pathogenic offending

organisms, is also assessed.


Various hormones like cortisol, thyroxine, ACTH, androgens etc. are assessed in

the endocrinology lab. The EEG, EMG and ECG recordings are carried out in the

neuro-physiology labs. The psychometry lab assesses the aptitude, learning

potential, memory, the intelligent quotient, emotional quotient and the overall

personality makeup of the subjects. The case is followed on regularly after

treatment with *Yagna *for a week, or a month.


The technical details and results of experimental research will be published

subsequently in the relevant scientific journals for therapeutic use of

different herbs by means of *Yagna *and pursue research on herbal medicine to

save way for other scientific applications of *Yagna



.... To be Continued .....

Source : www.awgp.org www.awgpsouth.org

Author : Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

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