Guest guest Posted January 15, 2009 Report Share Posted January 15, 2009 THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI (MAKARA SHANKRANTI SPECIAL ISSUE) Seventh Year of Publication Published as Bi-Weekly Issue 02/ 2009 15-01-2009 WITH SAI KRUPA “SAIDARBAR” STEPS IN TO ELEVENTH YEAR & “THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI” ENTERS THE SEVENTH YEAR " WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY PONGAL " -\ ------------------------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT -- GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUH; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA; GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVE NAMAHA: Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir from following Link: - THIS ISSUE CONTAINS: 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 3. SAI IN DREAMS 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY 5. IN THE DAYS OF SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES 10. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES 11. TELUGU SECTION 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD 13. EDITORIAL. ------------------------------- 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji Saibanisa's popular Nine discourses on NavavidhaBhakti in English language (Sai as lord Siva, Sai as lord Rama, Sai as lord Krishna, Sai's advice to gruhasthas, Sai in dreams, Sai's philosophy, Hidden meanings, Sai's advice on conduct in life, Sai on birth and rebirth.), each discourse is around 30 minutes duration. These discourses mainly focus on the fact that Sri Sai Satcharita contains the essence of Ramayan, Bhgavatham, Sivamaha puran, Gurugita and Srimadh Bhagavadhgita. We request you to listen the above C.D s (ENGLISH Language) and receive the Blessings of Lord Sainath. Those who are interested in obtaining the above MP3- Format CD may kindly contact: saibanisa Compiled by: Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi. To be continued….. --------------- 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: January 1919: Nana Saheb Nimonkar (Shankarrao Raghunath Deshpande an elderly cousin of Shama) passed away at Pune. January 20, 1941: Damu Anna (Damodar Savalaram Rasane) of Ahmednagar passed away (aged 89 years). January 1, 1946: Sri B.V.Deo passed away (Composer of Chapter 53rd of Shri Sai Satcharitra in Marathi language). January 14, 1980: H.H.Radhakrishna Swamiji passed away at Bangalore. (Aged 74 years) January 1991: Size of " Shri Sai Leela Magazine " enlarged and converted in to a Bi-monthly magazine. ----------------- 3. SAI IN DREAMS: These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. SAI IN DREAMS These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. APRIL-1996 23-04-1996 Yesterday, Sai appeared in the from of a fakir - gently smiling said- Vengeance and discrimination are the root cause of your Heart problem which you need to overcome. Next day, I started analysing my life style. I prayed Baba to rid me of the above menace. Breeding of dissatisfaction should be curbed. 24-04-1996 Today is my Birthday. Yesterday, Sai appeared in the form of a saint and said- 1. You will seek blessings from the saints in service of God. 2. You have first uttered the word SAI in the year 1964 after coming across Sri. Satya Sai. Look towards Satya Sai playing with a small hand drawn cart as a child. Look to the thatched house where he spent his childhood, also at the School going Sri Satya Sai. And finally the present day’s Bhagwaan Satya Sai. Realize whether birthday celebrations are to the physical body or to the heart. Birthday is for the physical body but not for the soul. 27-04-1996-CDR-Hospitals. Sai appeared as a saint and said-. 1. The six evils have entered your house and you are fighting them. You are attacking them one after another, but you are not able to fight with the small child accompanying them, who is looking towards you praying mercy. Remember, there should be no consideration shown while fighting evils. 2. Men and women group themselves under the pretext of love. It is better they get married without which there can be no sanctity to the words, love and relationship. There should not be any back tracking in fighting the inner evils. To be continued…... ----------------------------- 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) " Shashi " : shashi_31 32. Significance of Meditation Preliminaries to Meditation In meditation, render your mind is vacant and spirituous all of your senses, then the outside world will disappear. In order to reach the inner world, we transcend our mind and the senses. This is possible only in meditation. Meditation means – Realizing liberation from the shackles of the Finite into the freedom of the ‘infinite’. The aim of meditation is to make contact with the Reality. This is possible only after the self of the body mind complex is duly penetrated. This is possible only when the subtle as well as the casual body surpasses, when the body-consciousness takes its place. Concentration must not be mistaken for meditation. For concentration, things are important. Concentration is below senses and meditation is beyond senses. If we are interested in meditation, we must undertake the journey from below the senses and beyond the senses. When we experience Blissful consciousness, that experience is meditation. When the individual awareness is released from the clutches of the body-mind consciousness and loses its identity and merges with Divine Consciousness that is called meditation. So we must try to practice such meditation and thereby will gain Moksha. To be continued……….. ----------------------------- 5. IN THE DAYS OF SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA From SaiSatcharitra Chapter 28 On one Makar-Sankranti day, Megha wanted to besmear the body of Baba with sandal-paste and bathe Him with Ganges water. Baba was first unwilling to undergo this operation, but at his repeated requests, He consented. Megha had to traverse a distance of eight koss (going and returning) to bring the sacred water from the Gomati River. MAKARA SHANKRANTI The Sanskrit term " Shankramana " means " to begin to move " . The day on which the sun begins to move northwards is called Makara Shankranti. It usually falls in the middle of January. In South India this festival is called the Pongal. It is closely connected with agriculture. To the agriculturalist, it is a day of triumph. He would have by then brought home the fruits of his patient toil. Symbolically, the first harvest is offered to the Almighty—and that is Pongal. To toil was his task, his duty, but the fruit is now offered to the Lord. This is the spirit of Karma Yoga. The master is not allowed to grab all the harvest for himself either. Pongal is the festival during which the landlord distributes food, clothes and money among the labourers who work for him. What a noble act! It is an ideal you should constantly keep before you, not only ceremoniously on the Pongal day, but at all times. Be charitable. Be generous. Treat your servants as your bosom-friends and brother workers. This is the keynote of the Pongal festival. You will then earn their loyalty and enduring love. The day prior to the Makara Shankranti is called the Bhogi festival. On this day, old, worn-out and dirty things are discarded and burnt. Homes are cleaned and white-washed and lovely designs are drawn with rice-flour on the door front. The roads are swept clean. These practices have their own significance from the point of view of health. But, here I remind you that it will not do to attend to these external things alone. Cleaning the mind of its old dirty habits of thought and feeling is more urgently needed. Burn them up, with a wise and firm resolve to tread the path of truth, love and purity from this holy day onwards. This is the significance of Pongal in the life of the spiritual aspirant. If you do this, then the Makara Shankranti has a special significance for you. The sun, symbolizing wisdom, divine knowledge and spiritual light, which receded from you when you travelled in the darkness of ignorance, delusion and sensuality, now joyously turns on its northward course and moves towards you to shed its light and warmth in greater abundance, and to infuse into you more life and energy. In fact, the sun itself symbolizes all that the Pongal festival stands for. The message of the sun is the message of light, the message of unity, of impartiality, of true selflessness, of the perfection of the elements of Karma Yoga. The sun shines on all equally. It is the true benefactor of all beings. Without the sun, life would perish on earth. It is extremely regular and punctual in its duties, and never claims a reward or craves for recognition. If you imbibe these virtues of the sun, what doubt is there that you will shine with equal divine lustre! He who dwells in the sun, whom the sun does not know, whose body the sun is, and by whose power the sun shines—He is the Supreme Self, the in dweller, the immortal Essence. Tat Twam Asi— " That thou art " . Realize this and be free here and now on this holy Pongal or Makara Shankranti day. This is my humble Pongal prayer to you all. Special prayers are offered in temples and homes. Then the people of the household gather together and partake of the offerings in an atmosphere of love and festivity. There is family re-union in all homes. Brothers renew their contacts with their married sisters by giving presents. The landlord greets the farmer lovingly and gives him gifts of grain, clothes and money. Both these days, which are family re-union days, are regarded as being inauspicious for travel. This is to prevent us from going away from home on such days. When you celebrate the Shankranti or Pongal in this manner, your sense of value changes. You begin to understand that your real wealth is the goodwill and friendship of your relatives, friends, neighbours and servants. Your wealth is the land on which your food grows, the cattle which help you in agriculture, and the cow which gives you milk. You begin to have greater love and respect for them and for all living beings—the crows, the fish and all other creatures. In Maharashtra and in North India, devotees of the Lord attach great importance to Makara Shankranti. It is the season chosen by the Guru for bestowing his Grace on the disciple. In the South, too, it should be noted that it was about this time that Mahadeva favoured several of the Rishis by blessing them with His beatific vision. ---------------------------- NEWS FROM SAIDARBAR – HYDERABAD admin Tuesday, 4 November, 2008, 11:45 AM Enjoy Radio Shirdi Sai on --------------- 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: valsala.sivadasan Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 10:20 AM Jai Sai Ram. First of all " Wishing all Sai members, all devotees & Sai parivar, " A very Happy New Year 2009 " May Babaji's blessings will get everybody. I wish to share my wonderful chamatkar yesterday from Babaji to everybody. At 12 .00 A.M. I had Light lamps and put yellow flowers in front of Babaji's small moorthy and all the mandir side in my house. After this I prayer to Babaji and put the CD of Aarti and dance together my daughters. About 1.30 AM we went to sleep. In the morning at 6.30 a.m. I look at the mandir, I have not seen any flower in the mandir. Where I have put the flowers, the space was clean. I do not know how it happens. Definitely Babaji has accepted the flowers. Jai Sai Ram. Babaji a lots of pranam to the lotus feet. Please accept my pray for everybody to the coming year and bless to everybody. With kind regards, valsala --------------- 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN: Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood. The story of the Monkey Construction of a temple was on outside a town. Near the site, a huge wooden log was being split. At the lunch, the workers fixed a wedge between the split wood and went to dine. A monkey had been watching the activities of the workers since morning. When the workers were away, the monkey descended from the tree and began to meddle with that log of wood. During the play, he saw the wedge and began to withdraw it. But he forgot that his tail was hanging between the split ends of the log. As soon as the wedge was out, the split ends closed squeezing the tail of the monkey. The monkey tried hard to get himself free but in vain. No help was available nearby. By the time, the workers returned from their lunch, the monkey had died. ... MORAL: Do not meddle in things that don't concern you ------------- 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA swamy Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:50 PM Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapter XXXI In this Chapter Hemadpant describes the passing away of certain persons and a tiger in Baba's presence. Megha The story of Megha has been already described in Chapter 28. When Megha died, all the villagers followed the funeral procession. Baba also accompanied them and showered flowers on Megha's body. After the obsequies were performed, tears flowed from Baba's eyes and like an ordinary mortal, Baba showed Himself overcome with grief and sorrow. Then covering the body with flowers and crying like a near relation, Baba returned to the Dwarakamayi. Many Saints have been seen giving Sadgati to men, but Baba's greatness is unique. Even a cruel animal like a tiger came to Baba's feet for being saved. It is this story which will be narrated now. SSG: Sai Ram. Megha was not learned in the ordinary sense but was indeed a great devotee. Sai also loved His devotees, as they loved Him. Sai Ram. Tiger Seven days before Baba passed away, a wonderful incident occurred at Shirdi. There came a country-cart and stopped in front of the Dwarakamayi. A tiger was on the cart, fastened with iron chains, with its fierce face turned to the rear. It was suffering from some pain or agony. Its keepers - three Derveshis - were taking it from place to place and making money by exhibiting it. It was the means of their subsistence. They tried all sorts of remedies to cure it from the malady it was suffering from, but all was in vain. Then they heard of Baba's fame and came to Him with the animal. They got it down the chains in their hands and made it stand at the door. It was naturally fierce, besides, disease ridden. So it was restless. The people began to look at it with fear and amazement. The Darveshies went in, told Baba everything about the animal and with His consent, brought it before Him. As it approached the steps, it was taken aback on account of the lustre of Baba and hung its head down. When both saw each other, it got on the step and looked at Baba with affection. Immediately it moved the tuft of its tail and dashed it thrice against the ground and then fell down senseless. On seeing it dead the Darveshis were first much dejected and full of sorrow, but on mature thought they came to their senses. They considered that as the animal was diseased and nearing its end, it was very meritorious on its part that it should meet its death at the feet and in the presence of Baba. It was their debtor, and when the debt was paid off it was free and met its end at Sai's Feet. When any creatures bow down their heads at saints' feet and meet death, they are saved; and unless they have got a good store of merit on their account, How could they get such a happy end? SSG: Sai Ram. Indeed, it is because of our past merits that we come into closer contact with Saints, Who are the representatives of God. Sai Ram. Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all S.V.Swamy Author, Editor and Book Reviewer --------------------------- 9.. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES Hidden meanings in Shirdi Sai's Philosophy Sai Ram, In one of the eleven assurances in chapter-25 of Sri Sai Satcharita by Hemadripanth, Baba said " My bones shall speak from my tomb and help my devotees in overcoming difficulties " . How is this being possible? And what significance could be attached to this assurance?--------------------- In chapter-32 of Sri Sai Satcharita, Baba said- " when I was a boy, my employer was pleased with my work and gave me Rs600/- as wages. Does that mean to say that Baba as a boy of 16 or 18yrs earned a salary of Rs 600/- Then who could give Baba a salary of Rs 600/- ? -------------------- Baba has said in court of Dhulia. " People call me as Saibaba. My father's name is also SaiBaba. My age is Lakhs of years. My caste is that of God's and my religion is Kabir " . What is the meaning for the word Sai? In the English language?----------- In chapter-37 of Sri Sai Satcharita, Baba said to Tatya - " guard me. If you desire you may go home in the night, but do come and check for me once in a while to take care of me " . Why did Baba who assured to protect His devotees talked so like an ordinary man? What could it mean? ------------------------------- One day, oil merchants refused to give oil for lighting lamps in Dwarakamayi; Baba lighted the lamps with water. What does this signify?----------------------------- Baba used to say that he would draw his men towards him like a sparrow tied with a thread. What could this mean?------------ Baba watered plants with raw mud pots made by Waman tatya. Later he used to keep the pots in upside down position near plants. By evening the mud pots so kept disintegrated into mud. What could this mean?-------------------------------- Chapter-8 of Sri Sai Satcharita. Baba, Mahelsapathi, and Tatya used to sleep with their heads pointed towards North, East and West directions. Why did they exclude the direction of South? --- We can get answers for all the above questions and more from Saibanisa’s discourses. Those who are interested in obtaining the MP3- Format CD may kindly contact: saibanisa In the Service of Lord Sainath and His devotees, Sai Sevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi ----- 10. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: dushmanta.behera Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:52 AM JAI SAIRAM I express my sincere gratitude for acknowledging my request & sending me the CD on teaching of our beloved SAI BABA. Your efforts for spreading SAI BABA'S teachings & blessings to once & all who are inspired by Him is unbelievable. I regularly receive the e-magazine of SAI DARBAR which is full of nectar. Thank You Sir With Best Regards, Dusmanta. ------ manyu_rocks23 Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 1:39 PM Om Sai Ram, Thank you for developing such a beautiful website of Shri Sainath. I already have Sai Sachiritra in mp3 format. Thank you for asking me and letting me feel that I am a member of your sweet website. Abhimanyu -------------------------- vijay_beau Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 7:42 PM Dear Saibandhu, My name's Vijay and I am mailing you from Chennai. I would like to listen to your discourses on Navavidha Bhakthi and enlighten myself. I wish to tell you that you have been doing amazing work spreading the word of Sai, and thereby helping many, many people wash away their sins and live a life which is purposeful, and filled with devotion to the Almighty. Would you be so kind as to send me the discourses anytime you please. Thank You for all that you've been doing . May the God bless you for the years to come. Yours Sincerely, Vijay -------------- maheshsaikumar Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 10:06 AM Dear Sir, First of all my hearty congratulations to Saidarbar team members & management for completing 10 years of online existence. I regularly receive your messages. I am very thankful. Wish you a happy new year and pongal-2009. Maheshsai Kumar -------------------------------- sairamakoti On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 10:49 AM SaiRam, Congradulations on entering the 11th year of service to Sai devotees. Pray SAI to shower HIS blessings on all of your team. S.Ramakoti --------- gallivan On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 7:47 AM. Dear Sir, You have done well. You don't need my advice or comments. Patrick gallivan ----------- gautam08mech On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 1:45 AM. JaiSairam, This is a wonderful attempt of spreading Sainath's teachings and his glory around the world. Persons like me who always keep Sai Baba in their heart n soul but can't find the ways to quench their thirst can look to this wonderful attempt and retain their love and faith in Sai Baba. Amit kumar gautam --------------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page 11. Please visit: Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: ------------------------------- FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA: Please contact: saidarbar ----------------------------- 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Title: Viyathahu Shirdi Sai Baba Author: C. Subramanian G.L.House, 5/8-C Seetharam Nagar Sakkottai, Kumbakonam – 612 401 ------------- Title: Shirdi Sai Babavin Arivuragal Author: Shirdi Sai Trust Trichy C-31 Eleventh Cross, Thillai Nagar Tiruchirapalli –620 018 --------------------- Title: Shirdi Sri Sai Sahasranamavali Author: C. Ilango Sri Shirdi SaiBaba Seva Samithi Shirdi Sai Nagar Pillaichavadi, Pondichery – 605 014 ------------------- Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact: saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned. -------- 13. EDITORIAL. Things impressed me from this magazine: The aim of meditation is to make contact with the Reality. Concentration is below senses and meditation is beyond senses. Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " they may be address their contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shirdi Sai- the Bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by submitting E-mail ID in the main page of Also read the old issues from: If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the same. Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Information contained in this E-MAIL is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. If you don't want to receive these E-MAILS in future, please reply with the Subject Line 'REMOVE FROM MAILING LIST'. Submitted by: SAI SEVAK SRINIVASA RAO KASTURI. Saidarbar – Hyderabad - India. --- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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