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new book added to website on LORD BALAJI SRI VENKATESWARA

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sri raghava rao garu,




At the outset WISH YOU ALL A VERY,VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. i am glad to tell you

that i have written one more book on LORD SRI VENKATESWARA SWAMY. it is titled

YOGAKSHEMAM VAHAMYAHAM and is written in simple, free flowing telugu. It is only

with HIS GRACE i am able to write these books. in fact i am only holding the pen

and it is HE who is writing them. i am glad to tell you that all these books are

being read in many temples around the world everyday. we have so far distributed

more than 60,000 print editions FREELY to LORD'S DEVOTEES.


As you are aware recently i have launched a website www.lordofsevenhills.com in

which you can find all my books which can be downloaded FREELY. i am very happy

to tell you that this website has become very popular with the devotees and

already more than 5,000 copies were downloaded by devotees across the world from

this website. we have just added my latest book too to this site. Yogakshemam

Vahamyamaham narrates many divine experiences i had with LORD while writing all

my books. it has 15 chapters and makes an interesting reading. you are most

welcome to read ON LINE or download this book and read leisurely. i will be very

thankful if you can kindly forward this mail to your friends and relatives.


i look forward to to receiving your valuable feedback.


with best wishes




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