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Eternal Source of Knowledge and Science: Gayatri and Yagya

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Source : www.awgp.org www.awgpsouth.org

Author : Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya


Dear ALL,


*Eternal Source of Knowledge and Science: Gayatri and Yagya** *



Real progress and welfare of a country or a civilization depend upon both

Gyana (knowledge) and Vigyana (science). The same is also true for happy

upliftment of a person or a society. Lack or negligence on either front

results in degradation and decline. Gyana means that which generates and

expands enlightenment, discerning wisdom, farsightedness, benevolence,

generosity, justice, integrity, alertness and sense of responsibility.

Vigyana is that which initiates and promotes materialistic progress,

capabilities, talents, power, resources, prosperity and worldly success.

Mutual coherence and simultaneous growth and expansion of both Gyana and

Vigyana is what accounts for truly fulfilling and durable progress and

ascent of life. Development of both had flourished in India in the Vedic

Age. This is why Vedic era is glorified as Golden Age in the history of



Be it the lives of common people or of the elite, royal activities or simple

chores in the ashrams of the rishis, a suitable balance of both gyana and

vigyana was present everywhere in the Vedic Indian society. The ashrams of

the rishis were eminent centres of origin and dissemination of sagacious

knowledge and development of scientific methods and talents. Disciples used

to acquire in-depth knowledge of different aspects of life, Nature and the

Soul. At the same time, they also used to get practical training in

different forms of arts and different disciplines of natural sciences and

skills. These centers of value-based education used to provide chiseled

refinement and ideal transformation of the personalities of the young

disciples, who later on used to implement the principles of gyana and

vigyana on different fronts of personal and social life. The citizens of

this land used to be devoted to acquisition of gyana for mental,

intellectual and spiritual enlightenment; and vigyana for worldly progress

and strength. This is why ancient Indian society was enlightened, wise,

strong and prosperous.


The Shastric scriptures mention in detail the supernatural potentials,

tools, aircrafts, weaponry, etc that had been developed and used in ancient

India. The rishis used to be engaged in devout spiritual practices and

trance-meditation for soul-realization and refinement of the sublime

environment for the welfare of all living beings. Yet, they also possessed

supramental scientific talents and capabilities like ashtasiddhis,

navanidhis, using which they could acquire supernatural successes including

space-travel and extraterrestrial communication, and generate any amount and

kind of resources as and when they wished provided they were genuinely

required for collective good. The inner selves of the rishis, accomplished

yogis of yore, were always engrossed in devotion of God, but they could also

awaken sublime intelligence and attain immense inner powers and supernormal

talents by ascetic



sadhanas. Their lives were living testimonies of the fact that God


be realized by bhavana (pure sentiments in the depth of heart) and



be attained by sadhana.


The conceptions of gyana and vigyana seem to have changed today. Today's

gyana is confined to intellectual acquisitions through visible facts or

otherwise perceivable experiences. Laboratory instruments and methods based

on concurrent logic and established theories of modern sciences are

governing the domains of vigyana today.


The scientific research and technological developments are interwoven and

both are based on use of matter in one form or the other from nano-particles

to gigantic structures; or extraction, transformation and exploitation of

energy through material media. But this approach is highly expensive.

Moreover, it largely demands excessive use of natural resources and is not

always eco-friendly. The discoveries and inventions of erudite scientists,

professors and researchers have made enormous contributions to the

advancement of scientific knowledge and its technological applications in

the physical domains of life. But this kind of knowledge does not help

elevation of virtues, human-values, or generation of generous sentiments,

altruistic attitude, etc. Hence this kind of knowledge, howsoever advanced

it may be, does not contribute to " gyana " . On the contrary, the scientific

and technological advancement has, to a great extent, added to people's

excessively comfort-driven and artificial life-style and thus, though

indirectly, whetted their selfish, extravagant, arrogant, pompous attitudes

and cunning cleverness.


Now if we look in terms of vigyana, then also we find its achievements mired

in controversies, lacunae and setbacks and also its negative impact on the

quality of life. Scientific progress or technological innovation in one

direction produces obstructions or hazardous risks in the other. For

instance, use of chemical fertilizers does increase agricultural production

in the short run, but the crops produced thereby contain several chemicals

and unnatural substances that are harmful to health; also, the use of

synthesized chemicals gradually diminishes the fertility of the soil.

Technological advancement and associated industrial growth have no doubt

gifted us with excellent accessories ranging from ultra-fast communication,

transportation facilities, medical diagnostic tools and treatment, luxurious

living standard and what not... But the fact that they have, in more than

one ways, polluted and toxicated air, water and natural environment of life

up to an alarming level is also very well known to all of us. The excessive

consumption of natural resources has posed threats of another kind.


Savants, including front-line scientists, have expressed global concerns due

to the most likely exhaustion of natural sources of fuels like coal, crude

oil, petrol, etc. What will happen to our vehicles and rapid movements then?

Electricity can't be a substitute because already there is scarcity in its

production and supply in most parts of the world. Dwindling water resources

have already annulled hydro-energy-based production of electricity;

moreover, the use of nuclear energy beyond the safer limits, risks the

deadly threat of radioactivity… In other words, the unilateral progress of

science in the Modern Age has been contrary to what vigyana is supposed to



The roots of gyana and vigyana in the Vedic times were very different from

today. Both the streams today have emanated from, and remained confined to,

the gross manifestation and materialistic existence of Nature. The studies,

experiments, inventions and growth of gyana and vigyana in the Rishi-Age had

evolved from the realizations of the sublime world of consciousness-force.

In simple terms, the foundational basis today is



that of the Vedic Age it was spirituality.




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