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Eternal Source of Knowledge and Science: Gayatri and Yagya 2

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Source : www.awgp.org www.awgpsouth.org

Author : Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya



Dear ALL,


Modern science has now recognized that whatever is perceivable in the gross

domains of Nature is negligible as compared to what exists in its subtle,

invisible, extrasensory expansion. For example, the existence of million

gallon of water in some part of the earth indicates the presence of several

billion times larger amounts of water in the form of vapors or subtler

particles in the sky everywhere. Modern science has also accepted the

ancient concept that mental determination and thoughts are also sources of

energy, which can be used to generate 'magnet' - like force of attraction.

Further, it also needs asserting that the sublime and invisible world of

Nature might be the genesis and the controllers of its gross manifestations.

The Vedic rishis had realized this scientific fact and therefore chosen

sublime realms of Nature as the basis of their research.


They had found that a miniature universe, both in terms of atomic and

subtler particles and sublime energies of Nature is present in the human

body and mind. They devised specific sadhana procedures and practices to

awaken the hidden potentials and unlimited energies in their own bodies and

minds. This spiritual approach to vigyana also enabled them to extract and

use at will, the material powers and vital energies in the cosmos as well.

Most remarkable was the fact that their awakened inner self had always

inspired an altruistic and sane application of vigyana in total harmony with

Nature. Their gyana was attained by a scientific approach to spirituality.


Ultimate enlightenment through the spiritual sadhanas of Gayatri Mantra and

altruistic experiments of Yagya were the paramount source of their inner

awakening and enlightened acumen and consequent comprehensive approach and

ideal accomplishments in gyana and vigyana. " Gayatri " and " Yagya " are

therefore revered as the divine parents of the Vedic Culture. Gayatri is the

eternal mother of gyana and Yagya is the origin of vigyana. The meaning and

implications of each of the 24 words of the Gayatri Mantra encompass all the

knowledge to inspire and guide an aspirant on the noble path to

self-awakening and universal well-being. The sonic structure of each of its

syllables and their collective configuration in this great mantra is unique

and most powerful according to the subtle science of Shabda Brahm.


As experienced and expounded by the great Vedic Rishis and the saints and

demonstrated in the lives of sages and spiritual yogis of the later times as

well, the japa-sadhanas of Gayatri Mantra, if practised as per the

scriptural guidelines, gradually awaken the sublime force of the inner self

and extrasensory potentials hidden in the human body and mind. Every sincere

devotee of Gayatri Sadhana can experience its beatifying effects in terms of

sharpening of discerning intellect, increase in self-confidence and

fearlessness and gradual rise in spiritual virtues. Immediate benefits in

the gross spheres of life are that one gets the light and courage to solve

the problems and complexities of personal and familial life and excels in

the progress of life in the righteous direction resulting in happiness,

peace and self-esteem.


Yagya represents the philosophy of altruistic deeds. The procedure of yagya

is derived from remarkable scientific insight. It enables constructive use

of the power of sound (generated by the chanting of the vedic mantras during

yagya), thermal energy (of the sacred fire of yagya) and expanded energies

and properties of sublimated and subtlized herbs, medicinal woods and

specific healthy natural substances (sacrificed in the yagya-fire). Whatever

is sacrificed in the holy fire of yagya is subtlized, expanded and spread in

all directions. What could be a better example and practical illustration of

an active and altruistic life?


The special inverted pyramid shaped designs of the yagyakunda (fire-pit for

yagya), the process of slow combustion and sublimation inside it, the nature

of herbal preparations used for yagya, the chanting patterns and types of

mantras etc, all are very scientific and are chosen in specific combinations

for specific effects of yagya. The ionic fields created by the electrolytic

decomposition and/or transformation of specific herbs in yagya-fire and the

subtlized particles and compounds of the herbal preparations released in the

fumes/vapors of yagya expand with the sonic waves generated by the chanting

of mantras. This has multiple positive consequences such as soothing and

energizing the minds of people around; vigorous medicinal effects by

inhalation of yagya-fumes/vapors/gases; removal of germs, bacteria, viruses

and toxicity in the surrounding area and purification of the environment.


The gross as well as the subtle energy of mantra and yagya together are said

to have significant effect on Nature's energy fields. Thus, if a yagya for

specific effects is performed strictly as per the scriptural disciplines and

guidelines, it does help in bringing about favorable effects of Nature in

terms of rainfall, good vegetation and agricultural production, enhanced

milk production from milch-cattle, etc in specific areas where this yagya is

performed. Several successful experiments on agnihotra (yagya) have been

reported in recent times in these respects. Therapeutic healing and growth

of vital energy and vigor of those who regularly participate in suitable

yagyas for such effects for prescribed periods of time have been

authentically verified in some scientific laboratories, too.


The power-currents generated by performance of yagya are also said to have

elevating effects on the mental and emotional states of the participants and

on the sublime ambience. This is perhaps the reason why yagya is regarded so

sacred and is performed in every important Hindu - religious ceremony and on

the occasion of religious festivals. It also happens to be an integral part

of each of the sixteen Vedic sacraments performed at significant

transitional stages of life from pre-natal stage till death. The " akhand

agni " lighted at the time of birth as per the Hindu customs is yagya

symbolizing the continuity of life; funeral after death is also performed as

a yagya in which the gross body, the gift of Nature, is sacrificed in the

fire to return it in its basic constituents (the pancha tatvas) - to the

Nature. Yagya is thus the key to the grand vigyana of wellbeing and

auspicious welfare and progress of the gross physical, materialistic and

emotional spheres of life and healthy sustenance of the ecosystem of Nature.



From our highest Good, we need to revive the global approach to gyana and

vigyana in order to revive the divine culture on the earth. The divine

inspirations and powers of Gayatri and Yagya Sadhanas would enable us to

accomplish this and usher into the new bright era of global peace,

prosperity and happiness.




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