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Sri Vijayananda Swami, a Madrasi. started from Madras on pilgrimage to

Manasarovar. He visited Baba at Shirdi en route. Here one Somadevaji, a

swami of Haridwar frightened the Madrasi and made him waver about his

trip by describing the difficulties of the pilgrimage then when

Vijayananda went to Baba. Baba cried out, " Turn this useless Sanyasi

out " .

The man left the Masjid; but watched Sai Baba from the mandap and was

very well impressed with Sai Baba. He was then graciously received by

Baba. Then a letter came to him from Madras that his mother was very ill

and so asked Baba for permission. But Sai saw the future better than the

Madrasi and said: " If you are so fond of your mother, why did you assume

the garb of sanyasi? The ochre colour and 'Mamata' i.e., attachment

cannot go together. Go and sit at your quarters. wait for a few days

courageously. We shall see then about the future. In your wada (i.e.,

building) there are many thieves. Bolt your doors and be on your guard.

they will carry away everything. Wealth, kith and kin etc., are all

transient - attended with fear. Utter renunciation alone leads to bliss.

Begin " Sapthaha " of Bhagavata from tomorrow. Do three of these

" Sapthaha " - devoting body, speech and mind to it; meditate on it, That

will quench all vasanas; all-illusion will end " . Vijayanandaswami

started his Bhagavata Parayana Sapthaha from the next day, right

seriously. after two Sapthahas, i.e., 14 days, he was too much exhausted

and weak and so spent 2 days at his quarters. the third day he breathed

his last on Bade Baba's lap.

In the above incident, Baba's each word is impregnated with universal

spiritual advice to all humanity.

" Turn this useless Sanyasi out " - For those who have family

responsibility and dependant to take care of, sanyasm is unacceptable

and unwarranted.

This is how Sai Baba ensured his Sadgati, foreseeing his end.


(Source Sai Baba Charters and Sayings)









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