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Why Nama Sankirtan Apt path in this yuga? Part-2 By Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji

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Radhe Krishna To all,

Who is clever?

One who does not attempt to find the path to liberation himself, but proceeds

along the path chosen for him by his Guru


Who is ignorant?

One who thinks who knows it all



                      Why Nama Sankirtan Apt path in this yuga?  


Having incarnated on earth if Bhagavan were to be immersed in sorrow like we do,

this too, would not serve the purpose. We, jivas, here on earth are already

drowned in sorrow. We do not need a Bhagavan to add up to this number! How then

should an Avatara be? He should always be in Bliss within but externally behave

as if He, too, were affected deeply by the joys and sorrows of the world. Act

like a human - 'Kapatankiikrita manusha vesham' - Wear the garb of a man and act

like one. Behave like a man. And how should that man be?


When we are in the presence of God or a Mahatma we are seized with fear. Not

merely out of respect or devotion. Being Jnanis they possess 'aparoksha jnana',

'aparoksha drishti'. When we are in His Presence ('sannidana') the Mahatma can

very easily read our thoughts. The very thought of all our wrong deeds hurt us

deeply. Their recollection makes us feel small. We cringe with the thought of,

'How can I be in His Presence having committed such sins.' We have no courage to

face it. Gathering up courage when we do somehow manage to go to their Presence

what do the Mahan¢s do? They pour their grace on us! They do not 'see' our

faults ('dosha'). But even if they 'refuse' to see our 'dosha' it is only due to

the greatness of their very Presence that we are able to stand before them. But

for this we would hesitate to go to them.


But the pronouncement of Ram avatar is - " A man hesitates to go to the Presence

of God due to his flaws. But this sort of a situation should not arise. When we

go to either God's or a Mahan's Presence, the God or the Mahan should tremble on

seeing us! They should be amazed at us, " What a Truthful man ('Satyasanda') he

is! What a righteous ('dharmatma') man he is! " God and the Guru should tremble

on seeing us/our virtues! A man should hold himself in such a position as to

create awe in God and the Guru. This is the essence of Ramayana.


Rama was one such 'Satyasanda' and 'dharmatma'. Out of devotion for Rama and

with the desire to become one like Him, if we read Ramayana, appreciating all

His virtues and exert even a little effort towards this we will, without doubt,

become a Mahatma. On the other hand if we feel, " Rama's virtues are too great to

be adhered to but I will surrender to Him " , even this would suffice. Either try

to possess His qualities or out of devotion surrender to Him. If you question,

" Is it enough if I do not try to assimilate Rama's qualities but just surrender

to Him? " Well! The answer is simple. " Surrender to him. You will become one like

Him. He will transform you!' Ram avatar has been so great.


!!! Will Continue !!!


Let¢s Chant  

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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