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Chidananda Sandesh

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* This mundane life is full of miseries. Pain is a blessing in

disguise. Pain turns your mind towards God, in Whom alone there is

lasting happiness and peace.


* This body is the product of Prarabdha. It is an ever changing

unreliable vehicle which we have assumed to enter into this earth

life. You are the glorious Self or the Atman that shines radiant and

ever abides in its changeless shape of peace, bliss and fullness. For,

it is the Divine Spark, a ray of radiance emanating from the Supreme

Lord SRI HARI Who is its Source, Support and Ultimate Destination.

Body is not your true Self. It is the vehicle and a vexing bondage

too; but it is a blessing inasmuch as we are enabled to worship the

Lord, take His Name and meditate upon His wondrous Divine Being with

the help of t his body. But, even independent of it you were abide in

your primal, shining state of pure Atmic being. You are Nitya,

Nirmala, Sasvata, Amara Satchidananda Svarupa.


* Never worry. Never hurry. Keep your mind free from anxieties. Be

happy and in a cheerful mood always. Smile at everyone.


* The Lord is everywhere. Feel His presence everywhere. His eyes

behold everything. His hands protect all. Trust in Him. Take refuge in

His sweet Name. You need not despair. You need not be afraid of anything.


* Ups and downs, troubles and tribulations are common in the world.



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