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How You Can Talk With God

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Cosmic Vibration " Speaks " All Languages


But saints hear Him. Whenever a certain master I knew would pray,

God's answering voice would seem to come from the sky. God doesn't

need a throat in order to speak. If you pray strongly enough, those

prayer vibrations bring a vibratory response immediately. It manifests

in whatever language you are accustomed to hearing. If you are praying

in German you hear the reply in German. If you talk in English you

hear the answer in English.


The vibrations of different languages originate in the cosmic

vibration. God, being the cosmic vibration, knows all languages. What

is language? It is a certain vibration. What is vibration? It is a

certain energy. And what is energy? It is a certain thought.


Though God hears all our prayers He does not always respond. Our

situation is like that of a child who calls for his mother, but the

mother does not think it necessary to come. She sends him a plaything

to keep him quiet. But when the child refuses to be comforted by

anything except the mother's presence, she comes. If you want to know

God, you must be like the naughty baby who cries till the mother comes.


If you make up your mind never to stop crying for Her, Divine Mother

will talk with you. No matter how busy She is with Her housework of

creation, if you persist in your cries, She is bound to speak. The

Hindu scriptures till us that if for one night and one day, without a

moment's interruption, a devotee talks to God with intense devotion,

He will respond. But how few will do it! Every day you have " important

engagements " -- the " devil " that keeps you away from God. The Lord

will not come if you just say a little prayer and then start thinking

of something else; of if you pray like this: " Heavenly Father, I am

calling to You, but I am awfully sleepy. Amen. " St. Paul said, " Pray

without ceasing. " (I Thessalonians 5:17).


Patient Job held long conversations with God. Job said to Him: " Hear I

beseech Thee, and I will speak. I will demand of Thee; and declare

Thou unto me. I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear; but now

mine eye seeth Thee. " (Job 42:4-5).


When a lover protests his devotion mechanically, his beloved knows

that his words are not sincere; she is " hearing " what is really in his

heart. Similarly, when God's devotees pray to Him He knows whether

their hearts and minds are dry of devotion and whether their thoughts

are dashing wildly everywhere; He does not respond to halfhearted

calls. But to those devotees who day and night with utmost intensity

pray and talk to Him, He does appear. To such devotees He comes

without fail.



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