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Posted by: " daipayan choudhury " dwaipayan3086


Once upon a time a dog lost his way in a forest. He saw a tiger coming

towards him. He was breathless with fear and was thinking that today I am gone,

I am sure to be dead. Then he thought for a while, and suddenly he saw some dry

bones lying down on the way. Immediately he turned backside and started licking

the bones and telling louder, " WOW! This tiger is simply delicious, if I get one

more it will be a big treat with full supper! " and he belched loudly. This time

the tiger came under the dog's trap. The tiger thought for a moment, " Oh! This

dog hunts tigers!!! Better to escape and save my life! " and the tiger

disappeared from there.


Sitting on the branch of a tree, a monkey had seen the whole episode. He

thought, " This is a very good opportunity! Why not to grab this? I can reveal the

truth of this dog to the tiger and can make friendship with him forever and thus

need not fear for my life. " Immediately he rushed behind the tiger. The dog saw

the monkey rushing towards the tiger and realized his cunning attitude. There

the monkey revealed all the truth to the tiger that how the dog had actually

fooled him. The tiger roared loudly and furiously rushed towards the dog taking

the monkey on his back. The dog being aware of the entire story, again started

acting by turning himself back from the coming tiger and said louder " Oh ! Where

is this monkey? Already one hour is gone.

I had sent him to get the tiger and still he has not turned up with the tiger " .

Hearing this, the tiger was really annoyed and he jumped furiously on the monkey

and made him his prey. Thus due to the wicked attitude of the monkey, he lost

his own life and the dog very cleverly saved his life.


The above story indicates us that we should never think anything

inauspicious for any living entity because of our selfish nature. In Srimad

Bhagavatam we find that Dhruva was insulted by his stepmother Suruci, when he

wanted to sit on the lap of his father king Uttanapada. At that time, he came

running to his mother Queen Suniti, crying very grievously. At that time, Queen

Suniti immediately lifted her son Dhruva on to her lap, while the palace

residents who had all heard the harsh words of Suruci related everything in

detail and she became greatly aggrieved. Any person in that situation would have

thought of taking revenge for the insult whereas Mother Suniti being a vedic

mother speaks the following very instructive words to

her son:


*SB 4.8.17*

*dirgham shvasanti vrjinasya paaram

apashyati baalakam aaha baalaa

maamangalam taata pareshu mamsthaa

bhunkte jano yat para-duhkhadas tat



" *She also was breathing very heavily, and she did not know the factual remedy

for the painful situation. Not finding any remedy, she said to her son: My dear

son, don't wish for anything inauspicious for others. Anyone who inflicts pains

upon others suffers himself from that pain.* "


Because of his selfish attitude and envious nature, the monkey wanted to inflict

difficulty for the dog and at the end the monkey was killed. When Dhruva was

insulted by his step mother, he comes running to his real other and his mother

nicely advises him not to have any ill feeling towards his step mother and not

to inflict pain upon others because anyone who does that has to suffer himself

from that pain. We also find later in the story that because Dhruva accepted and

followed the words of Suruci regarding the worship of the Supreme Lord, it

proved to be a benediction for Dhruva maharaj and he became a very wonderful

devotee and could see the Lord face to face. We also find that Suruci lost her

son in an unfortunate manner as a reaction to her inflicting pain upon Dhruva

Maharaj and his mother.

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