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secret doctrine 11 th link

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http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4350122991017015348 & hl=en



secret doctrine -11 th link






A clean life, an open mind,

A pure heart, an eager intellect,

An unveiled spiritual perception,

A brotherliness for ones co-disciple,

A readiness to give and receive advice and instruction,

A loyal sense of duty to the Teacher,

A willing obedience to the behests of TRUTH,

A courageous endurance of personal injustice,

A brave declaration of principles,

A valiant defence of those who are unjustly attacked,

And a constant eye to the ideal of human progression

And perfection which the secret science depicts.



These are the golden stairs

Up the steps of which the learner may climb

To the Temple of Divine Wisdom


With the Blessings of Master M.R.L.RAO GARU and his teachings, this is

a grand opportunity for all of us to enlighten ourselves and others

with the divine wisdom.



Secret Doctrine is explained by Master garu in depths and hope every

one will benefit with his divine knowledge and wisdom.






will be sending the continuation links as soon as i upload to youtube

as well as google videos










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