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Thought power

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In Chapter you have been asked to see the sunny side of things.How can you do

that ? Simply by projecting positive thoughts all around you


Here we give some techniques to increase your thought power and invite noble

thoughts from all sides


Do the following exercise as far as possible at a fixed time every day.Though

early morning is preferable,it’s not the rule.


     Sit comfortably.It’s better if you sit on a mat on the floor. You can

sit in a chair if you can’t sit on the floor.


Close your eyes, take deep breath for 5times, relax.Observe your thoughts .Just

follow them. Don’t worry if they arenot to your taste. Allow them. But don’t

continue the thoughts on your own.Simply watch them.Follow them.Don’t get

disgusted or horrified.When you clean the house,dust rises. Relax,open your

eyes. Again deep breaths and observation of your thoughts.


Now try to focus your thoughts on any  scene you like  such as

sunrise,ocean,mountain tops etc. Or the face of your Lord or Guru. You can take

the help of a photo to do this.


This exercise gives strength  to your mental mechanism which is responsible 

for thought creation .Never concentrare on any negative thought flow in the

second phase.Remember – observation of  your thoughts is different from

focusing your thoughts.Observe the negative thoughts that come to mind. But

don’t focus on them


Your thoughts are powerful dynamites. When you use them in the negativeway, it

will be you who suffer the most


Allow only noble thoughts to enter the realm of your mind. Try to be in the

company of good people only. Listen to soft music.Read good books.Create an

enjoyable and peaceful environment around you.


      Thought power works on  two levels . One is to expand or increase 

your thinking power.The other is to make your dreams come true.


The first one is connected with absorption of knowledge,finding a solution to a

problem etc.How many times haven’t you said, ‘’ Oh, I never thought in

that angle,’’ Why didn’t you think of  that before ? Because your mind is

not trained to do so .Mind gets habitituated to do things in a particular way.

Unless you put an effort, it doesn’t  change it.So you haven’t taught your

mind to think in a different way. And hence it doesn’t think .The exercise

given in the appendix help your mind to think  in different ways.


     Everyone  dreams. But few turns their dreams into realities.Because

their dreams are not supported by  their thoughts .Why do you say ‘ it

won’t happen’? Say ‘It will happen.’ Will it strongly.Think about it

every day.Work out the details.And believe that it happens .And it does happen.


It  was Srikanth’s dream to fly toAmerica for higher studies. He was my

classmate at high school.He was a brilliant student . Even from those days he

used to speak about his America dream. He came from a lower middle class family.

His father was a tailor.His  father wanted him to finish his degree and get 

some decent  job . But he would  say , ‘’ I will go to America and study

engineering there.’’ He used to collect pages from journals like  Time and

Span that had some photos from US,and would use them as wrappers  for his text

books and notebooks.Hecovered  the wall beside his bed with a poster of New

york city .We used  to laugh at him and his America madness.Our nick name  for

him was the NRI student .’ After Intermediate he had to discontinue his

studies and join in a job.But after two years he quite the Job, and went to US

with the help of some friends. Now he is professor at one of the prestigious

universities there.


See,nothing is impossible when you will it.Only thing is you have to put in the

required effort.


   Now another exercise.Do thisdaily to send your thoughts in all directions

and receive helping thoughts from all around.


Sit comfortably  at a fixed place at fixed  time every day.Take some deep 

breaths,close your eyes.Think as if  a big circle  is drawn around you.


Think about your parents.Now think  as if  the circle around you has become

bigger to envelope them also.


Think about your brothers and sisters,husband or wife,children, and other

relatives.Let the circle grow bigger to cover them also. Now include your

friends in the circle. Then it’s  the turn of your colleagues at work and

other acquaintances forgetting included. Include the strangers whome you have

met on the street also.Allow the circle  to grow bigger and bigger every day.



Read a great  saying everday.


Write it in a note book as the ‘Quote of the day’


Read a few lines from a scripture before you go to bed


‘ ‘ All that we are is the result of what we have thought.What we think we

become.’ ‘


n      the Buddha


COURTESY  - Dr.I.Srinivas









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