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padmanabho ravindaksah padmagarbhah sarirabhrt

maharddhirirddho vrddhatma mahakso garudadhvajah


Padmanabhah One who has the lotus in his navel

Aravindaksah One who has his eyes resembling the petals of a lotus

Padmagarbhah One who has the lotus as his birth place.

Sarirabhrt One who maintain the body

Mahardhih the Lord of infinite development

Rrddah the developed one

Vrddhatama the developed soul

Mahaksah One whohas the grand eye

Garudadhwajah One who has Garuda as his banner




1. His navel unfolds as the lotus at the dawn of every creation. This is a

symbolic representation of the link between nature as mother and the Lord as the

child with the unfolding consciousness which states its career as Brahma, the

creator. In the beginning, every one will have his birh with the connection

between the mother and the child which we call the umbilicus. For the human

beings, the navel represents Manipuraka Chakra (the solar plexus) which

functions as the brain of emotions.From the stage of emotions, the child is to

develop through the intellect and soul s the spirit himself. All this is

embedded in the folds of the navel which were formed, while the child is yet to

be born. Similarly the grand space begins to function as the aggregates of many

folds of consciousness which lay as the various layers even before the birth of

Brahma, the creator.

2. The comparision of the Lords eyes with the petals of a lotus symbolizes the

heliotropic nature of the whole creator.

3. Just as the space embedded in the bud of a lotus is originally the space

unbound which was there before the birth of the lotus, so also Brahma the

creator is the Lord Himself who makes his first manifestation as the finite one,

Brahma. Thus the Lord Him-self takes His first manifestation as His own son

Brahma .That is why the Lord is described as the son of the lotus.The infinite

background itself begins to manifest as the first unfolding principle of

creation on his own back ground.

4. The body of an individual is situated by the supply of prana. This is done by

the awakening of the individual consciousness in the heart. This is done only by

the Lord consciousness who is the soul.Hence the whole constituation has its

existence due to the passive will of the Lord Himself. Thus the Lord Himself is

the one who sustains the body.

5. All the development of the body ,mind, and intellect constitute the pervasion

of the Lord on the Background of Himself. Hence what we call development is

nothing but the manifestation of the already existing one into the various

layers of unfoldment.

6. The soul of any individual when fully developed is nothing but the god-

consciousness fully realized. Hence the Lord is the witness of all the

development. Within, He is the one who has the development. Outside, he is the

Lord of development  itself and has the totality of development as part of

himself .Thus he is the object and the subject and the background of the whole


7. Each solar system is seen and supervised by the consciousness that pervades

through the sun globe.Hence the sun is the one grand eye of the wholecreation.

This necessitates the development of the sense of sight in the individual that

is being produced on the various planets of the solar system.

8. The consciousness of an individual starts as the coiled serpent(the bed of

the Lord) at the bottom of the whole material creation (Mooladhara). It has its

culmination in the unfoldment of the grand bird of existence with its wings as

our lungs and the fluttering as our respiration. It carries the Lord

consciousness on its back. That means it carries Him in our heart, the seat of

Love. Hence the spinal column is the rod of the banner of the Lord.Since the

nose,with the two nostrils draws in breath, Garuda is pictured with his

priminent nose. Since the brow centre includes the control of respiration it

marks the bird emblem of the banner.The mind with the Lord Consciousness is

denoted by a Garuda, while the mind with man consciousness is denoted by a

monkey.Hence the symbolism of Mahbharata conveys that the chariot of Nara has a

monkey banner, while the chariot Krishna, the Narayana has the Garuda banner .

Of course, the chariot is but a symbol of human vehicle. It marks the orgine and

the culmination of the splendour of his creation whether cosmic or individual.




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