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The Amazing Potentials of Human Mind

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Prof. Delgado of France had speculated that as the flow of blood in the

arteries could be controlled by specific treatment of the heart, it should

also be possible to vary the orientation of mental tendencies by operating

certain regions and locations of the brain. He believed that such a method,

if devised, would be useful in inducing ethical values in place of wild play

of passions. Although his hypothesis has yet to be tested, the neurologists

of the 20th century have succeeded in finding the location of memory centers

in human brain. Dr. W. G. Penfield of Canada has also developed special

electrodes, which, while connected with specific neuronal regions of a

person help awakening his remote memory – including that of the earlier

lives. This activation retrieves the memory of distant past so effectively

as if the subject were experiencing the sequence of corresponding events in

the present moment. This type of experimental research has guided advanced

investigations on the human brain.


According to noted neuro-chemist Dr. Cameron, the nucleic acid of the

neurons governs the neuro-electrical momentum. The stimulation regulated by

this acid activates neuro-hormonal secretions of the important hormones like

encephaline, endorphins, cystinine, and gaba. Electrical stimulation

regulated by the synaptic activity helps in controlling several kinds of

mental disorders. Scientists believe that deeper understanding of the

reticular formations that connect the spinal chord to the brain would some

day help in creating artificial emotions. This could offer effective

remedies against psychological disorders including those of split or dual

personality. The experiments conducted by Dr. Hedger Hoyden in Sweden on

some animals have shown that variation in the concentration of neural RNA

affects the clinical consciousness and some mental activities.


During the first half of the 20th century, biologist, Dr. James Oldschue,

had successfully shown the change in natural mental characteristics of some

mice by brain stimulation techniques. After stimulation, the mice were found

playing fearlessly on the back of a cat. Dr. D. Albert had also demonstrated

significant difference between the behaviors of the mice that underwent

brain-stimulation and those from the same biological family and age group,

who did not. Dr. Robert Thompson had shown that the activities of

cockroaches could be controlled via radio-signals. According to him, human

mind could also be controlled externally by some ‘powerful’ (though yet

unknown) radio waves.


It may be noted that the mental functions that are controlled by external

signals or drug-injections pertain to behavioral responses only. The deeper

sentiments or subliminal impulses of inner mind that constitute what was

deeply understood and experimented under the ancient science of spirituality

have not yet become the focus of neuroscience. The scientific study of the

more subtle aspects of mind in the modern times still lies in the field of

Metaphysics. Research on the metaphysical character of human mind

encompasses deep psychology and parapsychology.


Modern psychologists classify the manifestations of the supernatural

potentials of human mind in four categories: (i) Clairvoyance – clear vision

of hidden objects or things and events lying far beyond the perceivable

limits of our sense organs; (ii) Precognition – knowledge of the future;

(iii) Retrocognition – knowledge of the past; (iv) Telepathy – distant

communication through mental signals. All could be possible without any

external help or device.


This classification is further expanded into eleven subgroups reflecting

extrasensory experiences – without any medium or source of information,

beyond the barriers of time and space: – (i) firsthand knowledge of the

events taking place at remote places; (ii) reading others’ mind without

having any interaction, not even an acquaintance with them; (iii)

premonition of future events well in advance; (iv) communication with the

souls or subtle bodies of the dead or receiving timely guidance and help

from them; (v) live memory of previous births; (vi) sudden outburst of

knowledge, talents, or behavior in a person that does not correspond to his

personality or mental training so far; (vii) arousal of exceptional powers

in the body that could affect the surroundings, too; (viii) outburst of

extraordinary courage that enables adventurous accomplishments; (ix)

knowledge of the subtle worlds; (x) curses and boons uttered vocally that

come true in due course of time; (xi) transmogrification of the souls,

transfer of one’s subtle self into other living body, and co-existence of

two souls in one body.


Many live examples of these supernatural experiences have been reported in

the related proceedings of professional seminars and other publications

since the mid-nineteenth century. The following are among the historical

examples of this kind.


Once upon a time Edgar Keisei, an inhabitant of a village near Kentucky

(USA) was suffering from severe rheumatic pain and spasm. No doctor could

diagnose the disease because of lack of knowledge about it during those

days. While some doctors were observing this patient, they found that

clinically unconscious Edgar was suddenly awake. He also started uttering

the name and details of the disease and the names of some medicines,

ointments, etc in fluent Latin. Being in that exceptional trance-like state,

he also suggested the methods of preparation of these medicines and the

availability of the constituents. Well, those preparations were attempted on



To everyone’s surprise Edgar’s condition improved and he was cured by these

‘strange’ medicines within a week. Most amazing part of this incident was

that this villager did not know a single world of Latin! How could he then

speak so well in this classical language in his exceptional state of

comatose? This activation of the hidden layers of the unconscious had also

resulted in arousal of some extrasensory powers, which enabled him to

diagnose and cure dreaded diseases and ailments of people from different

parts of the world.


Dr. Eirigo of Brazil is also known to have been endowed with some marvelous

spiritual healing gifts in treatment of patients. Inscriptions on rocks

found in Egypt also depict ‘doctors’ with one hand kept on the patient’s

stomach and the other on his back. Egyptian scriptures also make mention of

psychic healing. It is also known about Saint Patrick that he had blessed

vision upon a blind man just by touching the latter’s eyes with his palms.

Saint Bernard is said to have miraculously cured ten blind persons and a

dozen physically handicapped persons in a single day with the application of

his elevated spiritual power. A London based gardener named Lambert was

reported to have had such extrasensory powers in the seventeenth century. A

nineteenth century Sicilian watchman named Keritcher is also known among

blessed spiritual healers.


Although it sounds amazing but it is true that the source of supernormal

potentials of the above kinds lies dormant within each of us because of our

ignorance and extrovert engrossment.


Ancient sages and eminent spiritual scientists of India seemed to have had

perfected the art and technique of arousing the hidden powers of the inner

realms of the mind, soul and spirit. They used their spiritual endowments in

elimination of the ailments of the flesh as well as for improvement of the

physical and mental health of people across the globe. Other creatures on

the earth were also blessed by their compassion. Inducing spiritual

transmutation, positive thinking and youthful longevity in any one was as

easy for these rishis of yore as writing a prescription is for the doctors

of today. The philosophy and science of spirituality and yoga, devised by

them, led to the descent of a divine era in the Vedic Age.


The devoted seekers of true knowledge have been coming to India since

thousands of years to get some pearls of the limitless treasure of ancient

Indian wisdom and to get an opportunity to meet the enlightened yogis and

adepts in the Himalayas. It is ironical that most of the modern day Indians

either scorn their ancient culture without caring to know its roots (and the

original form) or they blindly accept anything, any trick of magical games,

or any superstition in the name of yoga and spirituality. In this age of

explosion of information and advertisement in some areas of human life and

utter confusion, controversies and ignorance in some others – including

those of importance to global survival and growth, it has become all the

more necessary to set an open-minded, enlightened and balanced approach to

this matter of utmost import.


It is now the responsibility of the scientifically enlightened researchers –

who also feel concerned about the ailing state of the world today, to

accelerate the pace of deep and unbiased investigation into the ancient

sciences and find feasible and effective means of ensuring vibrant physical,

psychological and spiritual well being of humanity.




1. Self education in the light of the inspiring thoughts of great

personalities and natural conditioning of the mind in the company of morally

elevated people, whose characters and deeds could guide us on the path of

soul-growth and motivate us towards creative use of our talents.



There was a devotee of Shri Hanuman. Once upon a time he was driving a

bullock cart. Suddenly the cart got stuck in a marshy land. He stood over

there and started chanting Hanuman Chalisa and prayed for the bullock cart

to come out. A scholar was passing by. He said that due to non-recognition

of the sanjivani herb Sri Hanuman brought the Mountain itself. At least you

should try a little pulling out your cart. The man gave a little push,

exhorted the bullocks and they were successful in pulling the cart out of

the marsh.


Even the mightiest of gods do not respond to mere verbal prayers unless man

does what lies in his power to do.



Source: www.awgp.org

Author : Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya



Thank you


Have a Fulfilling Day


Venkat Koppaka




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