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Final Part - Talks of Ramana Maharshi

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“Grace is always there, but practice is necessary.” -- Talks 220


“There is no entity by the name mind. Because of the emergence of thoughts

we surmise a thing from which they start. That we term mind. When we probe

to see what it is, there is nothing like it. Buddhi or intellect is the

thinking or discriminating faculty. But these are mere names. Ego, mind and

intellect are all the same. Whose mind? Whose intellect? The ego’s. Is the

ego real? No. We confound the ego and call it intellect or mind.” -- Talks



“To realise the Self effort is necessary. Just as water is got by boring

wells, so also you realise the Self by investigation.” -- Talks 240


“Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other

thoughts; distraction of mind is a sign of its weakness. By constant

meditation it gains strength, i.e., weakness of fugitive thoughts gives

place to the enduring background free from thoughts. This expanse devoid of

thoughts is the Self. Mind in purity is the Self.” -- Talks 293


“The Bible says, ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ Stillness is the sole

requisite for the realisation of the Self as God. The whole Vedanta is

contained in the two Biblical statements: ‘I AM THAT I AM’, and ‘BE STILL

AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD’.” -- Talks 338


“Deep sleep is nothing but the experience of pure being.” -- Talks 617


“A child and a Jnani are similar in a way. The interest of the child in

things ends with the things. These leave no impressions in the child’s mind.

The same is the case with the Jnani.” -- Talks 9


Note: Desires are the cause of all our trouble. We look around this

magnificent world of diversity and desire the things which impress us most,

and so do our best to obtain them.We sacrifice a lot and suffer any amount

of inconvenience for the sake of the desired object till we get it. Yet our

trouble does not end with this acquisition, for new aims and objects rise

before us and lure us into new desires and what we call new needs, for which

we have again to exert and again to suffer; and so on and on endlessly. Thus

we remain bound hand and foot to the world without rest and without

satisfaction. But the Jnani, having cultivated and achieved desirelessness,

has not the least interest in the world around him, so that his perceptions

do not leave any impression on his mind. Even if he evinces an interest in

an object it is only one of curiosity, much like that of a child in its

surroundings, which passes away the moment it turns its back on them.


“A Self-realised being cannot help benefiting the world His very existence

is the highest good.” -- Talks 210


Note: This should satisfy those who criticise the Jnani as a useless

ascetic, should they be fortunate enough to read it.The wisdom that flows

from his lips and the purity of his life and conduct stand as shining ideals

for humanity to emulate, or aspire for, which no amount of preaching

Socialism,Communism and philanthropy can do. What has all this preaching

created except more antagonism, more divisions,more jealousy, and thus more

hatred in the world. If these preachers really mean well and are sincere,

they should turn into true ascetics and become Saints themselves and see the

difference between their old preaching and the good they can do with their

holiness and purity by their mere presence. If they cannot do that, they

should mind their own business, and try to bring peace and good to

themselves before they can stand before the world and boast of doing good to






Om namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya

Prasanth Jalasutram




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