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Pujya Ramsukhdasji Maharaj

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Man is Entirely Independent in Being Happy or Sad


There is an important point to think about and that is - Sins and

virtues are not wiped out from happiness and sorrow, but from receiving

favorable and unfavorable situations. Happiness and Sorrow are due to ignorance

(stupidity), they are not the fruits of sins and virtues. But the longing due to

separation from Bhagavan (God), is the fruit of Love. On having a relationship

with Bhagavan, how can ignorance remain ! Ignorance cannot remain in either

knowledge or in Love. Man is only happy and unhappy as long as he is unware of

his true Self, his real nature (Swaroop) or if he has not developed Love for



It is not a big deal to wipe out sins and virtues. Sins and virtues of

every single person are continuing to get destroyed; because favorable

and unfavorable situation arise in front of every single creature. In

heaven, continuously virtues are being wiped out; and in hell

uninterruptedly sins are being wiped out. Sins and virtues are within

the realm of nature born " gunas " (prakritijanya, modes of nature). Both sins and

virtues are of the same " jaati " class (category) i.e. both lead to bondage, both

are are inauspicious, impure, arise and are later destroyed.


On the other hand the union and separation that takes place due to

relationship with Bhagavaan is extremely divine, blissful,

transcendental, eternal and awakens Love. Relationship with Bhagavaan

not only destroys sins and virtues, rather it destroys the cause of sins and

virtues that is ignorance (in other words, relationship with gunas or modes of

nature). Therefore sins and virtues are in a separate department from union and



On attaining enlightenment, the enlightened one is not free from

situations, rather he is free from happiness and sorrow. Favorable and

unfavorable situations come and go according to what is destined to come to even

a man of wisdom, but he remains unaffected by these situations, rather he does

not become happy or unhappy; because he is free of modes of nature (gunaateeth)

- " samdukh - sukhahswasthah " (Gita 14/24).


If favorable and unfavorable situations were the ones to give happiness and

sorrow, i.e. if happiness and sorrow were the fruits of sins and virtues, then

man could never become free from happiness and sorrow - " dwandvairvimuktaah

sukhadukhsanjaih " (Gita 15/5).


Prahladji, Mirabai etc. were faced with so many unfavorable situations, then too

they never became unhappy. In being free of situations, a man is not

independent. However he is entirely independent in not delighting in enjoyments,

i.e. not becoming happy and sad. Being a part (ansh) of Paramatma, he is

naturally free of all modifications (nirvikaar).

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