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labdhv & #257; sudurlabhamida & #7745; bahusambhav & #257;nte

m & #257;nu & #7779;yamarthadamanityamap & #299;ha dh & #299;ra & #7717; |

t & #363;r & #7751;a & #7745; yateta na patedanum & #7771;tyu y & #257;van

ni & #7717; & #347;reyas & #257;ya vi & #7779;aya & #7717; khalu sarvata & #7717; sy & #257;t


& #346;r & #299;mad Bh & #257;gavatam 11.9.29



After many births, this rare human body is obtained which although itself

transient is conducive to attain the supreme welfare in human life. A wise,

therefore, should without losing time endeavour for the supreme felicity before

the body, which is constantly followed

by death, falls; for sense enjoyments are available all around.


Points for Introspection:

Human life is very rare because only after many births one is blessed to get a

human body. The human life is very different from than that of all other living

beings. For all other living beings, the life consists of eating, sleeping,

reproducing and enjoying the sensual pleasures alone. But a human body is not

meant only for that. It has a supreme purpose in life, that is to realize the

Self, God or Brahman. Although this body itself is impermanent, through this

body alone the supreme purpose is fulfilled.


Unlike other living beings, besides the senses, human beings are blessed with

mind and intelligence and possess thinking and discriminating powers. Using the

mind and intelligence, man should understand, the futility and perishable nature

of this life; that the highest purpose of life is to strive for the realization

of the Self which bestows supreme felicity opening the door to liberation.


We do not know when the body will fall, but fall it will. So, we should not

delay in taking the pursuit to realize the Self. Without wasting time, till the

body falls, one must keep on striving for nishreyasah – the supreme good in

human life. Then alone human birth is fulfilled. One who follows this path is


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